One Piece's Enhanced Fruit

Chapter 40 49. Battle 2

Chapter 40 49. Battle 2
49. Battle 2
Over there, Creek had already walked in front of Karnier with the big gun.

"You can go to hell!" Creek said grimly as the muzzle of the big gun pointed straight at Carney.

"Ah...Karnie!" Paddy cried with red eyes.A man like this was on the verge of crying under such circumstances.

At this time, he was so powerless, he hated himself for being weak, and he hated himself for not being able to help Carney.

"Karnie..." Sanji was blown away by the ghost Akin, and was seriously injured in an instant.At this time, he was holding his chest with one hand and propping himself on the ground with the other.

That's it, he looked at Carney, and wanted to help Carney with his seriously injured body.But the ghost Ajin in front of him slowly walked over.

It was impossible for Sanji to help Carney, he roared, his eyes were red, and there was only anger left on his face.

"The name of the Battle Chef!" Carney looked at Paddy and Sanji, as if accepting the result, raised his head and slowly closed his eyes.

Crick watched all this with enjoyment. "It's time to end!" I saw that he was holding the big gun and was about to attack.

"Go to hell... go!" Crick's right hand was about to explode.If one bursts, Carney will die.

"Ah... Carney!"


"Karnie..." Zhepu stood on the floating board and watched the scene in front of him. He clenched his hands tightly, but suddenly let go.

"Relax..." A sudden voice rang out, and then Crick, who was holding a large gun, slowly fell to the ground.

"It's finally here!"

Because Nami has been blocked by those countless pirates, she has not rushed to Carney's side until now, but it is not too late.

"Ah..." No one expected such a sudden change.


"Finally saved!"



Karni's closed eyes slowly opened.He had made sufficient mental preparations, but he did not expect such an accident to happen.Anyway, it's always good to be alive.

"Damn it... I won't let you go!" Crick was hit by the relaxation bubble and fell limply on the ground, but he still refused to let Carnie go!
"Hmph... still dare to talk!" Nami said angrily, stepping on Crick's body.Perhaps feeling puzzled, Nami kicked a few times vigorously, but they were all blocked by Crick's golden inner armor.

"Damn..." Nami cursed bitterly.This damn golden inner armor is really strong.

"Ah...Captain!" Tiebi Bailu didn't expect such an accident to happen, he yelled, a little dazed, and even forgot that he was fighting Paddy at this moment.

Of course, Paddy would not let go of this good opportunity, seized the opportunity, and slashed the undefended body of Tiebibai Road with the chef's knife.

"Ah..." Severe pain burned the iron wall and cypress road.

" did I get hurt! Ah..." The injured Tiebi Bailu lost control, he yelled frantically, boom!Suddenly, Tiebibailu's body was on fire.

The iron wall and cypress road that was on fire shouted even more frantically, shouting while running!In the end, the iron wall and cypress road ended with falling into the sea.

This miraculous scene left Paddy in a daze, and he just won.


A Jin, the ghost head over there, watched Crick being subdued by Nami. Although he was a little surprised, he recovered quickly, and his strength was not affected at all.

The crutches with ball-shaped ends at both ends swung very smoothly, and each move severely suppressed Sanji.

"This idiot!" After a while, A Jin, the ghost head, lost control and fell into the sea after seeing Tiebi Bailu being injured by Paddy.

Akin, the ghost head, glanced at the scene. Although there were many members of the Creek Pirates, most of the people who fell on the ground were also members of the Creek Pirates.

No matter how many people there are, they can't afford such consumption. The scene is not optimistic!

This is mostly due to Nami, under the effect of her relaxation bubble, most of those pirates fell down with one blow.

Although there is no danger to their lives, each of them has lost the power to resist!
Suddenly, Ajin, the ghost head, saw Zhepu standing not far away and watching the fight calmly, surrounded by those fighting chefs.

Those battle chefs seemed to be indistinctly surrounding Zhepu, so that Zhepu was not in any danger.

"This person must be very important!" Ghost A Jin thought silently in his heart.

"By the way..." A flash of inspiration came to Ghost Head Ah Jin's mind.

I saw Ajin, the ghost head, suddenly took the crutch with a ball-shaped design on both ends on his right hand and hit Sanji.

Sanji blocked it with a heavy kick, but unexpectedly, the crutch with ball-shaped ends on both ends of the left hand of the ghost head Akin also hit him.

Sanji couldn't stop the crutch at all, so he jumped out of the way with his feet hard, avoiding the move of the ghost head Ah Jin.

"Heh...heh..." The ghost-headed Ajin knew this, and with a sudden withdrawal of his left hand, he took two crutches with ball-shaped ends at both ends, and rushed towards Zhepu who was protected by the combat chef.

"This...?" Sanji was confused by the sudden change.

But looking at the direction that Oni-tou Jin was going, Sanji's heart skipped a beat, " careful, old man!" Sanji understood that Oni-tou Jin must be trying to deal with Zhepu.

But it was too late, the ghost head Ajin waved the cane with the ball-shaped design on both ends left and right, opened a few fighting chefs who blocked him, and came in front of Zhepu.


"Ah... boss!"

When Carney and Paddy heard Sanji's shout, they turned their heads and saw Akin, the ghost head, pointing a musket at Zhepu.


"You must be the owner of this sea restaurant!"


The ghost-headed Ajin looked at the man with a tied beard and lost a leg in front of him and said.

"Relax Bubble..." Suddenly, a voice came, followed by Bubble.

Of course, Sanji's yelling also attracted Nami's attention, and Nami immediately used a relaxation bubble, and hit the ghost head Jin hard.

"Hmm..." The ghost-headed Ajin moved his legs and avoided Nami's relaxation bubble.

"Miss, it's not good to sneak attack." The ghost-headed Ajin glanced at Nami, walked behind Zhepu while talking, and pointed a gun at Zhepu.

"Stop... stop it for me!"

The ghost head Ah Jin yelled, stopping the fighting pirates and combat chefs.

"Boss Zapp..."


Those fighting chefs stopped fighting, holding all kinds of kitchen utensils and looking red-eyed at the ghost-headed Ajin who pointed a gun at Zhepu.


(End of this chapter)

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