Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 217 Recruitment Module

Chapter 217 Recruitment Module
After feeling the shortage of personnel in each of his subsidiaries, Jiang Hui planned to launch a recruitment module on Xiaonei immediately.In the early stage, we can focus on the recruitment work of the companies under the Guanghui Department, and then gradually contact with major companies, especially companies that need to place advertisements, and cooperate with them in the recruitment of fresh graduates and interns.

In the future, the number will increase every year, and the market in this area is actually quite large.The job-seeking website for fresh graduates in later generations relies on providing college students with the latest, most complete, and most accurate recruitment information such as campus full-time recruitment, internship recruitment, part-time recruitment, corporate presentations, job fairs, and corporate recruitment deadlines. It also provides career assessment, Employment guidance and other employment information and counseling.Publish the company's latest recruitment information on the website to attract job seekers to come and apply.Although the job search website for fresh graduates did not go public in the end, it spent hundreds of millions of dollars when it was acquired by [-]job.

Such a module is worthy of long-term existence on Xiaonei. Even if it wants to spin off and form a separate company, it will only spin off part of the business.After all, keeping such a module on Xiaonei can effectively improve user stickiness and activity.

Since Jiang Hui doesn't plan to make a profit in the recruitment module at present, companies only need to pay a small part of the cost to support the survival of the recruitment module, while students don't need to spend a penny.

Considering that the recruitment was mainly done by his own companies in the early stage, Jiang Hui asked Liu Chujing, the head of the personnel department, to be the person in charge of the recruitment module.

As usual, at two o'clock in the afternoon, after sending an internal letter to all users, the recruitment module went online.

Although it is already May, basically all fresh graduates have found jobs.Jiang Hui still uploaded information about the recruitment of full-time employees and interns from Xiaonei, Guanghui Games, Guanghui Payment, Guanghui Technology, Meituan, Tudou, YY Live, Douban, Autohome, and Wangjiang Automobile.

Although the recruitment module has no profit plan for the time being, it has saved a lot of recruiting money for its subsidiaries.

Looking at the list of companies above, a lot of things have happened unknowingly.Jiang Hui felt that he had to learn to delegate power and manage the company by managing people, otherwise he would exhaust himself to death.

"Mr. Jiang, why don't we rent out the tenth and fourteenth floors of the Science and Technology Building? Judging from the current development speed of our companies, it won't take long for these office areas to be used. It’s better to look for it later,” Tang Minghua, head of the General Affairs Department, said.

At work, whether it is Tang Minghua and others in the same dormitory, or high school classmate Li Shigui and others, they all call Jiang Hui Mr. Jiang. In private, Lao Jiang, A Hui, Hui Zai, etc. are called differently. Separate public and private as much as possible.

"How many people do we have now?" Jiang Hui asked.

There are more than a dozen companies under it, and Weibo, a heavyweight company, is also in preparation. Jiang Hui really doesn't know how many people each company has.

"Including Autohome, the nine companies have a total of about 270 full-time employees and more than 340 interns. This number changes almost every day. Basically, [-]% to [-]% of the office areas on the [-]th and [-]th floors are used. Yes, according to this speed, it will be full in less than two months. Fortunately, the thirteenth floor has been basically renovated, and it should be enough within this year," Tang Minghua said.

"Then talk to the school's logistics center again. I see that at least half of the 30-storey buildings are empty. We don't want to add an additional floor today and add another floor tomorrow. We will directly transfer the tenth floor to the The twentieth floor is all rented out, so until we build our own headquarters building, the office area should be enough. Now that there are more employees, we can consider setting up fitness, entertainment, canteen and other facilities on one of the floors, and try our best to create a good environment for employees. A good working environment,” Jiang Hui said.

"That's good, each company with a large number of people can occupy the first floor, and the conference room will not be so tense," Tang Minghua said.

"In addition, you and Liu Chujing also discussed and discussed the benefits and salaries of employees. Now is the time for employing people. Try to give everyone a treatment that is higher than that of the same industry. The important thing is to let everyone feel the prospects of the company's development. We must start to build our own corporate culture and increase the cohesion of employees," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, we are constantly introducing and improving subsidies for transportation, housing, communications and other aspects. At present, the employees are in a good state of mind. The company is developing rapidly, and many positions are vacant. You can see I hope that I will be more motivated to do things," Tang Minghua said.

"Speaking of housing, I'm thinking about whether we can provide a certain amount of interest-free loans to regular employees. The housing prices in the capital are not high now, and the group's Glorious Games has relatively sufficient funds. By lending to employees, it can help employees Buying a house earlier can also improve the stability of employees," Jiang Hui said.

Brilliant Games has now reached a daily income of tens of millions, and sometimes even reached a state of 1000 to 300 million. In the past half a month, nearly [-] million in cash has been lying in the bank's account.It is precisely because of this that Jiang Hui asked Tang Wenwen to talk about the financing slowly, trying to negotiate a good condition.

However, Brilliant Games is Jiang Hui's sole proprietorship company after all, and it is not easy to directly transfer funds to other companies in Meituan. If the capital is injected directly, it will dilute the shares of other shareholders. Jiang Hui is worried that everyone will have ideas, so he chose financing This way, but the data center of the group can let Shanyu speed up the preparation progress.

The data centers of Xiaonei and Brilliant Games are now cooperating with several professors from the School of Software Engineering of Imperial University. These projects basically revolve around the data center to be built. In addition, Flash Rain has dug a few from other companies. A senior brother came to help, and it looked like a research center.

“The house purchase loan project should be very popular with employees, especially the interest-free feature. We can set the loan amount based on the employee’s level and entry time, and then sign the contract, requiring employees not to leave the job within three years. If you leave your job, you not only need to repay the loan at one time, but also need to repay the interest according to the bank loan interest for the same period," Tang Minghua said.

"Well, specifically, you should go back and discuss with the HR department, formulate a plan, and implement it in the company as soon as possible. In addition, discuss with everyone to see how to equip official vehicles. Now that there are so many people in the company, there is not even a single bus. It's also inconvenient," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, actually I'd like to say it even if you don't mention it today. Sometimes Mr. Tang and the others have to go out to negotiate, and they still take a taxi. This will not have a good impact on the company's image. I think it can be given to the deputy general manager or above. The staff is equipped with full-time official vehicles, and another batch of commercial vehicles will be purchased for everyone's use," Tang Minghua said.

"No problem, you go back and come up with a plan," Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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