Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 116 speechless

Chapter 116 speechless
After dawn of make-up, Shen Tan took some light notes.Slightly revealing cloves to people, a clear song, temporarily citing cherry blossoms.

Luo Xiu's succulents are bright and pleasant, and the cup is deeply spun with fragrant mash.The embroidery bed is slanted and delicate, chewing red velvet, laughing at Tan Lang.

"One Dendrobium Bead: The First Pass of Dawn Makeup" Li Yu

"Did your parents say when they will come back from a business trip?" Jiang Hui asked.

"I just left this morning and said I'll be back the day after tomorrow. Anyway, I'm sure I won't be back tonight. If they make a surprise attack and come back tonight, I'm more worried than you," He Ling said now.

"If so, do you think your dad will beat me up?"Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"It's not enough to beat you up, he still likes you. But it's inevitable to feel upset," He Ling said with a smile.

"I'm going to get up and change the sheets, and I'll take the current one to wash first."

"The bed sheet is on the top left side of the closet. You can bring the quilt cover with you, it's probably dirty," said He Ling.

After tidying up for a while, the two of them lay down again.

"Would you like to take a shower too, I'll find you a pair of my dad's pajamas to wear," He Ling said.

"I don't want to move now, where do I want to go tomorrow? I'll go with you," Jiang Hui said.

"Let's see tomorrow. If the pain doesn't hurt tomorrow, how about we build a snowman? It snowed so much today, so tomorrow is a good time to play in the snow," He Ling said.

"Okay, there are a lot of persimmons in the persimmon trees in the central garden. After the snow falls, strings of red persimmons will be exposed in the white snowflakes. It must be very beautiful. Let's take a look around then," Jiang Hui said.

. . . . . .

The two chatted and chatted until very late before falling asleep.

In the morning, when Jiang Hui woke up, He Ling was not by his side.Jiang Hui got up quickly, walked out of the room and saw He Ling was busy in the kitchen.

"You're up," He Ling said.

"Well, why don't you sleep a little longer and wake up so early," Jiang Hui said.

"Usually eat early, I'm worried that you're hungry, so get up and make some breakfast. Is there an open toothbrush in the bathroom, go and wash it up, I'll make it right away," He Ling said.

Jiang Hui walked behind He Ling and watched as He Ling was busy frying eggs.

Breakfast was milk, fried eggs, slices of bread and oranges. The two of them sat face to face at the dining table and ate quietly, looking like a newly married couple, looking happy and sweet.

After breakfast, He Ling aired the sheets washed yesterday, and then cleaned the house before putting on her coat and going out with Jiang Hui.

It snowed for half the night last night, almost ten centimeters thick, which is considered relatively heavy snow in the imperial capital.

There are already cleaners on the school road clearing the snow, and it is rare that some people, like Jiang Hui and He Ling, are interested in coming out to play in the snow early.

The central garden has been completely covered by snow, only showing the green of silver pine occasionally.Looking at the snow scene this winter, Jiang Hui couldn't help but think of the "Qinyuanchun·Snow" he had learned.

The scenery of the Northland, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting.

Looking at the inside and outside of the Great Wall, there is nothing but mangmang;

The mountain dance silver snake, the original Chi wax figure, wants to compare with Tiangong test.

On sunny days, look at the red dress, which is extremely enchanting.

There are so many splendid rivers and mountains, which has attracted countless heroes.

Pity Qin Huang Han Wu, slightly lost literary talent; Tang Zong Song Zu, slightly less coquettish.

Genghis Khan, a generation of Tianjiao, only knew how to bow and shoot big eagles.

All going forward, count the romantic figures, but also look at the present.

Yes, no matter how many great achievements the predecessors have made, for Jiang Hui, it is "all the past, counting the romantic figures, and looking at the present".

The two built a snowman in the center of the garden, and He Ling had a great time playing like a little girl.

With such a heavy snowfall, the traffic outside is likely to be very congested. The two of them didn’t leave school all day, and just wandered around the central garden, playground and other places. When they were hungry at noon, they went to He Ling’s house to buy vegetables, and He Ling cooked for them. Had a delicious meal.

It seems that Dean He said that there was an opportunity for Jiang Hui to experience He Ling's cooking skills that day. It was really not an exaggeration. He Ling's cooking skills are definitely very good.

(End of this chapter)

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