Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 114 It's Snowing

Chapter 114 It's Snowing
Zhang Mengze drove here by himself. Since the way back was not in the same direction, Jiang Hui rejected her idea of ​​sending himself and He Ling back to school, so Zhang Mengze went to the underground parking lot by himself.

He Ling didn't want to go back, so she asked Jiang Hui to accompany her for another walk on Chang'an Avenue.

"A ticket for the day after tomorrow?" He Ling asked.

"Well, the morning after tomorrow," Jiang Hui replied.

The two walked side by side, the wind was a little strong today, and it kept blowing He Ling's hair on Jiang Hui's face, and the scent of shampoo still remained on the hair.

He Ling didn't wear gloves today, she put her hands by her mouth from time to time, breathing.

Jiang Hui took He Ling's hand, interlocked his fingers and put it in his pocket. He Ling didn't speak, but put the other hand in his coat pocket, and walked forward silently with his head down.

Although it is a winter night, there is still a lot of traffic on Chang'an Street. From time to time, groups of pedestrians pass by on both sides. Some of them go out for a walk after eating and shopping like Jiang Hui and He Ling. I came here for the name.After all, Chang'an Avenue is so famous that every military parade is held here.

Chang'an Avenue is bounded by Tiananmen Square, East Chang'an Avenue to the east and West Chang'an Avenue to the west.Because this straight street can't be seen at a glance, people describe it as a ten-mile long street.In fact, the total length from Dongdan to Xidan is only 4 kilometers, but it is the east-west axis of the whole city. It runs 38 kilometers from Bali Bridge in TZ District in the east and SJS in the west. The urban area and the XS area are integrated into one.

From time to time, there are some government agencies or places of interest on both sides of the street. If you have time to ride a bicycle and shuttle directly through the alleys and paths on both sides, you should have a different feeling.

"How are you going to spend your winter vacation?" Jiang Hui asked.

"I don't know. A few days ago, most of them went to play with my cousins. There may be some class reunions later on. There is nothing else to do. My parents are so busy every day that they don't have time to accompany me. I guess if I have nothing to do, I will stay at home, read books and watch TV," He Ling said.

"It's cold in winter, and I don't know what to do when I go out to play. Apart from eating and drinking, I really don't know what to do with the rest of the time," Jiang Hui said.

"I borrowed some financial-related books, and I'm going to take a good look at them when I have nothing to do. You asked me to take care of the finance department of Xiaonei, but I don't know anything about finance," He Ling said.

"It's okay, take your time, there are still relatively few idle businesses, and I can recruit some people to help you later," Jiang Hui said.

"Why didn't you let Bai Xue take charge of such an important department as the finance department?" He Ling said.

" is everyone's, and you all have shares. I can't turn it into a husband and wife business. Besides, I trust you too," Jiang Hui said.

"I'll take care of it," He Ling said.

"It's a bit windy today, why don't we go back?" Jiang Hui said.

"My parents have been on a business trip for the past two days, and Aunt Lan also asked her to go home for the New Year. I live alone in an empty house. I am a little scared and dare not go back. Why don't you go to my house too? Have some drinks together?" He Ling said.

"Sure, I didn't see that you like drinking so much," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"I don't like drinking either, I just want to have a drink with you," He Ling said.

Jiang Hui stopped a taxi, and the two got into the car and went to school together.

On the way back to school, the sky began to snow like goose feathers. This should be the biggest snow since winter.To be honest, apart from a heavy snowfall in Jiang Hui's hometown when he was very young, Jiang Hui has never seen the scene after the heavy snowfall.The snow in the past few times only fell a little bit, leaving a black footprint as soon as I stepped on it. I didn't feel the feeling after the heavy snow.

Fortunately, the snow has just started to fall. Otherwise, if we go back half an hour later in this situation, there may be a big traffic jam. Even now, the driver is driving slower, and it takes about 10 minutes longer than usual to arrive. School.

When I got out of the car, the ground was already snow-white, occasionally leaving the footprints of a few pedestrians.

The university didn't seem to want to stop. Jiang Hui took off his scarf and put it on He Ling's head, otherwise his head would be covered with snowflakes in a while.

There were no people in the school, and the whole school road was even more deserted when it was snowing heavily.The two got off the car at the east gate of the school and walked into the school along the straight school road. Except for the sound of feet stepping on the ground and the "rustling" sound of branches after the wind passed by, they could hardly hear other sounds. The campus is so quiet that no sound can be found.

However, He Ling seemed to enjoy staying with Jiang Hui in this environment, walking slowly on the school road.

Imperial University of Technology's school is not very big, even if you walk slowly, it only takes ten minutes to walk from the school gate to the family area.

When they arrived at He Ling's house, the two of them were covered in white flowers and covered with snow. They helped each other at the door and patted each other for a while before they entered the room.

He Ling helped Jiang Hui take off his coat and hung it up, and then hung up his own coat beside it.

"You can just sit down, my hair is covered with snowflakes, and it started to melt as soon as I entered the room, and my hair is sticky, I'm going to take a shower first," He Ling said.

"I'll take a tour of your mansion first," Jiang Hui walked around the room while talking.

In a house with four bedrooms and one living room, He Ling's parents live in one, He Ling has one, Aunt Lan, the nanny, has one, and the other is a study.

"I would like to ask the boys in our courtyard to inspect the boudoir of the courtyard flower," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

He Ling was getting clothes in the room to take a bath, so she said: "You can read it yourself, but you are not allowed to read my diary."After speaking, he went to take a bath by himself.

He Ling's boudoir didn't have many posters of other stars except for a poster of Dream Band.There are still a few landscape paintings hanging on the wall that seem to be made by He Ling herself. From the perspective of Jiang Hui, an outsider, the paintings still look good.The book bench is full of books. Apart from some books related to industrial engineering, there are really several books related to finance. It seems that this little girl is really planning to learn financial knowledge during the winter vacation.

(End of this chapter)

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