Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 204 Softbank's Idea

Chapter 204 Softbank's Idea

Venture capital has been developing in China for some time, and in fact, there is already a relatively mature model.But Tang Wenwen still wants to take a look at SoftBank's appetite first.Xiaonei is not very short of money now, and each party has a profit of more than 3000 million, so it doesn't matter if they can't reach an agreement for a while.

"Mr. Tang, Softbank is very interested in, but Jiang Hui, the founder of our team, is more interested. The way we cooperate will depend on the next communication with Mr. Jiang," Mr. Xiong said.

Mr. Xiong's words are not perfunctory.For venture capital institutions, how to judge whether a company will succeed mainly depends on whether there are strong company founders, a market with great development potential, and the evidence of success that has been presented so far.

Of these three things, the most important thing is a strong founder.Most investors make an early judgment on whether a company they're interested in looks like a winner or a loser; once they've formed their view, it's hard to change.

Every startup has reasons why it's worth investing in and why it's not, and if investors think your company will be a winner, they'll focus on those reasons; If you are not going to be a winner, then you will focus on why it is not worth investing in.

For example, a startup may face a rich market, which is a reason to invest in it, but at the same time, has a slow sales cycle, which is a reason not to invest in it.If investors are impressed by the company's founders, they will say they are willing to invest because the company faces a wealthy market; otherwise, they will say they are unwilling to invest because of the company's slow sales cycle .

However, judging from the achievements Jiang Hui, the founder of, has made in just half a year, Tang Wenwen feels that although Mr. Xiong's answer did not directly answer his own question, it is actually a very good one for replied.After all, the most powerful thing about Xiaonei is that it has a strong founder with a unique vision.

"I understand Mr. Xiong's meaning, then let's set a time to meet next time later," Tang Wenwen said.

"No problem, I am looking forward to meeting Mr. Jiang. He is currently the brightest new star in the Internet industry of Tianchao. In just half a year, he has gone through a journey that many people would never complete in his lifetime. Several companies have achieved outstanding achievements. SoftBank looks forward to more extensive cooperation with Mr. Jiang,” Mr. Xiong said.


Next, Tang Wenwen took Softbank and his team to visit the office area of ​​Xiaonei, and briefly introduced the development of Xiaonei.

"Mr. Tang, I think this office area is quite large, but many seats are still vacant. How many employees are there on Xiaonei?", Mr. Xiong asked.

"Now there are more than 60 full-time employees and more than 70 interns. At present, we have several major businesses in progress. It is expected that the number of full-time employees will exceed [-] soon. Some vacant areas are reserved for land use. ", Tang Wenwen said.

"This floor is all from the school network, right?" President Xiong asked.

"Currently the [-]th, [-]th and [-]th floors of this building are the office space of the company under Mr. Jiang. In the future, the [-]th floor will be used as the office space of the Xiaonei network, and other floors will be leased according to the situation," Tang Wenwen Said.

While visiting the school net, Mr. Xiong has been adjusting his views on the school net.The current is different from those start-up small companies. It is obviously on the right track. It may be more difficult for Softbank to simply obtain the conditions it is satisfied with.

In fact, Mr. Xiong came here today not only to represent the opinions of Softbank Tianchao, is now developing well in the island country, and has attracted the attention of investors in the island country. Softbank President Masayoshi Son even called Mr. Xiong to consult In the eyes of Sun Zhengyi, Xiaonei is another Alibaba, which is worthy of his great investment.

"Is it convenient for Fang to let us go to other companies for a brief visit?" Mr. Xiong said.

This question is actually a bit abrupt. After all, the content of today's negotiations is related to the school network. Tang Wenwen did not expect Xionghui to suddenly propose to visit other companies, but fortunately Tang Wenwen himself often visits other companies. , if the people with Softbank simply take a look at it, it should be fine.

"No problem, but the thirteenth floor is still being renovated, so we can't see it now, let's go to the eleventh floor to have a look," Tang Wenwen said.


After the visit, everyone returned to the conference room, and after a brief exchange of pleasantries, the SoftBank team left the school.

Tang Wenwen immediately called Jiang Hui and reported today's situation.

"Mr. Jiang, the above is the general situation today," Tang Wenwen said after introducing today's events.

"Softbank wants to meet with me to discuss terms. Do you think they really want to talk to me or are they just playing it off?" Jiang Hui asked.

"I think there are more than two. On the one hand, they definitely want to confirm the founder of the company before making an offer. On the other hand, it is estimated that the development of is different from what they knew before the meeting. They need to discuss it internally. Only after that can the conditions be set out,” Tang Wenwen said.

"That's fine, when Boss Xiong asks you for the second round of negotiations later, you can arrange for me to talk to them. Don't worry too much, at least in a week," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, I understand," Tang Wenwen said.


Just when Softbank and his party came to Xiaonei to negotiate, investment institutions such as IDG and Sequoia Capital also received news.The circle of venture capital circles is actually very small, and various companies will exchange some investment information intentionally or unintentionally, and sometimes several companies will cooperate to make joint investment.Especially in the future, when the amount of VC is getting bigger and bigger, in order to share the investment risk, it is often led by a certain institution, and several other companies cooperate together as a round of financing.

After Softbank's President Xiong and the others returned to the company, they quickly arranged for personnel to re-evaluate Xiaonei.The relationship between and Brilliant Games, Brilliant Payment, Brilliant Technology, and Facebook, as well as the relationship between Brilliant Technology and Du Niang and Penguin, etc. must be included in the evaluation.At the same time, in order to win the first round of financing of Xiaonei as soon as possible, Softbank also needs to adjust the previous asking price. According to the previous valuation of Xiaonei by Softbank Tianchao, it is believed that Xiaonei is worth about [-] to [-] million yuan.But judging from the situation learned today, it will definitely not be possible to negotiate at a valuation of [-]-[-] million yuan, and it will become a wedding dress for other investment institutions.

(End of this chapter)

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