One Piece's Enhanced Fruit

Chapter 29 32. The Weak Dragon

Chapter 29 32. The Weak Dragon

32. The Weak Dragon

Korok and his group walked towards the base of the Dragon Pirates - Dragon Domain.

The evil dragon knew that Ke Luoke and the others were coming, so they had no fear at all, and they brought the members of the evil dragon pirates and waited for Ke Luoke and them in front of the evil dragon domain.

Dragons have their own pride.

From time to time, the two sides finally met.

The evil dragon stood in front of the team, and beside him were Tomoyuki Morikawa and Chiu.The evil dragon's face was sullen, full of evil spirits, and it was very imposing.

But what about Kirk?Everyone in the original Iron Cannon Pirates looked down on this weak Eastern pirate in the East China Sea.

Facing the wicked dragon pirates, these pirates felt insulted. Such a weak opponent dared to look like they were going to be determined by themselves, which made people want to step forward and tear these hateful murlocs apart.But Korok did not give an order, and they were not easy to act.

As for Nami, seeing the majesty of the evil dragon again, she felt chills at first, and then remembered that she was no longer the Nami she was before, not to mention that she still had these pirates around her.What are you afraid of?ridiculous!

Korok smiled and looked at the members of the Dragon Pirates.It seems that these guys also have their own arrogance!Hmm... Xiaoba didn't come, so I saved a lot of effort.Korok thought to himself.

"Evil dragon, I'll bring Nami back to get back what belongs to her." Ke Luoke looked at the evil dragon and said lightly.

"Really? What if I don't give it?" the evil dragon said with a stern face.

"Hahaha... yes!" Kerlock turned his head to look at the crew on his side, then nodded and said, "Let them take a good look at your strength!" Still smiling.

"Yes, Captain." A group of men rushed over.

The evil dragon didn't expect Korok to do it so directly, so he also rushed up to fight with them.

Nami was also ready to move, and Korok also made plans when he saw this, and said to Monte, who had fought the dragon a few times: "Monte, give the dragon to Miss Nami!"

"Yes, Captain!" Although Monte was a little upset, he still obeyed the captain's order.

Nami was very pleased with this decision and rushed forward quickly.

"Let you try my current strength!" Nami threw a bubble at the dragon, which is the relaxation bubble.

As expected, the evil dragon has a lot of combat experience. Although he didn't know what was going on with this bubble, he quickly avoided it.

"Nami, this is your strength, a bubble. Hahaha..." the evil dragon said to Nami.

"Damn..." Nami gritted her teeth and was about to rush forward.

"Nami is still the opponent of the evil dragon." Korok didn't know when he stood on the roof of the evil dragon's domain.Looking at these, Kerlock said softly.

On the other side, Monte, who did not fight the dragon, chose Tomoyuki Morikawa as his opponent.

Monte's strength is much stronger than that of Morikawa Tomoyuki, so Monte has always been pressing down on Morikawa Tomoyuki.

The rest of the pirates who offered a reward of 3000 million also chose a murloc as their opponent.It is worth mentioning that Kevin is fighting Jiu alone.

In terms of strength, the two are about the same.But there are many waters here, and Jiu's flexibility makes Kevin a little overwhelmed.So Kevin has been struggling.

So looking at the whole scene, only Nami and Kevin are at a disadvantage, and the other places are fighting against the Dragon Pirates.

Korok was still prepared for this result.

Nami has wrapped herself in bubbles at this time, this is the master of bubbles - the soap sheep.

But the evil dragon started to suffer a bit. He punched Nami, but found that the fist slipped away, and Nami was fine.But soon the evil dragon discovered that water can wash away these sad bubbles, and the evil dragon reversed the disadvantage in one fell swoop.

" turns out that these bubbles are easily washed off with water." The evil dragon said to Nami with a grin.

"Don't be too happy..." Nami retorted.

"Hahaha... Nami, I think you must have eaten a devil fruit!" The evil dragon finally revealed the reason for Nami's change.Also, such a change can only be explained by a devil fruit.

"That's right, so what?" Nami looked ready to attack.

"It's nothing..." As soon as the words fell, the evil dragon jumped into the sea and rolled up a huge water column towards Nami.

"It's over, sea... water..." Nami also responded, but it was too late.She was washed by the sea, and now she has no strength at all.

Seeing this scene, the evil dragon also came out of the sea, trying to catch Nami.But a figure took Nami away before him.

This is Ke Luke, seeing Nami defeated so easily, Ke Luke can only shake his head, but he still wants to rescue Nami.

Nami thought in a daze that she was about to be caught by the dragon, but she was rescued by a man. When she opened her eyes, she found that it was Korok.

"Hey..." Nami sighed in her heart.

Putting Nami away, Korok said to Nami, "Look, this is the dragon you think is powerful."

call out……

Ke Luke's figure appeared in front of the evil dragon in a flash, and then saw Ke Luke's right fist turn black, and punched it.


So fast, before the evil dragon could react, it received a punch and was sent flying.

The flying dragon hit an unknown number of buildings before it came to a stop recklessly.

Korok ignored the dragon, and appeared in front of Nami in an instant. "See, this is what you think is strong, but it is really weak." Kerlock said to Nami with a relaxed expression.

"Ah..." Nami was so shocked that she couldn't keep her mouth shut.Just how strong is this man in front of him? He didn't seem to use all his strength in one move, and the dragon was just like that beaten into the air.

In fact, not only Nami was surprised, but the members of the Dragon Pirates were a little frightened.The invincible dragon was blown away with one move.

"Ah..." The members of the Dragon Pirates suddenly lost the strength to resist, and they dropped their weapons and surrendered.


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(End of this chapter)

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