Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 144 Visiting the Penguins

Chapter 144 Visiting the Penguins
After negotiating the share transfer, it would take the next day to sign the contract at the earliest. Boss Ma took the initiative to invite Jiang Hui to visit Penguin. After all, Jiang Hui will be one of the major shareholders of Penguin in the future.

"Penguin now has more than 600 people, mainly in the three business modules of Penguin Communications, Penguin Website, and Penguin Games. There are also some subdivisions under each module. At present, Penguin Communications is the most influential, but it is developing the fastest. It's a penguin game," Boss Ma said while showing Jiang Hui.

As an Internet company, Penguin has more freedom in the arrangement of desks and chairs in the office, and there is no clear regulation on the dress of employees. This should be the characteristic of most Internet companies.

Looking at these young faces, only Jiang Hui knows that most of them will become rich generations later, as long as you keep working in Penguin.Of course, if you have a few houses in Shenzhen now, you will be even more financially free in a decade or so.

"I think the game business has great potential. Mr. Ma can consider strengthening the staffing of the senior management department," Jiang Hui said, not only to mention Penguin, but also to recruit senior managers.

"We are already working hard in this direction. The "Angry Birds" recently launched on is also very popular. Has Mr. Jiang considered continuing to cooperate with Penguin? Now it can be regarded as cooperation with Mr. Jiang himself." Boss Ma Said.

""Angry Birds" is currently available for download on the official website of Guanghui Games, and the significance of cooperation may not be so high," Jiang Hui said.

The game "Angry Birds" is not like "Happy Farm", which quickly declined after two years of being popular. Its power will be developed when smartphones are prevalent. Jiang Hui doesn't want to take out such a big IP to compete with Penguin. share.

"Glory Games currently develops basically web games, do you have other considerations for future development?" Boss Ma said.

"As long as it is a game, Brilliant Games will consider involving it in the future," Jiang Hui said.


When Boss Ma was taking Jiang Hui to visit the company, Penguin employees were also curious about who Jiang Hui was, and Boss Ma was accompanying him personally.

"Who is this? He looks so young!"

"Could it be the son of some leader?"

"Could it be someone from an investment institution?"

"Mr. Ma is already young enough, now come a younger one, everyone is so good, how can we live!"

"The senior manager of the game platform is also following behind. Could it be someone from Brilliant Games?"

"This is the son-in-law of the golden turtle, Xiaomei, hurry up and find an opportunity, come on!"

"The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the front waves die on the beach."


"Mr. Jiang, our company is expected to be listed in Hong Kong in June this year. You must come to the site to observe it. For the formalities, you can send the information to Penguin, and the company will handle it for you," said Boss Ma.

"Okay, let's go and see a historical node of Penguin, maybe it will be a moment that is often mentioned many years later," Jiang Hui said.

"Haha, it seems that Mr. Jiang really has confidence in Penguin, so let's use your good words to witness this historical moment together," said Boss Ma.

A group of people walked around the office area of ​​Penguin Company, and it was almost noon.

"At noon today, I purposely found one of the most famous Hakka restaurants in Shenzhen. We'll have a few drinks later," said Boss Ma.

"The guest is up to the owner, Mr. Ma, you can come and order," Jiang Hui said.


After lunch, Jiang Hui was already a little drunk under the wheel of Boss Ma's crowd.Then I took the car arranged by Penguin and went back to the hotel to rest.

In the next two days, Penguin quickly convened an extraordinary shareholders meeting, and passed the share replacement plan with Brilliance Games. After Jiang Hui asked Xiang Weiwei to help confirm the contract, he signed his name on the contract and stamped it official seal.

Soon, Penguin remitted [-] million in cash to the account of Guanghui Games according to the contract, and the documents related to the shares were quickly sent to Jiang Hui.

Penguin quickly released the news of Penguin's new investor on, which made the originally unknown Brilliant Game quickly remembered by people.


"Shenzhen Daily" reported: Penguin will introduce new strategic investors when it is about to go public, which means that in the future, Penguin will increase investment in game platforms and turn the current massive traffic into cash.This will effectively improve Penguin's profitability and give investors more room for imagination.Our reporter interviewed the manager of the PR department of Penguin...

"Southern Weekly" report: This newspaper's exclusive news, Penguin sold 5.00% of the shares to Brilliant Games, and there is deep helplessness behind it.Presumably everyone has heard of the popular "Happy Farm" and "Happy Landlords" on the Penguin game platform. Among them, "Happy Farm" is the exclusive development of Guanghui Games. The Penguin Company signed a VAM contract and introduced it to the Penguin game platform.For Penguin Corporation, the popularity of the game is both joyful and painful, and the reason lies in the countermeasure agreement signed between Penguin Corporation and Brilliant Games.According to the content of the agreement, Penguin Company needs to pay 30.00% of the game's dividends to Brilliant Games, and...

"Emperor Capital Evening News" reported: Ten years of cold window no one asked, became famous all over the world in one fell swoop!Didu Enterprise Brilliance Games Co., Ltd. has successively developed several popular games, and obtained 5.00% shares of Penguin Company and 1 million yuan in cash by virtue of "Happy Farm" and "Happy Landlord".Shining Games is...

Sina News: Shanda Network believes that the current popular web games are not the mainstream of development, and will eventually be short-lived.Shanda Network will continue to increase the development and introduction of online games to bring better entertainment experience to the majority of netizens...


All kinds of news began to report on the cooperation between Brilliant Games and Penguin. Bai Xue, He Ling, Chen Hu, Li Shigui, Tang Minghua and others also called to congratulate.Many well-connected media also called Jiang Hui's mobile phone, expressing their hope to interview Jiang Hui.For a while, Jiang Hui's cell phone rang like a hotline, making Jiang Hui dizzy for a while.

Jiang Hui still wanted to live a low-key life for a few years, and he didn't want to be exposed so quickly under the flashlight of the media. His words and deeds would be watched by people with a magnifying glass, so he refused to be interviewed. Reporter Chen Yanping's interview was also denied.

Under the bombardment of phone calls, Jiang Hui hurriedly talked to Bai Xue, He Ling and others, and then turned off the phone.Then he packed up his things and came to Yangcheng alone.

(End of this chapter)

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