Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 211 51 Holiday

Chapter 211 May Day Holiday
There is only one criterion for measuring the success of a startup company, survival.The investor's success criterion is to help startups survive to the greatest extent.A good venture capital firm needs to maintain two qualities: one is a convincing record of return on investment, and the other is to maintain a high level of competition.

After a round of contacts, Jiang Hui basically agrees with Softbank and Sequoia Capital as the first financing targets. There is still a long way to go before we can actually talk about it. At least it will take ten and a half months. possible.

After Jiang Hui told Tang Wenwen the bottom line of the negotiation and some of the company's requirements, he entrusted him to conduct follow-up negotiations, as long as he sorted out and reported each negotiation situation to Jiang Hui.

And the May [-]st holiday is coming soon, Jiang Hui gave all the employees of all the companies under his company an extra month's salary as a holiday allowance for the May [-]st holiday, and also gave an extra month's salary to the interns at a salary of [-] yuan per person per day money.

"Mr. Jiang is mighty."

"Let's have a few more holidays."

"Let's make the holidays come harder."

"The Mid-Autumn Festival and the [-]th are coming soon, and I can't wait to receive the second wave of festival fees."

The charm of renminbi is the greatest. The usually quiet office, after receiving an extra month's salary from the company as a festival fee, the atmosphere suddenly became lively.


Before you know it, it’s May, and the skirts and shorts of the girls on the street show up again, and the hearts of the men with big white legs dangling are all warmed up.

In the first half of this year, he was basically busy with work and didn't have time to go out with his girlfriend. Jiang Hui planned to take Bai Xue out for a while during the May Day holiday.The current highest temperature in the imperial capital has reached more than 30 degrees, so Jiang Hui thought about taking Baixue to the beach to play and swim.

"Honey, it's May Day soon, how about we take a walk-and-go tour?" Jiang Hui called Bai Xue and said.Bai Xue knew that Jiang Hui had been busy with work during this time, but she didn't pester him about going out to play on May Day.

"Really? Yes, yes, that's great," Bai Xue said excitedly.

"Is there any place you want to go?" Jiang Hui asked.

"As long as I'm with you, I have no problem going anywhere," Bai Xue said.

"Then let's go to Qindao to play, and I'll book a ticket right away," Jiang Hui said.

Fortunately, there is no discount on air tickets for May [-]st. Many people who went to Qindao in the imperial capital thought the air tickets were too expensive and chose to go by train, so Jiang Hui managed to book two air tickets for that night.

Jiang Hui briefly explained the work to Tang Wenwen, Fang Dawen and the others, then went back to pack his things and prepared to leave for Qindao at night.The air ticket is at [-]:[-] p.m., and we have to leave the school at about [-]:[-] p.m. Otherwise, there may be traffic jams or something that will cause us to miss the plane. It is already past [-]:[-] p.m.

Jiang Hui simply packed up a few clothes, carried his backpack and went downstairs to Bai Xue's dormitory to wait.

When Jiang Hui called Bai Xue and told her that he was waiting for her downstairs, Bai Xue said, "Wait a minute, I was still in class just now, and I sneaked away when get out of class was over, and I just returned to the dormitory now."

"Just pack up a few pieces of clothes, and we can just buy anything we need at Qindao," Jiang Hui said.

"Got it, I'll be down soon", after Bai Xue finished speaking, she hung up the phone in a hurry.

Fortunately, Bai Xue was still very considerate, and didn't want Jiang Hui to wait too long, so she came down from the dormitory after about [-] minutes.

Today, Bai Xue is wearing a short denim skirt, showing two snow-white thighs, which is very eye-catching; she is wearing a black sleeveless T-shirt on her upper body, and her full breasts make the T-shirt that just fits one size smaller , when trotting over, he showed his sexy lower navel from time to time, and Jiang Hui felt hot when he saw it.

"I'm so sorry for making my husband wait so long," Bai Xue shook her head, holding Jiang Hui's arm, and said to Jiang Hui in a rare way.

"For the sake of my concubine's beauty, I can bear to wait," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Huh, I still love my concubine, why is she not a queen, student Jiang Hui, you still want to be the 72nd concubine of Sangong Sixth Hospital, I will punish you to carry my backpack." Bai Xue took off the small backpack and gave it to Jiang Hui and said.

"Hey, if there is Sannomiya Sixth Hospital with a backpack, please let me carry a backpack every day," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"That's a beautiful idea, you don't think it's enough to have this girl serving you," Bai Xue said as she gave Jiang Hui a health ball.

"Then let's fight for [-] rounds at night to see if it's enough. Then don't beg for mercy. You won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow," Jiang Hui said.


The two walked out of the school talking and laughing, then took a taxi and went straight to the Imperial Capital Airport.

The May Day Golden Week has been around for several years. In September 1999, the Government Administration Council reformed and introduced a new statutory holiday system. Every year, the National Day, Spring Festival and "May 9st" statutory holidays plus the holidays, the country has 7 days off.Since then, the boom in tourism and consumption triggered by the three "Golden Weeks" has become a new bright spot in my country's economic life, and the holiday economy has become a new topic that people talk about.But every holiday, traffic jams everywhere, and the scene of crowded tourist attractions make the whole society gradually call for canceling the May Day Golden Week and adding other holidays instead.

But although there were many people, fortunately, Jiang Hui and Bai Xue's flight finally took off on time.

"Honey, why do you look nervous and your palms are sweating?" Bai Xue asked.

"Don't talk yet, let me take it easy," Jiang Hui said.

Jiang Hui has always been a little afraid of heights, especially when the plane takes off from time to time, he feels weightless, which makes Jiang Hui feel very insecure.After the plane reached the stratosphere, the stewardesses started to come out for activities, and Jiang Hui was no longer nervous.

"Haha, husband, I finally found out that you have a weakness. You are actually afraid of flying. It's not your first time flying. Why are you afraid?" Bai Xue leaned next to Jiang Hui and said softly with a smile.

"The bigger you get, the more timid you are. When I was young, I climbed trees and climbed high to dig out bird nests. I didn't feel scared at all. Now I do become a little afraid of heights," Jiang Hui said.

"Congratulations, you are afraid of the same thing as the great man. It is said that the founder of the Celestial Dynasty didn't like to fly, and preferred to choose the train every time he travels," Bai Xue said.

"The more afraid I am, the more I need to go to customer service. I decided that in the future, anyone who can fly on a business trip will fly," Jiang Hui said.

"I'll wait and see, to see when you don't sweat your palms, you're considered qualified," Bai Xue said.

The two whispered softly on the plane, but the time passed very quickly.After eating the dinner brought by the stewardess, it didn't take long before the plane began to descend slowly.

Qindao, here we come!
(End of this chapter)

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