One Piece's Enhanced Fruit

Chapter 38 45. Creek Pirates

Chapter 38 45. Creek Pirates
45. Creek Pirates

As soon as Kerlock left the door, he was spotted by the sharp-eyed crew.



These men had already finished eating, and they were all sitting on the floating board in different shapes. At this moment, they suddenly heard someone calling the captain, and immediately looked over, and sure enough, Kerlock was standing at the door of the restaurant.

So nearly a hundred men stood up slowly and said hello to Kerlock.

"Is everyone eating well?"

"This is the best food I've ever eaten, bar none." Kevin answered Korok's question loudly.


Hearing Kevin's words, the rest of the crew laughed.

"That's's the best food we've ever eaten."

Then everyone said in unison.

"That's good..."

"Take a rest, we are going to sail soon."

"It's... the captain."

"Captain... where shall we go next?"

"Siluobu Village..."

I don't know when Nami also came out of the restaurant. When she heard what Ke Luoke said, she walked over slowly and asked.

"Sirob Village?" Nami frowned when she heard the place name, thinking about what this place was.

"That's right... it's here, I know." Nami suddenly thought of something and said loudly.

"But we have to wait for a while, there are guests coming." Korok retracted his gaze into the distance, and said to Nami and the other crew members.

"Guest...?" Nami and the other crew members couldn't understand the nonsensical words to Korok well.

"You see?"

Korok pointed to the sea in the distance.

"Ah... what is that?"

"Looks like a boat."

"I can't see clearly, it seems to be."

" does look a bit like it."

On the sea in the distance, a small boat is quickly approaching the sea restaurant.And this small boat, Korok, still recognizes it. It is the mackerel head No. [-] in the restaurant on the sea.

As for the mackerelhead number one, it's Paddy and Zapp, another violent chef.

Of course, Korok wasn't referring to Paddy and Jerp's guests.After all, when it comes to who is the guest, it probably has to be Korok himself.

Korok was referring to the big ship behind Mackerel One, the one that caused Mackerel One to rush this way.

"Look at..."

"Why does that boat seem to be in a hurry."

"Yes, I feel that way too."

"Ah... look quickly."

"There seems to be something behind it."

"It's too far away to see clearly."

" seems to be a ship too."

" is indeed a ship, it looks not small?"

"The big ship must have been chasing the little one."

"Yes, for sure."

"Didn't the Creek Pirates arrive here two years later?" Korok murmured in a voice that only one person could hear.

"Ah... that seems to be the mackerel head No. [-] ship in the restaurant on the sea."

"It really is!"

"The one on it is Paddy and the boss."

"Ah, it seems so!"

"It's them, I've seen the boss's strange beard, who else but them?"

"Ah... so what should I do?"

"Is he being chased by that big ship behind him now?"

"how could I know?"

Some of the others on the floating boards had recognized the small boat as the Mackerel Head One of the Sea Restaurant, and Paddy and Zapp in it.

"Quick... go tell those cooks."

"Yes, yes, hurry up."

After speaking, several people rushed into the restaurant to tell the chefs of the sea restaurant.

"Captain... what should we do?" Kevin saw those people running into the restaurant, and turned to look at Korok and asked.

Except for Kevin who asked, the other crew members also turned to look at Kerlock.

"Go back to the ship first, and then wait for my order!"

"Ah...Captain!" Kevin was a little puzzled, and Monte also held his scimitar and looked at Korok.

These men have also experienced for so long, and now that a pirate ship has finally come, they also want to take this opportunity to test their own strength.

But the captain wants to go back to the pirate ship by himself, of course they don't want to, besides, this is not Korok's style, it is impossible for the captain to leave like this.

"Go and load the cannon on the ship and wait for my order."

"It's... the captain."

Hearing this, the crew also knew that the captain could not ignore it, so they all obeyed and went to the pirate ship.

" stay here!"

"Ah... yes, Captain."

Nami didn't know why she had to stay alone, but it was right to listen to the captain.

As the crew like Korok returned to the pirate ship, the floating board was quickly emptied.

And those who went in and told the chef had results.

I saw a dozen chefs angrily coming out of the restaurant with all kinds of kitchen utensils.

Of course Sanji and Karne took the lead.It's just that Sanji's image is a bit strange.Otherwise, the appearance of these chefs is also very imposing.

"I said Nami, you came out of the restaurant alone. It turns out..." Korok looked at Sanji's inhumane face and said to Nami.

Nami was a little embarrassed when she heard Ke Luke's ridicule, and turned her head away.

"Where's the old man?" Sanji asked after seeing that there was no Zhepu on the floating board.

Asking such a silly question, the others looked at Sanji with contempt.

But it's not Sanji's fault, because no one reported it to him at all, he just rushed out with the chefs when he heard that the old man was in danger.

At that time, those people went in to find the chef, and they all saw Sanji in the dining area, but none of them overlapped the images of him and Sanji.

Therefore, they voluntarily ignored the ugly monster in front of them.Of course, if they have more time, they don't mind teasing and teasing Sanji.

"There..." Carney silently pointed to the sea that was not far away now.

"Who is that? Dare to hit the old man's idea." Sanji said viciously.The face full of big bags was distorted and deformed by anger, no, it was wrong, his face was already deformed, but it was more serious now.

"Pfft..." Carney almost couldn't hold back seeing Sanji's appearance, but nodded solemnly.

"Yes...we will never let them go. Pfft..."

Carney's behavior was not bad, but Nami went too far at this time, and she laughed exaggeratedly with her mouth covered.

Korok glanced at Nami, which means, this is all caused by you, you are still laughing.

Not good Nami just ignored it.

This made Kerlock more and more suspicious of his captain's majesty.


These chefs stood angrily on the floating board, and the mackerel head No. [-] on the other side was less than ten meters away from the sea restaurant.

When he got close, Korok could clearly see all kinds of ingredients on the No. [-] mackerel head.It seems that they should have gone to buy ingredients, but they were unlucky and met Creek Pirates.


 All kinds of support!

(End of this chapter)

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