One Piece's Enhanced Fruit

Chapter 56 76. Accepting Sauron

Chapter 56 76. Accepting Sauron
76. Accept Sauron
"Kevin, this should be an ape fruit. Come on, try your strength and punch me." Korok also wanted to see how much power this devil fruit could bring to Kevin.

Animal devil fruits generally endow fruit users with animal attributes, and such an ape-like devil fruit known for its strength, Korok couldn't help but become curious about Kevin's strength improvement.

"Captain, here I come. Roar~" Kevin roared when he heard what Ke Luke said, and punched Ke Luke.

Ke Luke didn't dare to be careless. After using the armed domineering, he raised his hand to block Kevin's punch.

And Kevin only felt that he had used all the strength in his body, but he was firmly grasped by the palm of his hand, and he could no longer move.

"Not bad, not bad!" Korok let go of Kevin's hand, and then said slowly: "Kevin, your strength has increased by more than ten times, and you are indeed an animal that is good at strength."

"Captain, are there really so many? Why don't I think so?" Kevin watched Ke Luke easily receive his punch, and felt that Ke Luke's words were not so credible.

"There must be, or else you can find Monte? Then you will find out." Kerlock also knew that Kevin's strength improvement was really not obvious in comparison with his own powerful strength, so he came up with a way for Kevin .

"Well, Monte, did you hear that? Let's try it?" Kevin had just gotten the Devil Fruit, and now he was full of excitement. Hearing Korok's suggestion, he immediately said to Monte.

"Okay, come on!" Monte also wanted to try any changes in Kevin.

"Roar~" Kevin roared first, and then waved his big furry hand towards him.

"Hey~, Kevin's habit of yelling before fighting will definitely not change in the future." Kerlock said, looking at Kevin who looked like an ape.

Monte didn't use a knife, and imitated Kerlock to block Kevin with his hands, but at this time the power gap between the two was revealed.

Because... Monte was accidentally shot by Kevin.

"Ah~" Kevin felt a little embarrassed. This attack was not serious or serious. Looking at Monte, he had already been slapped into the sea by his own palm.

"Monte, I didn't mean it." Kevin covered his face, feeling that he was really unkind.

"Ah~ This is the ability of the devil fruit."

"Too strong!"


"That's right!"

The other crew members in the open space on the shore swallowed their saliva when they saw the scene of Kevin taking pictures of Monte.

And Korok, who watched this scene, was also a little embarrassed, and the idea he came up with didn't seem to be a good idea.But it doesn't matter, I believe that such an experience is only good for Monte, not bad.

Monte himself is a person who is keen to improve his strength. Now that he has found the devil fruit, Kevin, who has greatly increased his strength, probably has a firmer heart to become stronger.

"Ah~ what is it?" Sauron, who was controlling the boat, suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something covering the sun in the sky.

Then when he raised his head again, a huge man fell down.

Falling from such a height, Monte hit the boat hard, the boat capsized and Sauron fell into the sea again.

"Do you want to be so unlucky?" Sauron really wanted to cry now.

"It hurts, it seems to have hit something?" As for Monte, he is in a daze right now.

"Who are you? How did you fall from the sky?" Sauron turned the boat over and looked at Monte like that.

"Ah... who are you?" Monte was awake now, looking at the green-haired man in front of him vigilantly, and said.

"I'll ask you first." Sauron also held the hand and said, looking at Monte warily.

"They're all calm, they're all on their own." At some point, Korok was already standing on the boat.

"Captain!" When they saw that it was Kerlock, they both called the captain in unison.

"Look...are they all our own people?" Kerlock said jokingly when he saw the two people looking at each other in surprise.

"Are you the captain's new partner?" Monte asked first.

"Well~, my name is Roroa Zoro, you can call me Zoro." Zoro glanced at Korok, and then took the initiative to introduce himself to Monte.

"Okay! Let's wait for the introduction, let's go back first!" Korok grabbed two people and performed the six moves - shaving, without even bringing a boat.

"Who is this person?"

"It even has green hair."

"it's wired."

In the open space on the shore, Korok released both Monte and Sauron, which aroused unanimous heated discussions among the other crew members.

"Captain, who is this man?" Even Kevin on the deck of the Corlock pirate ship fell down and asked.

"Wait a minute, Kevin, you change back first." Kerlock watched an ape talking to you, and he was really not used to it for a while.

"Okay!" Then I saw Kevin's body hair fading at an extremely fast speed, and then our lovely Kevin came back.

"Well, it's much better. Let me introduce you! This is your new partner in the future, Roroa Zoro, who used to be a bounty hunter."

Just like that, Ke Luke pointed to Sauron and briefly introduced to the group of men, and Ke Luke even gave Sauron a chance to perform.

"Bounty Hunter?"

"Captain, how did you find a bounty hunter?"


These men were a little surprised by Sauron's joining, but when they heard that Sauron was a bounty hunter, they immediately disagreed.

As for Monte and Kevin, they knew that Kerlock had his own reasons, so they didn't speak, but just watched the scene quietly.

"Zoro, they don't agree, just let them agree!" Korok typically stood and spoke without back pain.

"Captain?" Sauron glanced at Ke Luke resentfully, he always felt that Ke Luke had been cheating himself.

"Okay! Which one of you comes up first, I will follow?" Sauron stood upright, holding the word of peace and said.

"I'll come first!" While speaking, a man wearing a turban came out from the crew.

"Hmm~" Seeing that the man was not holding a weapon, Sauron also let go of the word Hedao in his hand.

bang~ bang bang~
The two of them used their fists and kicks, and every move was full of violent aesthetics.

But after a while, Sauron caught a loophole, and Sauron took the man's hand and threw him out.

"Next." Sauron stood up, looked at these men, and said again.

"I come……"

"No, let me do it!" Monte saw the big sharp knife hanging from Sauron, and felt that this time was the most suitable time for him to fight.


(End of this chapter)

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