Chapter 21
23. Thief
Finally, taking advantage of the laxness of the Iron Cannon Pirates, Nami acted quickly.Jumping and running quickly, avoiding detection, turning around and hiding behind the bunker again, evading detection once again.

So Nami entered the treasure room without being discovered.

"Wow... a lot of gold." Suddenly, Nami's eyes turned into the shape of money.

Indeed, this is indeed a lot.

But you must know that the original captain of this ship has entered the Great Channel with a bounty of 8000 million Baileys.

No matter how in Ke Luok's eyes, he has no strength and it is not so easy to deal with, especially in the East China Sea where the average pirate bounty is only 3000 million Baileys.

This shows that the pirate ships that Nami stole before are completely inferior to the Iron Cannon pirate ships.

Of course, the treasures they have are not at all comparable to those owned by the Iron Cannon Pirates.

In addition, Nami's success is also a bit of a fluke.

Nami caught up with the pirates in a divisive situation.Kevin's prestige overwhelmed the former deputy captain, but the former deputy captain did not give up so easily.As a result, the entire ship was caught in a power grab.The whole ship, in the absence of a captain, was roughly divided into two gangs.

I saw Nami took out a few bags and started frantically filling them with treasures.

Not only that, Nami screamed in a low voice while pretending to be the treasure, "A lot of gold... a lot of gold... ah..." It seems that there is too much gold, which makes Nami lose her mind
How could a thief do such a stupid thing.

And really, to kill it, you have to make it crazy.

This is bound to get noticed.

"Did you hear something?" said one of the two patrolling crew members on deck to the other.

"Well, there is indeed... It seems to be a treasure room." The remaining person responded in shock.

"Ah... hurry... catch the thief!" The two shouted as soon as they regained their composure.

"Ah... thief, where is the thief?" The person who heard the voice rushed over asked.

"Quick, quick...the thief is in the treasure room." The two replied.


How could Nami not hear such a loud voice.

So Nami hurriedly fixed the bag containing the treasure.

"Hey... I'm so happy!" Nami said complaining to herself.

But saying so, Nami chose her hiding place.

A room that stood out from the crowd, it had a name, the Captain's Lounge, Korok's Lounge.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, Nami hid in the room where Korok was resting, but it seemed like everything was destined.

After closing the door, Nami hid the treasure and hid herself.

At this time, the crew outside also entered the treasure room.

"What about people?"

"Quick, it must be hiding."

"Quick, search..."

The doors of each room were opened, and the doors of another room were closed, and Nami's heart was in her throat.

However, as the sound got closer, the sound suddenly disappeared.

If Nami was outside at this time, she would know that everyone is standing outside the captain's lounge.

But they didn't go in!

There was a moment of silence...

Two voices said at the same time: "The thief has left, go!"

One of these two voices is the former deputy captain, and the other is Kevin.

They knew the thief was inside, but they didn't dare to go in, so they decided to save the country and leave first.


(End of this chapter)

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