Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 137 Blinding Exam Results

Chapter 137 Blinding Exam Results
After a Spring Festival, the students gathered together again from all over the world.

Registration for the first semester of freshman year is very simple. It is nothing more than going to the counselor Xu Yun to register and get a stamp on the student ID card.Jiang Hui deliberately went around the dormitory and chatted with everyone. After a few dormitories, he tasted specialties from all over the country.

After the semester starts, the educational administration system can already check the final exam results of the previous semester.

"Damn, I failed my calculus!"

"My mechanical drawing score is only [-] points. It can't be that I failed the exam. The teacher gave me sympathy points."

"My college physics score was 95. I thought [-] would be good."

"It seems that the scholarship has nothing to do with me."

"As long as you don't fail a subject, you can get as many points as you want."

"Damn it, it's obvious that my thesis is well written, why is it only in the [-]s?"

"The credits of calculus actually have three points, and I am dragged down by it."


Since some students started to check their test scores online, everyone quickly logged into their accounts to look at the final test scores of last semester. This not only affects the issuance of scholarships, but also affects future research, going abroad and job hunting. .The most direct impact at present is the granting of scholarships.

Teito University of Technology has a variety of scholarships. At present, freshmen have more chances to get them. In addition to the poverty-stricken scholarships, they are national scholarships and school general scholarships.

National scholarships and general scholarships are basically based on grades, especially the general scholarships of the school, which do not require students to fill in any information at all. The school will automatically evaluate the grade of the scholarship according to the set ratio according to the ranking of the scores of each major.The first-class scholarship award is 60 yuan, the second-class scholarship award is [-] yuan, and the third-class scholarship award is [-] yuan. Basically, if there are [-] students in one major and two classes, there will be one first-class scholarship and three second-class scholarships. Eight third-class scholarships.As for the national scholarship, there are basically only two places, and the counselors let the two students with the best grades fill in the application materials, and the others can only study hard next time and get good grades in the exam.

301 Dormitory.

"Boss, you are awesome. This is the fourth place in your major, and you have won the second-class scholarship," said the third son Wang Zhenguo.

"Third son, you can do well in the exam, and it's not bad to get a third-class scholarship. Only the top 20.00% can get the third-class scholarship," said the boss Tang Minghua.

"You all have scholarships, but I am the most pitiful, almost failing the exam," said the second child, Lu Yang.

"I don't know how the fourth child did in the exam. I didn't see how he was in class last semester," said the third child Wang Zhenguo.

"I saw him just now. I went back to the dormitory and went out after walking around. At that time, everyone hadn't started to check the results," said the boss Tang Minghua.

"How did that awesome Zhao Jiaren, who was going to take the first place in the exam?" said the second child, Lu Yang.

"I'll go to the other dormitories to have a look." After finishing speaking, the youngest Wang Zhenguo got up and went to other dormitories to inquire about the news.


"That Zhao Jiaren seems to be the third major in the exam. Boss, I think he is only a few points higher than you. Next time you kill him," said the third son Wang Zhenguo.

"Zhao Jiaren is a dick, but his academic performance is really good. He is very active in answering the teacher's questions every time in class. Many teachers like him very much," said the boss Tang Minghua.

"Wouldn't the first and second be taken away by the second class of industrial engineering?" Wang Zhenguo, the third child, said.

"Not necessarily, class leader He Ling's academic performance has always been very good, but it is possible to hit the top two," said the boss Tang Minghua.

"Hurry up and ask the fourth child to check his grades, I really want to know how he did in the exam," said the third child Wang Zhenguo.

The boss, Tang Minghua, picked up his mobile phone and called Jiang Hui. Jiang Hui was very confident in his test scores, so he directly told Tang Minghua the login password and asked him to help him check the school's intranet.The educational administration system can only be logged in on the school's intranet, and cannot be logged in from the external network.

Tang Minghua, Lu Yang, and Wang Zhenguo gathered together in front of the computer, watching Tang Minghua log in to check Jiang Hui's final exam results, and saw a row of dazzling data.

Calculus: 100 points

University Physics: 100 points

Introduction to Industrial Engineering: 100 points

Mechanical Drawing: 100 points

College English: 95 points

Computer foundation: 100 points

Sports: 93 points


In the column of professional achievement ranking, the bold red font shows: No. 1!
"My heart has suffered [-] points of damage. Is it still necessary for me to go to class and do my homework seriously every day?" said the third child, Wang Zhenguo.

"The fourth one is awesome. At that time, he said that he didn't worry about the final exam. I thought he had given up on treatment, but I didn't expect him to be hiding his secrets," said the boss Tang Minghua.

"For this achievement, the fourth child must be treated, and the proper national scholarship and the school's first-class scholarship must be obtained," said the second child Lu Yang.


The news that Jiang Hui was the first in the class in the final exam soon spread from dormitory 301 to the entire dormitory for male and female students majoring in industrial engineering, and even other majors in the college knew that there was a strong man in industrial engineering.

Zhao Jiaren was the one who was most depressed when he heard the news. He had always disliked Jiang Hui.In addition, he likes He Ling, and He Ling is indifferent to him, but very enthusiastic towards Jiang Hui, which makes Zhao Jiaren even more dissatisfied with Jiang Hui.Originally, he wanted to overwhelm Jiang Hui with his excellent academic performance, but now he doesn't even have this advantage.

In this final exam, Jiang Hui is the first major, He Ling is the second major, Zhao Jiaren is the third major, and Tang Minghua is the fourth major.The top four are all from the first class of industrial engineering, which made the class teacher of the second class very depressed. Sure enough, there is no harm if there is no comparison.In college, although the role of the head teacher is very weak, if two classes of the same major have too much difference in grades and performance in all aspects, it is inevitable that they will look bad.

"I said Jiang Hui, you can do it, if you don't make a show, you will be a blockbuster," He Ling called Jiang Hui after learning about the test results.

"Hey, didn't I say that you don't have to worry about me? I've already memorized the content of these exams, otherwise I wouldn't dare to skip classes like this," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, but I think you have set a very bad example for our class. Everyone else thinks that you can get good grades in the final exam even if you don't study," He Ling said.

"Everyone is not a child anymore and has their own ability to judge. If I want to think this way, there is nothing I can do," Jiang Hui said.


The results are out, but it's hard to say if everyone is happy.

The moon is bending over Kyushu, and some families are happy and some are sad.

(End of this chapter)

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