Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 130 Another Classic Game

Chapter 130 Another Classic Game

After sending He Ling home at night, Jiang Hui sorted out the head portraits of various birds and pig lanterns in "Angry Birds", and prepared to apply for a design patent tomorrow.

After this experience, Brilliant Games will launch various games in succession in the future. It seems that it is necessary to find a long-term cooperative toy manufacturer.From the peripheral derivatives of the movie, we can see that the sales of those dolls and the like are not much less than the box office, and the game can also move closer here.After a game becomes popular, in addition to fees such as selling props, it is hoped that derivatives will account for a higher and higher proportion of revenue, and each game will be operated as a brand.

He Ling's words opened a new window for Jiang Hui, and he can consider this aspect when designing games in the future.Even the later generations of "Angry Birds" changed the game into a movie, and the box office was actually very good.

The development of the game has basically ended, and Jiang Hui went to the background to improve the user guide and character introduction of the game.

The characters in the game are divided into two camps, the bird and the fat pig.The player's camp is the bird camp.Players cannot switch factions.In the game, players need to defeat all fat pigs in order to win.

The main characters in the game are all kinds of birds and fat pigs.Each bird and fat pig have different characteristics.For example, the characteristics of the red bird: small size, light weight, weak attack, no special effects, and can destroy green pigs when rolling.Good for attacking glass and wood, weak against concrete.The characteristics of the blue bird: extremely small in size, light in weight, weak in attack, and can become three.It is stronger against glass, weaker against wood, and basically harmless to concrete.

As for the fat pig on the defensive side, Jiang Hui also divided it into ordinary pigs, squad leader pigs, row leader pigs and other pigs.For example, ordinary pigs are small in size and extremely weak in defense; while squad leader pigs are medium in size and weak in defense.But the commander pig is huge in size and has a wall of defense.

In order to increase the playability of the game, Jiang Hui set up [-] major levels for the game, and each level has [-] smaller levels.The scene of the game is different in different levels.The composition of the scene consists of two parts: destructible parts and bedrock.The destructible part is generally the barrier of fat pig defense.Bedrock cannot be broken.There are also weather and day and night in the game scene, and have certain effects on various attributes of the character.

In order to better support the development of the Xiaonei network's payment interface, Jiang Hui also deliberately added a lot of items and props that can be purchased with Xiaonei Dou, tempting players to spend more money to play games.

And in order to enhance the player's sense of accomplishment in the game.Jiang Hui is going to open the ranking of his friends' game levels when the school intranet goes online.Players can improve their rankings by collecting golden eggs and passing levels.Among them, the golden egg is specially set up for improving achievements, and it can also be used to unlock hidden levels.There are 18 golden eggs hidden in the game, each representing 18 hidden levels. Every time a golden egg is found in the game, a hidden level can be opened.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Hui basically sorted out all the game content.Then invite a few Xiaonei friends who are still online to try it out. If there are no obvious problems, it will be officially launched the day after tomorrow.

After "Angry Birds" is launched, it can be expected that many small workshops will imitate the birds in the game to make dolls, and even before Jiang Hui has contacted the toy manufacturers, some people will start to do it.In order to curb this phenomenon, more legal talents are bound to be needed to fight and file lawsuits with the other party.How much compensation you can get is not important, what is important is to let those people know that the things of Guanghui Games cannot be imitated at will, so let's make an example.

The fact that this game became popular all over the world in later generations is not because of how difficult the game is, but mainly because the game has good ideas and everyone can play it easily and refreshingly.Especially in the era of smart phones, it is very convenient to take it out and play for a while on the way to and from get off work, after eating.

In addition to launching the game on Xiaonei, Jiang Hui plans to open the download of the game on the official website of Guanghui Games or use it directly on the official website. Xiaonei has the habit of paying excuses.

User habits have always been the reassurance of many Internet companies, and it is something everyone dreams of.Because once user habits are developed, the traffic and income of the website will be guaranteed.For example, when you search for things, you think of Du Niang, when you chat, you think of penguins, when you buy things, you think of Taobao, when you play games, you think of Brilliant Games...all of these are habits.

A habit is a recurring behavior that is controlled by a certain area of ​​the human brain.We know that a certain behavior performed by human beings is actually a response to the problems and situations encountered by them after a period of thinking.Response here refers to behavior.There are two situations that can turn this behavior into a habit of ours.

Situation [-]: The problem occurs frequently.When we encounter the same problem again, we will more or less repeat the thinking process of the problem, and finally make the same or similar response.And when the number of occurrences of this question increases, we will learn what the corresponding response is.Now that the response is already known, the thinking process can be shortened or even omitted.Once the thought process is omitted, a habit is formed.For example, if you want to play a game, you have to consider what game to play. After many considerations, you choose the product of the Brilliant Game. Then everyone will habitually play the product of the Brilliant Game when playing games in the future.The same is true for online payment. After using Xiaonei many times to pay, everyone will gradually get used to it.

Situation [-]: The response that occurs brings us satisfaction.Situation [-] may be easier for everyone to understand, because regularity can indeed create habits.But can habits form without regularity?The answer is: Yes, as long as the response to the question gives us satisfaction.For example, in the WeChat of the later generations, when people turn on their mobile phones, the first thing they do is log in to WeChat, swipe their circle of friends, and see everyone's movements.This kind of behavior brings a sense of satisfaction to everyone, and slowly becomes a habit.

The Internet giants of later generations are all masters who cultivate users' favorite.Using Alipay full discount activities, using Didi Taxi to give coupons, etc., on the one hand, is to attract users and suppress competitors, but this is not a process of cultivating user habits.

This night, Jiang Hui thought a lot, and made some new plans for the future development of Xiaonei and other companies.

2004 is a very important year. Whether the aircraft carrier of Guanghui Group can sail smoothly depends on this year's struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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