Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 107 Skating

Chapter 107 Skating
The two came to the bank of Weiming Lake. The lake light tower shadow was originally the most charming scenery of Kyoto University, but in winter, the lake light cannot be seen, and there is a thick layer of ice on it, and many people are already on it Light skating.

Both Jiang Hui and Bai Xue came to Kyoto University for the first time, so they went around the Weiming Lake first.

The most striking thing beside Weiming Lake is the tower.This tower has a unique nickname - Boya Tower.Boya Tower stands in the southeast of Weiming Lake. It was originally the ground building of a well at Yanjing University, the predecessor of Kyoto University.The shape of the Boya Pagoda resembles the ancient pagoda of the Randeng Temple in Tongzhou. The thirteenth-level dense eaves are all built with reinforced concrete. Since the pagoda was donated by Professor Boya of the Philosophy Department of Yenching University, the water tower has the Confucian name of the Boya Pagoda.Boya Tower was built for the well, and now he stands silently like a weather-beaten old man, looking at the situation.The locked gate of the pagoda is like the heart of an old man, and Jiang Hui will never see the well in the pagoda.Touching the concrete and steel bars on the tower, it seems that you can feel the old youth, vicissitudes and thickness.Come to think of it, there were many stories about coming for the water, being happy for the water, being melancholy for the water, encountering for the water, and being happy for the water.

The tower is a light tower, and the well is a self-flowing well.Today, the ancient pagoda locks the dry well and stands on the Weiming Lake, which has a special artistic conception and ingenuity.

Bai Xue took Jiang Hui's arm, and the two walked around the Weiming Lake.

"I feel like seeing each other is worse than not seeing each other. The shore of Weiming Lake is not so exquisite," Bai Xue said.

"Maybe it's because of winter. The lake is frozen, the flowers and plants are withered, and even the trees are bare. When the flowers, plants and trees grow out in the coming year, it will look much better with the lake scenery," Jiang Hui said. .

"What's the origin of this Weiming Lake? It's so famous," Bai Xue said.

"According to records, the current location of Kyoto University is the Shuchun Garden during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. Shuchun Garden is one of the subsidiary gardens of the Old Summer Palace. It has no scenery at all, but some paddy fields. Later, Qianlong rewarded Shuchun Garden to He Shen made a garden, and He Shen built a lot of construction here, expanding the rice fields and pools around the garden into lakes, and piled the excavated soil into hills and island pavilions. There were more than 1000 houses and more than 300 veranda pavilions. The lake is today's Weiming Lake," Jiang Hui said.

"So this Weiming Lake is still Heshen's garden," Bai Xue said.

"Yeah, eating, drinking and having fun in the imperial capital, you can encounter historical stories everywhere. The ancient capital of several dynasties is really not built," Jiang Hui said.

"Look, there is a shop that rents skates, shall we go to that one?", Bai Xue said as she saw a shop that rented skates and raised her finger.

"Okay, is this your first time skating?" Jiang Hui asked.

"I've played roller skating before, but I don't know the difference from this," Bai Xue said.

When Jiang Hui went skating for the first time in his previous life, he also thought that he could roller-skate once, and he would know how to skate too. After trying it, he realized that he was wrong. It took a few falls to master the knack of skating.

"In skates for real ice, the skates are under the shoes, and the blades are very narrow. The blades of ordinary skates are only 2mm wide, and the blades of figure skates are only 4mm wide. The contact area between the skates and the ice surface is very small, and the friction of ice is also higher The ground is small, so it is easy to slip and fall when playing, and the balance is also difficult to master. The wheels of roller skates are divided into double row and single row. The contact surface with the ground is relatively large, and the balance is easy to master, so just because you know how to roller skate does not mean you can skate Zhenbing, you have to be careful not to fall in a while," Jiang Hui said.

"You will lead me away in a while, I won't be afraid of falling with you by my side," Bai Xue said.

The two came to the skate rental point, paid a deposit, and rented two pairs of skates.

After changing the shoes, Bai Xue began to try to stand up, "Ah, I can't even stand up," Bai Xue said.

Jiang Hui tried a few times, and after finding the feeling, he was able to stand still.In fact, the skill of skating is similar to that of riding a bicycle. Once you know it, you will never forget it for the rest of your life.It's just that if you haven't practiced for a long time, you may feel a little unfamiliar at the beginning.

"Come on, I'll hold your hand, you stand up slowly and get some feeling," Jiang Hui said to Bai Xue.

Holding Jiang Hui's hand, Bai Xue's nervousness was slowly relieved. After a few practice sessions where she almost fell down, she slowly found a sense of balance, at least she could stand on her own.

"Honey, isn't it your first time skating? Why do you seem to be very skilled?" Bai Xue asked.

"Although I used to play roller skating at the skating rink, I also tried this kind of shoes for skating on real ice, so I got used to it quickly now," Jiang Hui said casually, making an excuse.

"Why didn't I think of trying another kind of shoes?" Bai Xue said regretfully.

"It's not too late to learn now, come on, I'll teach you. Put your feet and legs together, hold each other behind your back in a squatting position. The angle between the thigh and thigh is 110 degrees, the angle between the upper body and the ground is 15 degrees, and the angle between the calf and the ground is 5 degrees. Bow forward as far as you can, raise your head slightly, and look [-] meters ahead. This is the most common posture for skating. Once you get used to it, we will slide forward slowly,” Jiang Hui said.

As the saying goes, if men and women match, work will not be tiring.Jiang Hui and Bai Xue didn't feel tired after skating for almost two hours, but their stomachs started to growl.

Baixue has basically been able to slide slowly independently, which can be regarded as getting started, and she will gradually improve in the future.

The two returned their skates, found a noodle restaurant next to Kyoto University, ate a bowl of Laodidu Zhajiang noodles, and then started shopping.

"I'm going back tomorrow, do you want to buy some special products from the imperial capital to take back?" Jiang Hui said to Bai Xue.

"It's okay, but apart from the roast duck, there don't seem to be many special things to bring. Most of them are more suitable for eating on the spot," Bai Xue said.

This is actually very reasonable. In the first semester of his freshman year in his previous life, Jiang Hui brought back a lot of roast ducks in big bags, but no one said it was delicious. After all, the most exquisite thing about roast ducks is the duck skin. The feeling of melting in the mouth can only be experienced after being baked on the spot and eaten immediately.

"Whether it tastes good or not, I still have to take some back," Jiang Hui said.

"Well, let's go shopping when we're going back to school," Bai Xue said.

"Okay, by the way, there is a shopping mall that sells mobile phones. Let's go and have a look first. My PHS in the imperial capital can't receive the signal when I return to my hometown. I have to buy another mobile phone quickly," Jiang Hui said.

"That's right, then let's go and have a look, or I won't be able to find you by then," Bai Xue said.

(End of this chapter)

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