One Piece's Enhanced Fruit

Chapter 23 26. Kensuke

Chapter 23 26. Kensuke
26. Kensuke
After Nami left, Korok walked into the restaurant just now when he saw this.

But it turned out that those people were intimidated by the fact that Korok was the captain of the pirates.For a while, only Ke Luke walked in alone.

So Korok, who walked in, suddenly found himself sitting alone in the seat.

Korok felt that drinking like this was really tasteless.

So I went out and said: "Everyone, don't be afraid, I am a pirate, but I will not harm ordinary people like the Dragon Pirates. I am a person who loves justice. I drink here and you treat me as a Ordinary people will do.

What's more, didn't I just give Nami something?Don't be afraid, everyone, just drink with peace of mind! "

"Yes, there are good people among pirates."

"Yes, he helped Nami just now."

"Yes, yes!"

"Well... that makes sense."

Everyone heard Ke Luke's explanation, too. Didn't they have a good drink with Ke Luke just now?

In this way, everyone walked into the restaurant.

Although everyone is still somewhat restrained, at least everyone is no longer afraid of Korok.

"Come on, drink! It's cool to drink a glass of wine here after a day!"

“The wine here is still so good!”

"Come on, let's do it!"


Kerlock felt very relieved to see these people drinking happily.These people are regarded as the bottom of the society in the world of One Piece, and they usually like to come here for a drink or two.If Korok was deprived of even this power, he would really have a bad conscience.

While everyone was chatting about wine happily, a man walked up to Korok.

Korok, who is familiar with One Piece anime, knows that this is Kensuke, the village policeman of Cocosia Village.

Korok pretended not to see him, and buried himself in his drink.

Sure enough, Kensuke spoke first: "Thank you for letting Nami go!" After finishing speaking, he bowed to Korok to thank him.

Korok pretended to be surprised and looked at the man covered in scars all over his body.Some people have said that those scars are a symbol of manliness.Yes, Korok thinks so too.

So Korok respected him very much and said: "It's nothing, it's just a matter of little effort."

"Thank you very much!" It was obvious that Kensuke was very grateful to Kerlock.This may come from Kensuke's love for Nami.

"Haha, you're too polite, come... have a drink!" As he said that, Korok threw a bottle of wine to Kensuke.

Kerlock really couldn't see such a man expressing his sincere thanks.

Gulu Gulu, a bottle of wine entered Kensuke's stomach.

"It's so refreshing, I've made you my friend." Kerlock said to Kensuke.

"Haha, refreshing!" Kensuke also had a bold personality. "Another bottle!"

With that said, Korok had another drink with Kensuke.But Kensuke did not agree to become friends with Kerlock.

It seems that ordinary people really can't avoid pirates.

So Korok didn't bring up this question again, and just drank and chatted with Kensuke.

The two chatted fairly happily.


At this time, on the other side, Nami carried such a large bag of treasures and headed for her home - the orange orchard.

But Nami will definitely not be able to escape the eyeliner of the Dragon Pirates.

So before Nami arrived at her home, the members of the Dragon Pirates had already conveyed the news to the dragon.

At this time, the evil dragon on the top floor of the evil dragon domain was lost in thought after receiving the news.

Soon the evil dragon broke the silence and said, "Go and inform the navy!"

"Yes!" a murloc replied after receiving the order.

After speaking, the top floor fell into silence again.

Nami is still full of joy now, thinking that the Cocosia village will be redeemed soon, and has no idea that a scam is coming.


(End of this chapter)

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