Chapter 122
My cousin's blind date today is from a nearby village, and was introduced by a matchmaker in the village.Jiang Hui felt that this matchmaker was actually somewhat similar to a real estate agency, and they both relied on providing information services to charge fees.

However, matchmaking does require a skill.The matchmaker should not only be familiar with the basic situation of the man and woman and their families, and strive to be "the right family", but also be able to basically and accurately report the situation to the man and woman and their parents, and try to maximize their strengths and avoid their weaknesses so that both parties can fully understand each other's strengths, so that both parties Happy to reach a marriage agreement.That is to say, you have to be born with a "matchmaker's mouth".

To be a matchmaker, you must be diligent in running errands. From the day you start to match a man and a woman, you must often go back and forth between the men and women to convey each other's wishes and requirements and prevent unexpected changes.It is customary for both men and women to entertain the matchmaker.Country people say "a matchmaker eats a hundred meals", and it is not an exaggeration to say that a matchmaker has to eat [-] mouthfuls.The main purpose is to reward him for his hard work in matchmaking.Speaking of a matchmaking, the matchmaker can get some money, which is called "matching gift".

However, as young people go out to work and only come back for a few days during the Spring Festival, the process of matchmaking has also been simplified.After the meeting, if you can do it, you can do it, if you can't, you can't do it. Generally, there will be results soon.

Next, Jiang Hui will witness the process of a flash marriage between a man and a woman when they realize they are together under such circumstances.Although it was a flash marriage, the life of the cousin and sister-in-law was actually quite good, happier than many couples who entered the marriage hall after dating for many years.It seems that this practice of getting married first and then cultivating relationships is not completely useless.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the uncle, cousin and matchmaker set off in a second-hand pick-up truck used by my cousin for the stainless steel doors and windows business with some fruits and other gifts.

Jiang Hui didn't know exactly what happened in the middle, but thinking about it, it was nothing more than that after the cousin arrived at the woman's house, the woman's parents, relatives, and future sister-in-law came out to meet the cousin, and then the cousin chatted with the woman about what he was doing. .

In fact, girls who are in their prime don't know what kind of boy is suitable for them. They don't necessarily accept this kind of "meeting" engagement method.However, due to the narrow environment and living circle, more young people can only succumb to this kind of "blind date". The quality of marriage is determined by heaven to a certain extent.

That afternoon, news came from the matchmaker that the woman was quite satisfied with her cousin, and the marriage was completed, and asked the uncle and cousin to go to the woman's house tomorrow morning to discuss the next arrangement, specifically to set the date of engagement, The gift money discusses what needs to be prepared by yourself.

That's right, once you meet, you're going to talk about engagement. Sometimes blind dates in rural areas are so simple and rude, quick and concise.You must know that the next day is the Chinese New Year, which means that the engagement is still being discussed on the day of the Chinese New Year.

The situation of my cousin is not an isolated case. As the Spring Festival is approaching, tens of millions of young men and women who work in cities return to the countryside during the Spring Festival. They use the short time when they return to their hometowns to go on frequent blind dates. lifelong event,

Next, it was natural that the cousin and his son went to battle again, and they made an engagement on the third day of the new year, and then the girl came to the man as a guest on the sixth day of the new year, and when the cousin set out to do business on the eighth day, the cousin went with him.At the end of the year, when I get a big belly, I will come back to get a certificate for half a wedding. Jiang Hui's nephew will come to this world in the first month of the next year.

The blind date process of Jiang Hui's cousin can be regarded as a successful example.People who get married in this way in rural areas often create new problems: blind date, marriage, part-time job, childbirth, and left-behind children.In rural areas, left-behind children are already a big problem. Migrant couples with better conditions will gradually take their children with them, and then go to schools for children of migrant workers.Those with poorer conditions are really the ones who don’t care about raising the children, throwing the children to the parents at home, and the couple go to work. After many years, most of the left-behind children continue to follow the path of their parents and enter a new one. cycle.

Jiang Hui couldn't help but feel that he was actually quite lucky. When he was a child, people in the village hadn't gone out to work on a large scale. Most of the children of the same age spent six years in the village primary school without any worries.My mother also went out to work with my father after my sister went to junior high school.

In this era of reform and opening up in full swing, Jiang Hui is in the midst of major changes unseen in 3000 years. He hopes to bring some beneficial changes to the world with his own meager efforts, and contribute to this land. contribute to the land.


On the morning of the Chinese New Year, Jiang Hui was woken up by his father early in the morning, and he and his second uncle took their roosters to the Land Lord to sacrifice and slaughter them.

Then just after lunch, they took chicken, fish, pork, wine, incense and firecracker paper money to worship in Guanyin Temple.

In the atmosphere filled with fireworks, Jiang Hui lit incense candles, poured wine, knelt down and set off firecrackers like everyone else.

Jiang Hui's generation's recognition of these traditional customs has been relatively low.Although he followed the sacrifice step by step, it would be a lie to say how pious he was.

These rural customs have been handed down hundreds or even thousands of years ago, and have played a certain role in maintaining rural life. However, with the changes in the living environment in recent years, these customs have become a bit unsustainable.

Take Jiang Hui himself as an example. It is considered too much to be able to go home twice throughout the year, and it may be difficult to go home once a year in the future.The various customs and customs in the countryside are only maintained by those who stay behind, and sooner or later they will not be able to persist.To really change this situation, the countryside must have the charm to retain young people, which is difficult for most rural areas.

Before Jiang Hui thought of building his hometown into a beautiful village in the future, if it can be realized, it should play a positive role in retaining these traditional customs.

The New Year's Eve dinner is a gathering of several families.The second uncle, the fifth uncle, and Jiang Hui's family packed up their home-cooked meals and brought them to the uncle's house. A large family gathered at three tables to get together.

When several families celebrate the New Year together, the atmosphere will be more lively, and grandparents will be happier.

The next thing is naturally to eat and drink, toast each other, and say blessings.Normally, in this kind of situation, they would get drunk a few times. Fortunately, toasting is not as fierce as Jiang Hui was when he was a child. Otherwise, after eating and drinking all night, it is estimated that [-]% to [-]% of adult men would have to drink to get down.

The greatest significance of the Chinese New Year to a family should be the opportunity for everyone to get together. After all, we are usually far away from each other, and it is rare to see each other, so we only get together when we go home during the Chinese New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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