One Piece's Enhanced Fruit

Chapter 35 39. Sea Restaurant

Chapter 35 39. Sea Restaurant
39. Sea Restaurant
Although the time at sea is boring, it is also busy.Because during this period of time, every day the ship SH water is full of hard-working crew members.

One by one, they tied extremely heavy iron blocks or walked on the deck, or swam in the sea.They gritted their teeth, advanced or paddled step by step, and then broke through the limit again and again.

If you look closely, you will find that the weight of the iron on the legs of these crew members has increased a little.

These are the results of their breakthroughs again and again, and the results of their experience during this period of time.

As for the safety in the sea, there is no need to worry at all under Ke Luke's knowledgeable domineering.All sea monsters that could threaten the lives of these crew members have been dealt with by Korok.

Of course, Korok also deliberately kept some little guys.

"I believe these little guys will make their experience more interesting." These are the exact words of Korok.

So, if we stay on the Corlock pirate ship, we can see such an interesting scene:
When the man in front was about to be exhausted, suddenly a fish with a huge mouth jumped out. With a flick of its tail, it wanted to bite and swallow the man.

Ah... When the man saw this scene, he was startled and swam wildly, desperately trying to escape from the giant mouth.

The originally exhausted man suddenly burst out with unprecedented strength and kept swimming desperately, so that the giant mouth behind him was always still some distance away from him.

Just like that, that man had successfully broken through his limit before he knew it.He swam more and more easily, and in the end he even dropped the huge mouth behind him.

The rest of the crew, who were still worried about his safety, were also surprised by this scene. They didn't expect that this guy would be a blessing in disguise, breaking through his own limit and making great progress.

The man who successfully broke through the limit was swimming and found that the little guy behind him didn't seem to be following him. Looking back, it turned out that he had already left that little guy behind.

Feeling relieved, the man was of course in a great mood. He took the initiative to swim to the little guy, taught it a lesson, and then let it go.

With the passage of time, more and more crew members have achieved greater breakthroughs with the help of these little guys, and everyone has become more and more aware of the benefits of these little guys, and everyone treats them very well.

The poor little ones have become the power and pedals of many crew members in this way.



"There's a strange building ahead."

The man standing on the watchtower of the Corlock pirate ship suddenly roared loudly.

Although the men on the Corlock pirate ship are very eager to learn how to shave and shave their feet as soon as possible, it doesn't mean they give up the work they should do.

On the Corlock pirate ship, there is always a crew member on the watchtower, there is always a crew member in front of the rudder, and there is always someone patrolling in front of each cannon...

"Sea restaurant, it seems that we have arrived."

As usual, Korok, who was sitting on the bow of the iron cannon, heard the news and walked up to the lookout in a month.

Korok looked over, it was a huge boat with fish-shaped heads on both ends of the boat.

"The target is is the building in front of us."

"Right half rudder... the wind direction is 55° north by east." Nami immediately ordered the crew to adjust their direction and head towards the building after hearing what Korok said.

Although Nami's navigation skills were not recognized by everyone, but because of Ke Luok's insistence, other crew members did not dare to complain.After all, for them, it doesn't matter who is at the helm as long as they can reach their destination.

Under the direction pointed by Nami, the Korok pirate ship was slowly heading towards the strange building driven by the sea wind.

"How strange is this ship?"

"That's right... its bow turned out to be a fish head?"

"It's weird..."

"Also, what are the floating plates on both sides of it?"


"It's really weird!"

"Is this neither a pirate ship nor a naval warship?"

"Then what the hell is this?"

"do not know……"

... "This is the restaurant on the sea, Bharatti." Korok heard the discussion and explained.


“Sea Restaurant…”

"Captain...have you ever been here?" Kevin asked Curlock curiously, because he felt that Curlock seemed to have been here before from his words.

"Me? I haven't been here, I just heard about it." Kerlock touched his chin and said.

Ke Luoke's tone of voice was actually a bit contemplative.

"Ghost letter, you haven't been here before, ghosts believe it." Kevin couldn't help but swear in his heart.

But what Kevin didn't know was that Korok had never been to the sea restaurant-Balati.But before crossing, he was a One Piece fan, so he was too familiar with restaurants on the sea.

This gave Kevin the illusion that Krok had been to the restaurant on the sea.

Korok didn't see Kevin's expression, and continued on his own: "This sea restaurant has two store rules: absolutely no food is wasted and free food is provided for those who don't eat at sea."

"This restaurant is really a good person." Nami sighed when she heard that the restaurant on the sea provided free food for those who didn't eat at sea.

"Okay... boys, let's go and taste how he tastes! We can get a free meal anyway, and I believe his shop rules will let them do that."

Korok waved his hand, intending to let the crew like himself have a free lunch.

"Okay... let's go."


The Korok pirate ship slowly approached the sea restaurant Bharati, then stopped, and then Korok, Nami and the rest of the crew disembarked.

The huge Korok pirate ship parked next to the sea restaurant-Balati, which immediately attracted the attention of the rest of the people.

"Which pirate group is this again?"

"What a big ship they have!"

"Then their strength should be very strong!"

"What the hell are they doing here?"

"Ah... why are there so many pirates?"

"Wait a minute, are they here to make trouble?"

"No way……"

"Last time, the pirate group was punished for making trouble here. No other pirate group would dare to do this!"

"Why don't you dare... last time it was just a small pirate group, this time it's different."

"Then...they are really here to make trouble."

"Then there will be a good show to watch."

"Quick...follow up and have a look."

I have to say that no matter where you are, there are some people who are afraid of chaos and like to watch the excitement.


 I think it is necessary to say the update time.9 am and 5 pm respectively.

  What is happiness? Cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, and I can’t read enough books about the moon.

(End of this chapter)

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