Chapter 207

When "Plants vs. Zombies" was developing wildly in China, it also aroused fierce repercussions abroad.

Most users in Asia came into contact with this game through Xiaonei. In the United States, Jiang Hui communicated with Facebook and introduced "Plants vs. Zombies" to the website just like Xiaonei.Since Facebook does not have a charging system for the time being, "Plants vs. Zombies" used by American players is a purely free game.However, being able to take this opportunity to build the reputation of Brilliant Games and increase the number of Facebook registrations and influence can be regarded as achieving Jiang Hui's goal.

The current number of Facebook registered in the United States has also exceeded 100 million, which is faster than the previous life.Following the wave of "Plants vs. Zombies", the number of Facebook registrations also increased rapidly. In the first three days of the game's launch, the number of registrations increased by more than 20.This number is nothing in the Celestial Dynasty, but there is no place in this world where there are so many people in the Celestial Dynasty.

Although the official website of Brilliant Games also has an English version, and there is also "Plants vs. Zombies", but there are not many foreign users currently using it, and Brilliant Games is not a well-known game platform abroad.

The game frenzy caused by "Plants vs. Zombies" quickly attracted reports from various media.


Report from Recently, Guanghui Games, a well-known web game development company in China, launched a brand new game called "Plants vs. Zombies". The feeling of "steal food" game.

"Plants vs. Zombies" is a very strategic game.Terrible zombies are about to invade, and each zombie has different characteristics. For example, the iron barrel zombie has a strong resistance to attack, and the miner zombie can dig tunnels to avoid the plants planted on the soil surface.The way players defend against zombies is by planting plants. 49 kinds of plants each have different functions, for example, the cherry bomb can kill all the zombies within a certain range, and the piranha can eat the zombie closest to it.Players can grow plants reasonably according to the weaknesses of different zombies, which is also the trick to victory.The game is divided into five game modes according to different gameplays: Adventure, Survival, Vase Breaker, Mini Games, and Garden.Obstacles like night, rooftops, fog, and swimming pools add to the challenge and the game is nearly never-ending.


Du Niang news report: The editor recently noticed that "Plants vs. Zombies" is being played everywhere on the Internet. With strong curiosity, the editor also went to try this game.The game adopts a step-by-step level design. With the increase of plant types, new members will appear in the zombie team, and different zombies will have different characteristics.How to match plants, you can refer to the zombie team on the right, choosing those plants that can restrain zombies will achieve twice the result with half the effort.In addition, this game can be replayed unlimited times, the layout of the scene is different each time you replay, and the system will automatically save when the game is interrupted.

Start planting sunflowers, collect solar energy, and block zombies from attacking.Haha, I have to say that it is quite exciting, because I have no experience and haven't planted much. Watching waves of zombies sweeping in, the plants I have worked so hard to grow are destroyed, reaching the end, and failing every level.After playing for a long time, I gained experience.I especially like the cherry bombs, stone protective walls, big mouth flowers, and corn bombs in the mini-game.The most interesting thing is that the zombies will hold the ladder, one by one to pass through the defense, and then a bomb will blow them black, that feeling is so cool.Playing games is really playing in a heartbeat.


The popularity of "Plants vs. Zombies" on Facebook also attracted extensive coverage in the US media. reported: Recently, a casual game from Tianchao has attracted widespread attention from users. More than 50 people have played this game on Facebook.It is said that this game is played by more than 3000 million people in China, which is a crazy number, equivalent to one in ten Americans playing.This game has changed the style of Chinese games that are dull and do not understand Western hobbies. The zombies and other settings in it are very similar to medieval legends. . .

AOL report: The zombies are coming, you read that right, the zombies are coming.Recently, a game called "Plants vs. Zombies" is very popular among college students.The game requires the player to have both brain intelligence and cerebellar reflexes.After having the correct strategic thinking, it is necessary to rely on tactics to realize the strategy.The scope of tactics covers a wide range. The collocation of plants, the formation during battle, and whether to fight or defend when plants and zombies meet, all belong to the category of tactics.The correct tactics are the key to the player's victory in the battle.To choose the right tactics, you need to analyze the situation first, and then make a decision.So to improve the tactical level is also to improve the ability to analyze the situation. . .


The warm response of "Plants vs. Zombies" abroad has further promoted the enthusiastic reports of the domestic media.

"Domestic games arouse enthusiastic responses overseas".

"The American media widely pays attention to the Plants vs. Zombies produced by Guanghui Games"

"my country's Internet Industry Begins to Enter the International Market"

"Plants vs. Zombies are popular all over the world"

"From imitation to innovation, the development path of domestic games"

"Plants vs. Zombies has over 4000 million global users"


From Internet media to traditional media, the relevant reports were quickly followed up, and Brilliance Games has a strong sense of existence.And various Internet forums are also excited about the performance of "Plants vs. Zombies" abroad.

"It's amazing, my zombie, the old beauty is kneeling down."

"Glorious Game is winning glory for the country."

"Products produced by Brilliance must be high-quality goods, honesty does not deceive me."

"The top one upstairs".

"It is said that the people of island countries are also playing Plants vs. Zombies."

"This is really popular all over the world, a rare event."


With the help of "Plants vs. Zombies", the number of overseas users of has successfully exceeded 200 million, and the number of users in island countries has reached more than 100 million. The number of Facebook registrations has finally exceeded 150 million, and in the rapid increase, Zach has opened up the registration rights of colleges and universities in the United States, and is considering opening up the registration rights of other countries.

Although the profitability of "Plants vs. Zombies" is not as high as that of "Fishing Game", the number of players on the Brilliant Game Platform is as high as nearly 4000 million, which also contributes nearly 200 million daily revenue to Brilliant Games.With such games as "Happy Farm", "Parking Space", "Angry Birds", "Fishing Game", "Plants vs. Zombies" and other games, Brilliant Games Co., Ltd. has finally entered the mode of earning tens of millions a day. It was so powerful that Jiang Hui repeatedly emphasized to the company's employees that the profit situation should be kept fully confidential.Making too much money is easy to attract people's hatred!

(End of this chapter)

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