Chapter 185
After successfully bringing Flash Rain under his command, Jiang Hui thought of the other people he knew on the train at that time.

"Is Brother Shanyu still in touch with the other people he met on the train at that time?" Jiang Hui asked while eating.

"Except for Liu Ke, who is also from Shenzhen, and we have contacted later, the others have not been contacted again. In fact, Mr. Jiang, I think Liao Yun, who studies accounting, and Zeng Qingying, who studies law, are quite talented. I suggest you consider contacting them to see if you can recruit them to the company," said Shan Yu.

"Well, this is really possible. I will contact them after dinner, but I am worried that they will not like the current Xiaonei website," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, you underestimate yourself too much. Now Xiaonei is definitely a star company in the eyes of college students. It has a bright future. They must pursue a stable position and want to be a civil servant, or they will definitely agree. ", Flash said.

"With your good words, I'll see if I can ask them out later," Jiang Hui said.

"Must, it's a little late for lunch now, or else we can call them out for dinner together," Shan Yu said.

"This idea reminds me that Jade Garden also has morning tea and afternoon tea. I'll ask them to come out for afternoon tea." , Liao Yun, who majored in accounting at the University of Finance and Economics, and Wang Mengyu, who majored in fine arts at Huaqing University, called one by one.

Except for Liu Ke from the National People's Congress who has already booked a Wuyang company, and now he went directly to practice and is not in the imperial capital, the other three people heard that Shan Yu and Jiang Hui were having dinner in Jade Garden, so they readily agreed to come out for afternoon tea.Except for Zeng Qingying, everyone else is from Lingnan, and they are all familiar with afternoon tea. After coming to the imperial capital, they really rarely have the opportunity to have afternoon tea.

Jiang Hui and Shan Yu sped up their eating speed, and after they finished eating, they asked the waiter to change to a bigger table, ready to start the next battle, but unfortunately, their stomachs were already a bit disappointing.

The study of several people is not far from Jade Garden. Half an hour later, Zeng Qingying and the others arrived one after another.

Everyone will meet many people in their life, and many of them meet once by chance and never meet again.Several people were able to meet each other on the train, and they are reunited today, very excited.

Last time on the train, the girls all wore thick clothes and surrounded themselves tightly. It was really hard to see who had a good figure and who had a bad figure.

In the imperial capital in April, the weather has begun to warm up, and some brave girls even wear skirts, looking lovely and icy.

Zeng Qingying is wearing a pair of slim-fit trousers and a somewhat professional-style jacket today, and a pair of high-heeled shoes that are not too high, showing a bit of Yujie's style.

Liao Yun wore a ball head, wearing a white sweater, casual jeans, and canvas shoes, showing off his exquisite figure, which gave him the feeling of Xiaojiabiyu.

Wang Mengyu is wearing a winter skirt and brown calfskin. She has a tall figure and milky white skin. Although her chest is an airport, it still gives people a small and fresh feeling.

Plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums each have their own characteristics. It is rare to get to know a few beauties just once on the train.

Several people exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then sat down.

"I said Jiang Hui, why are you and Senior Brother Shan Yu doing together today?" Zeng Qingying was the liveliest of the group, and asked as soon as she sat down.

"Jiang Hui came to save me from fire and water today, from now on, I will follow him," Shan Yu said with a smile.

"What's the situation, why can't I understand?" Liao Yun interjected,

"Yes, yes, Dr. Shan Yu, you can't rely on your high diploma to bully us," Wang Mengyu said.

"I smell a conspiracy," Zeng Qingying said.

"It's not as complicated as you imagined, but all of us have misjudged it. At that time, the junior brother turned out to be a local tyrant who kept his secrets. Now I have joined Mr. Jiang, and I just want to see how your jobs are set. How about it?" Flash Rain said.

"Jiang Hui, hurry up and tell the truth, what's going on," Zeng Qingying said to Jiang Hui in a threatening gesture.

"It's nothing, I just fiddled with a website before, and I think you have used it before. It is Xiaonei. Now I am recruiting people, so I will ask Brother Shanyu to come and help me," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Wow! Xiaonei, I play every day. Before I came out, I was still stealing food there," Liao Yun said.

"Did you create Xiaonei? I only heard that it was created by a student of Imperial University of Technology, but I didn't expect it to be you. You are so awesome," Zeng Qingying said.

"Idol, Boss Jiang, does your company recruit interns? Is there any use for my art studies?" Wang Mengyu said.

"You are welcome at any time. To be honest, I asked everyone out today. On the one hand, it is rare for everyone to meet each other on the train, so we will find an opportunity to gather together. On the other hand, we will see if everyone is interested in developing Xiaonei." Jiang Hui Said.

"Didn't you say earlier that I have already signed a contract with Shenzhen Customs, what should I do?" Zeng Qingying said.

"Boss, how much salary do you plan to pay us? Although I have also signed a contract with a bank, I heard that I have to work at the counter for a few years at the beginning of joining the bank. If you are good, I can consider breaking the contract," Liao Yun said. .

"Let me briefly introduce the company's situation to you. I currently have several companies under my umbrella, such as Guanghui Technology, Guanghui Games,, and Guanghui Payment. The one you are most familiar with is Xiaonei. Indirect contact, "Happy Farm", "Angry Birds", "Parking Space" and other games are all developed by Guanghui Games, and Guanghui Payment is mainly a payment platform, and you will gradually have more in the future. I understand that as for Guanghui Technology, it only exists as a headquarters company and does not have much actual business,” Jiang Hui said.

"I never believed in the existence of geniuses, but I never thought that geniuses were by my side," Zeng Qingying said.

"Jiang Hui, you want me," Wang Mengyu said.

"Puff," Jiang Hui almost choked the tea out of his mouth, Wang Mengyu's words were too different.

"You haven't said how we will be paid if we join the job?" Liao Yun said.

" is still in a stage of rapid development. The salary of employees who just joined the company will not be particularly high, at most seven or eight thousand. But now the employees who join the company are considered veteran employees of the company. When goes public, It will give everyone a share allocation, I dare not say if there are too many, and it will be easier for everyone to become millionaires," Jiang Hui said.

"Will there really be a rights issue? I am so poor now, if the company pays the liquidated damages for me, I will choose to join Xiaonei", Liao Yun said.

"I have to think about it. I personally prefer to go to, but my family is very satisfied with my work at Shenzhen Customs. I have to talk to them before making a decision," Zeng Qingying said.

"What about me? If you want me, I will be a senior in the second half of the year," Wang Mengyu said.

"Of course, the website needs to recruit art workers. If you, a talented student from Huaqing University, are willing to come, I can only wish for it," Jiang Hui said.


In this way, Jiang Hui almost wiped out all the senior brothers and sisters he met on the train last year!

 "Rebirth: Perfect Ruyi" is finally officially released today.Thank you for your recommendations, comments and favorites all the time. I hope you will continue to subscribe and support in the future.Finally, add more, add more, add more, important things are said three times, add more today!


(End of this chapter)

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