Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 150 How to Spend Money

Chapter 150 How to Spend Money
After accepting the interview with Tianchao Youth Daily, Jiang Hui invited Chen Yanping and his party to have lunch at noon. Anyway, he is also the uncrowned king, and he might ask for it one day. Besides, eating with beautiful women is also a pleasure things.

After eating and returning to the rental house, Jiang Hui went back to the room by himself, sat at the desk and thought about the next step.The plan always fails to keep up with the changes. Now there are 800 million cash in the Guanghui game account, and there are more than 200 million funds I have prepared for Xiaonei. How to make the most of these funds needs to be calculated carefully.

First of all, the office building of the company is leased. However, with Dean He coming forward and cooperating with the School of Software, the school should not charge too much money to lease a part of the Science and Technology Building to itself, and the current rooms are not expensive. , the rent itself is not much higher.But this also reminded Jiang Hui that it is necessary to buy two houses. On the one hand, it will appreciate in value, and on the other hand, the current rental house is really inconvenient to meet Bai Xue and He Ling again, so it is necessary to open up a small space.

Next, it should be the development of Xiaonei.It stands to reason that Xiaonei's own funds are now negative. After all, the revenue balance has not yet been achieved, and Jiang Hui's own funds are being spent now.Now that there are already so many shareholders, it is not appropriate to continue like this. Jiang Hui is considering lending 2000 million to Xiaonei in the name of Guanghui Games, and then returning it to Guanghui Games when Xiaonei has sufficient funds.In this way, Xiaonei has funds to rent office buildings, recruit manpower, and expand server configuration. After all, the functions planned by Jiang Hui still have relatively high requirements for server resources.

Then there is the glorious game, "Parking Space Grab" has been developed and can be launched at any time.However, the official website of Brilliant Games still needs to be improved to make it a more professional game website. At the same time, Brilliant Games should also build its own independent server.Jiang Hui hopes that in the future, whenever netizens think of playing games, they will go to the official website of Brilliant Games.It's like a popular saying in later generations: If you don't know foreign affairs, ask Google, and if you don't know internal affairs, ask Du Niang.

In the end, Hao123 was acquired. Although Jiang Hui planned to keep Yin Du Niang for use, he still had to make good use of its value before being acquired by Du Niang.Jiang Hui first added a Hao123 link port at the top of the school intranet, so that more college students can also get used to setting Hao123 as the home page.At the same time, Jiang Hui also adjusted the positions of Xiaonei, Guanghui Games, Penguin Company, etc. within Hao123 to make them more eye-catching.

After planning the next move, Jiang Hui finally breathed a sigh of relief. He has been busy all this time, and he is about to become a workaholic. Seeing that it was getting late, Jiang Hui called Bai Xue and asked her out. Come out to eat together.

I haven't seen Bai Xue for a while, and sometimes I don't have much time to connect to the phone when I get busy.Today, Bai Xue is wearing a dark green slender coat. Her full chest can be felt under the coat. With a pair of straight washed pants, she looks heroic.A pair of watery eyes are lined with thin eyelids, stirring a pool of witty blue waves, which appear to be watery.After seeing Jiang Hui, his eyes were about to drip from the smiling face.

"Baby, don't you miss me?" Jiang Hui hugged Bai Xue in his arms and said, before waiting for Bai Xue to reply, he gave her a deep kiss, which made Bai Xue breathless.

"I thought you didn't want me anymore, and you ignored me for so long," Bai Xue said.

"I've been so busy during this time, I can hardly tell the difference between day and night, weekdays and weekends," Jiang Hui said with his arms around Bai Xue's slender waist.

"I've seen a lot of reports about you from the outside media. There are all kinds of reports. Can you tell me about the actual situation?" Bai Xue said.

"It's actually very simple. Didn't you know that I have been engaged in Xiaonei and game companies before? Recently, I have converted some of the income from the developed games into shares of Penguin, and I have also obtained a large sum of money. .Then I used the money to buy the website Hao123, which was not as bad as some small websites outside said,” Jiang Hui said.

"Honey, now that you have become so famous and rich all of a sudden, I'm so happy but also so worried," Bai Xue said with her sexy little mouth a little tangled.

"Silly girl, didn't I tell you that you are in charge of being beautiful, and I am in charge of making money to support the family. There is nothing to worry about," Jiang Hui said, pinching Bai Xue's little cheek.

"But the gap between us is getting bigger and bigger. I feel that I am getting smaller and smaller. I'm afraid that people will say that I want to be with you because of glory and wealth," Bai Xue said.

In fact, Jiang Hui understood Bai Xue's worries better in his heart. After all, his relatively ordinary boyfriend had become famous all over the country, and his net worth had exceeded [-] million. He searched all universities in the country, and there was no such freshman.Although Bai Xue's own family background is quite good, and it could even be said that Jiang Hui was on top of her when she first started dating Jiang Hui, but Bai Xue didn't care about these at the time, and she liked Jiang Hui.But now that the situation has been reversed, although she herself can ignore it, if there are always all kinds of gossip, it will inevitably make people feel uncomfortable and worried if they hear too much.

"We know the things about the two of us best. Don't care what others say. Just know that I will never leave you in this life. Many people are envious of Mi now. Don't be fooled by others. ", Jiang Hui said.

"Then you can find something for me to do, or I'm worried that I'll really become a vase. I don't want to be called a big-chested and brainless person," Bai Xue said.

"Hey, big breasts are real, but no brains are purely because others want to find some comfort for themselves," Jiang Hui said with a smirk, staring at Bai Xue's chest.

Bai Xue felt a little uncomfortable being watched by Jiang Hui, and gave Jiang Hui a supercilious look, "Where are you looking?"

"I haven't been with you well during this time, let's have a big dinner tonight to celebrate that we are finally going to a well-off life," Jiang Hui said.

"You're still running for a well-off society. The government is still thinking about entering a comprehensive well-off society in 2020. According to your standards, it will not be realized in 2200. You are adding a burden to the government," Bai Xue said.


The two walked out of the school talking and laughing, leaving a pair of backs for passers-by.Perhaps it was because she hadn't stayed with Jiang Hui for too long before that Bai Xue felt worried and insecure. After a night of in-depth communication between her mind and body, the two of them returned to the feeling of being together just now. .

(End of this chapter)

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