Chapter 127

Arriving downstairs at Lian Jingying's house, Lian Jingying originally wanted to invite Jiang Hui to her house to do something, but Jiang Hui found an excuse and said that he would go to the car that dared to go home, so he refused.

Every family often has relatives and friends as guests during the Spring Festival. If Jiang Hui followed Lian Jingying to her house like this, although the two of them had nothing to do with each other, many things would be unclear. Jiang Hui didn't want to delay Lian Jingying any longer.

"Then you go back first, I'm leaving," Jiang Hui said.

"Remember to call me, don't be quiet for half a year, we are old classmates for three years in high school," Lian Jingying said.

"Sure, I added you on Xiaonei, you can chat on it," Jiang Hui said.

"Well, then I'll go up and get in touch again," Lian Jingying entered the community after finishing speaking.

After sending Lian Jingying home, Jiang Hui also went to the station to take the car home.

Lian Jingying stood on the balcony, watching Jiang Hui who was slowly going away, tears streaming down her face.She seemed to feel that Jiang Hui was getting farther and farther away from her. Judging from today's situation, the possibility of the two of them being together was already very low.


During dinner in the evening, Jiang Shan happily told everyone that the pig farm has been bought. The contract signed this afternoon cost a total of 23 yuan to buy the construction of the pig farm, the piglets and the contracting rights for the surrounding hills.

There are now a dozen sows and more than 300 piglets in the pig farm. The price of 23 yuan is not expensive. If you look at it in the next few years, it can be said to be very cheap.According to the current scale of the pig farm, it is no problem to raise [-] or [-] pigs at a time. One pig can be slaughtered in about five months, and it is expected to sell about [-] pigs a year.After earning a sum of money and gaining some confidence, I can continue to expand the scale of the pig farm. Judging from the area of ​​the mountain, it is not a problem to expand the pig farm by ten or twenty times.

China's pig breeding has developed from the traditional free-range farming method of one head per farmer to today's rough scale that replaces a large number of free-range farmers.According to some statistics, the current contribution rate of pig farms with less than 500 pigs to the market pork is about 55%. Among them, pig farms with poor breeding environment, backward breeding technology, self-provided feed, suffering from diseases, and short of funds are roughly Estimated to account for more than 70%.There are also a certain proportion of pig farms engaged in pig farming in the form of guerrilla warfare. If the market price of pigs is good, they will enter, and if the price of pigs is not good, they will immediately retreat. The formation played a role in fueling the flames.

Jiang Hui feels that his pig farm is better than most pig farms in terms of breeding environment, and there is no shortage of funds at present, but the breeding technology and disease prevention need to be strengthened.My aunt's son-in-law works at the county epidemic prevention station, so I can ask him to help with the problem of disease prevention.The breeding technology can only be improved slowly by looking up some information. After a while, Jiang Hui will see if he can ask the professors of the Agricultural University to help guide him for a few days. Now it is a market economy, and the professors of colleges and universities are also willing to come out for research To guide the work, of course, the premise is that the cost must be sufficient.

Based on his own experience in his previous life, Jiang Hui talked with his father about the forecast of pork price changes and the changes in feed prices, and contacted Jiang Shan and his second uncle for a class on increasing the acreage of corn, and then he could also consider a simple feed first. The factory first meets part of its own needs, reduces the cost of raising pigs, and avoids fluctuations in feed prices.

When it comes to pig feed, everyone first thinks of a single species of feed. In fact, it is not the case. According to its nutritional needs and properties, pig feed can be divided into six categories, including protein feed, energy feed, roughage, green and green storage feed, and minerals. Composed of feed and feed additives.

Soybean and fishmeal are regarded as protein feed, corn as energy feed, hay and leaves as roughage, and sweet potatoes as green feed. At this stage, salt lamps are regarded as mineral feed, and the additives are mainly vitamins and the like.

For Jiang Hui, it is difficult to be self-sufficient in protein feed, mineral feed, and additives, but the other types of feed that account for the largest proportion can be managed in a way, and a new factory is gradually extended.

But the meal needs to be eaten one bite at a time. In the past few days, the handover of the pig farm should be done well to avoid being in a hurry.A villager who raised pigs originally hired by the pig farm can let him continue to stay. After all, after the subsequent scale expansion, he must not be able to rely on a few members of his own family. Besides, Jiang Hui does not want to make his parents so tired. After all, the biggest purpose of buying a pig farm In fact, it is not to make money, but to let parents have a career of their own and live a happier life.At the same time, I also took the opportunity to help the relatives and friends around me to try my best to drive everyone to become rich together, which can be regarded as an expression of gratitude to the relatives for their support all the time.

Throughout the night, the two father and son chatted a lot, and Jiang Hui also briefly explained his situation at school to his father, including the Xiaonei network and Guanghui games he was working on, so that his father would not have to worry about the loss of money in the pig farm. Even if you lose, you can't lose much money.

The next morning, Jiang Hui deliberately went to the pig farm with his father to have a look, and put forward some layout suggestions based on the actual situation, which places should be used for expansion.Seeing that the pig excrement is still not processed and directly discharged to the side, Jiang Hui asked Jiang Shan to think about finding someone to build a few biogas digesters to make full use of the pig excrement and use the biogas to heat the pig farm in winter. If the difficulty is not too great, you can even use these biogas to generate electricity to meet the power needs of the pig farm itself, which is also a way to reduce costs.Later, the pond at the bottom of the mountain will be slowly reorganized, so that fish can be raised, and some ducks and geese can also be raised.Next to the fish pond, a row of passion fruit is planted to build a one-stop small ecological environment.

Jiang Hui doesn't need to worry too much about other things for the time being. Uncle and dad will take care of them slowly. Jiang Hui starts to think about what he will do after returning to school.

In the countryside, after the fifth day of the first lunar month, many migrant workers started to leave. By the eighth and ninth day of the first lunar month, they basically left in a hurry, leaving a group of elderly people to stay in the countryside.For the elderly, the Spring Festival is the happiest, because the children are back; for the children, the Spring Festival is also happy, on the one hand, there are all kinds of delicious food, there are red envelopes, and they don’t have to go to school; For some adults, the Spring Festival actually doesn’t feel that much anymore, it’s just a habit and a kind of nostalgia that supports them to continue to go home for the New Year.

Jiang Hui's ticket back to school had already been bought in advance, and the train at noon on the seventh day still boarded at Chuanlong Station.

The Spring Festival is gradually going away in such a busy period.

Time, like a gust of wind, has blown through spring, summer, autumn and winter, and every corner of the world; however, it will never stay somewhere, giving you a chance to miss memories.

(End of this chapter)

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