Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 163 Settlement Out of Court

Chapter 163 Settlement Out of Court
Zach was born into a Jewish family in New York, but he claims to be an atheist.Zach started writing programs in middle school.His father taught him Atari BASIC Programming in the 20s before hiring software developer Newman to tutor him. Newman once called Zuckerberg a prodigy.

When Zach was in high school, he had already attended classes at Mercy College near his home.He likes programming, especially communication tools and games.He also developed a software program called ZuckNet that allowed his father to communicate with the dentist's office at home.This system can even be regarded as the original version of the later real-time communication software of America Online.According to author Jose Antonio Vargas: "Zack creates computer games for kids."

Zach also created a music program called Synapse Media Player when he was in high school, and used artificial intelligence to learn the user's habits of listening to music, and was posted on Slashdot, which was rated as 3 out of 2002 stars by PC Magazine.Microsoft and AOL wanted to recruit and train Zuckerberg at the time, but Zuckerberg still chose to enter Harvard University in September 9.

In the Harvard era, Zach was hailed as a "program god".He studied psychology and computational science with the Jewish Alpha Epsilon Pi. In February 2004, Zach, a second-year student majoring in computer science and psychology at Harvard University, had a whim to build a website as a communication platform for Harvard University students.It only took about a week for Zach to set up this website called Facebook.

Unexpectedly, the website became a big sensation as soon as it was launched. Within a few weeks, more than half of Harvard's undergraduate students registered as members, and voluntarily provided their most private personal data, such as name, address, hobbies and photos, etc. .Students use this free platform to keep up with friends, chat with friends, and find new ones.

If Jiang Hui hadn’t come, and if there hadn’t been the Xiaonei website established three months earlier, Zac’s experience of cheating would have continued forever, and he would have become the youngest rich man in the world, and he would also be among the top ten on the global rich list. become the youngest person in the world's most influential people.

However, there are no ifs in life.After Zac left Scott Law Firm in a daze, he sat in a nearby park for a long time. His assistant Linda didn't dare to talk to him, but just silently stayed by his side.

Zach and Linda didn't go back until night fell.

"Linda, I can't just sit and watch Facebook shut down. It is my painstaking effort, like my child. I want to keep it alive. I will try my best and pay any price to keep it alive." , said Zach.

"Zach, I understand, I'm going to get in touch with a lawyer and see what they recommend," Linda said.

"Please, I'm going to work. I can't give up the maintenance of Facebook because of this matter, and I can't let the current users give up on it. I want to develop some unique new features, so that everyone can see that I am not Zach. Started by copying someone else," Zach said.

"You go, I have everything, there will be good news, you wait for me," Linda said.


On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Jiang Hui was also a little tangled after listening to Tang Wenwen's introduction to today's meeting.Leaving aside whether Facebook can be killed this time, how long can the US government tolerate Xiaonei, an Internet company that holds a large amount of personal information of users, as a wholly-owned enterprise of the Chinese Empire?There are not many users of in the United States. If Facebook is really killed and monopolizes the American market, it will not be long before various organizations come out to make trouble, and various media may start It is clamoring that the Chinese people have violated the privacy of users, and that has provided the information of users in the United States to the Chinese officials and other rumors.

But if we just let Facebook go and watch it grow, then its threat to Xiaonei is really too great.It is the website with the most traffic in later generations, and the experience of entrepreneurs is in line with the promotion of the American dream. It is difficult for Xiaonei to suppress it in the United States.It is best to seize this opportunity and acquire or merge it. This not only solves the problem that Xiaonei is a Chinese-owned enterprise that is difficult to develop and grow in the United States, but also removes the potential threat of Facebook.

Jiang Hui shared his thoughts with Tang Wenwen, and Tang Wenwen agreed.As a Chinese who has studied and lived in the United States for many years, he knows too well the virtues of the American government. He shouts for freedom and democracy, but behind his back is all kinds of filth.If Xiaonei does not have a US-funded background, it will be too difficult to develop and grow in the United States. They have more than N minutes to kill you.


On the second day, Linda made an appointment with the full-time lawyer of her father's company to consult with Xiaonei to sue Facebook.

"Uncle Anderson, the situation is as I just said, do you think we can win this lawsuit?" Linda said.

"Linda, to be honest, after you contacted me last night, I also checked the situation on Facebook and Xiaonei. Hours. From the perspective of the site’s positioning, functions, and web page layout, it is difficult to prove that Facebook is really your original creation. Of course, I don’t believe you if it’s not uncle. I just analyze and explain this situation objectively,” Anderson said. Said.

"Uncle Anderson, you are the best at patent litigation. Last time, you helped my father and a competitor in the patent dispute. Can you help us find a solution?" Linda said.

"What is your expected result? I want to know your expected value before we can find countermeasures," Anderson said.

"We hope the court will invalidate Xiaonei's claim and Facebook will continue to operate as usual," Linda said.

"Linda, you have to recognize the reality. It is impossible for Facebook to be unscathed. All the evidence is against you. The most important thing is that your opponent Xiaonei already had more than 300 million users when you established Facebook. If you have more users, it is considered a successful website, and your website is almost identical to others, the judge and the jury will not easily believe your defense," Anderson said.

"So what should we do? I don't want Facebook to just disappear," Linda said.

"Try to settle out of court. The court will be held in a few days. If you really go to court, there is a 90.00% chance that you will lose the lawsuit. Not only will the website be ordered to close , you still need to pay a large amount of compensation to Xiaonei, and your reputation will be completely lost in the future. Even if you start a business again, no investors will dare to invest in you easily. This loss is too great," Anderson said.

"A settlement out of court?" Linda said.


(End of this chapter)

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