Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 220 Princess Tomb

Chapter 220 Princess Tomb

The Princess Tomb is located outside the Fuxing Gate. It was called Wangzuo Village in history. It was renamed Yuanjia Village in the late Qing Dynasty, and then renamed Princess Tomb.Princess Grave is named after the mausoleums of Zhuangjing Heshuo and Zhuangjing Gulun, two princesses of Emperor Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty.

Due to the ancestral system of the Qing Dynasty, when a princess is married, she is not allowed to enter the imperial mausoleum or the cemetery of her parents-in-law after she dies. Another tomb must be built. Therefore, there are many princess tombs in the suburbs of the imperial capital.Because Princess Heshuo and Princess Gulun died in the same year, only two months apart, they were buried together.The cemetery of Gongzhufen used to have ground buildings such as walls, gates of ceremonies, and halls of enjoyment. Ancient pines, cypresses, Chinese locust trees, and ginkgo are widely planted around and inside. It is antique and very quiet.

But now, especially since the reform and opening up, Gongzhufen has become a bustling commercial place.It can be regarded as a witness to the rapid development of the Celestial Dynasty. You must know that in the early 80s, the places outside the Second Ring Road such as Gongzhufen and Xizhimen were still desolate, and even earlier it was farmland.

When Jiang Hui, Xu Yixin, Yang Zhenghua, and Wu Tingting arrived at Gongzhufen, it was almost twelve o'clock, and it was the time when people who were working nearby were preparing to come out for dinner.

"None of you are from the Imperial City, so why don't we go eat the roast duck in the Imperial City. There is a restaurant in Gongzhufen that serves very good roast duck. I have been there a few times. Although their reputation is not as great as Quanjude and Bianyifang, the food is not as good as Where are they going?" Xu Yixin said.

With Xu Yixin, a native of the imperial capital, Jiang Hui and the others naturally had no objections, so they entered a restaurant under Xu Yixin's leadership.

"Jiang Hui, here is the menu, you can order." Under the guidance of the waiter, the four of them found a seat on the side and sat down. Xu Yixin picked up the menu and said to Jiang Hui.

Don't look at Xu Yixin's usual giggling and sloppy appearance, but she is actually a girl with a high emotional intelligence. I guess she is a little uncertain about Jiang Hui's financial situation. She is afraid that it will be difficult for Jiang Hui if it is a bit expensive, so she gave Jiang Hui the initiative to order food. Hui.

"You are familiar with this place, so come here. Didn't you say that the roast duck has its own special features? Come here first and keep going. You don't need to save money for me if you look at the other delicious ones. I'm going to fight it out, brother. It takes a month to eat steamed buns." Treat all the beauties well," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"When I was a freshman, I wanted to get a driver's license test. Every time I went to the driving school, I still took a taxi. I saw that you didn't look like a man who ate steamed buns. Then I'm not welcome, just pick something delicious." Xu Yixin took the menu and said .

"Order, you can eat whatever you want, I have no problem eating me," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"You think beautifully, Zhenghua and Tingting haven't even talked about boyfriends, how can they just take advantage of you like this," Xu Yixin said.

"Student Xu Yixin, you speak like you have dated many boyfriends," Wu Tingting said.

"This is better than you guys. Although my sister and I are single now, I have had two boyfriends," Xu Yixin said while ordering.

"That's why we broke up," Yang Zhenghua asked.

"Hey, those two guys have been thinking about tricking me into bed all day long, thinking about things between men and women. I understand that what they like is my body, not me. What I want Boyfriends must first be able to communicate spiritually, and then they will consider doing other things, so I dumped them," Xu Yixin said.

"Don't scare people, your old man Tingting is only a sophomore, but she didn't dare to find a boyfriend and wasted four years, you have to be responsible," Jiang Hui said to Xu Yixin.

"As far as Tingting's appearance is concerned, if you can't find a boyfriend, it's purely because you went to the wrong school. Tingting, you have to go off-campus, your college is too shady," Xu Yixin said.

"Finding a boyfriend depends on fate. Although there are more girls than boys in our school, there are also a lot of boys. I'm not pitifully single," Yang Zhenghua said.

"The distribution of resources is so uneven. If you are in our school, there will be boys who will show you hospitality every day," Jiang Hui said.

"Jiang Hui, how did you break out of the siege and catch up with your girlfriend when there were so many wolves?" Xu Yixin said.

"Hey, it's purely my personal charm, two people are attracted to each other and they walk together naturally," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"I'm concerned about your girlfriend's appearance," Xu Yixin said.

"Miss Xu, thank you for your concern. I will bring her out next time, so that you can see what it means to have someone beyond people and a sky beyond the sky. But I'm afraid that it will be bad if you lose your confidence when the time comes," Jiang Hui said. .

"Just blow it up, beauty is in the eye of a typical beholder," Xu Yixin said.

"I doubt it, Jiang Hui, are you sure you really found a girlfriend," Yang Zhenghua said.

"I don't take you like this, little brother, I am also a good-looking talent, why do you look like no one wants me?" Jiang Hui said with an aggrieved expression.

"Haha, next time you come to the Imperial Academy of Drama, my sister will show you what it means to be a beautiful woman like a cloud," Xu Yixin said.


A few people were laughing and chatting, and the dishes began to be served soon.

The chef's skills in this restaurant are really good, and several people ate very happily.

"Everyone has a mobile phone number for each other, let's build a penguin group when we go back, and then everyone can continue chatting in the group," Xu Yixin said.

"Yes, you can also add friends on the school intranet, and you can also interact on it. There are girls in our class who chat with boys from other schools on the school intranet," Wu Tingting said.

"Tingting, do you also want to chat with Jiang Hui?" Xu Yixin said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't have a sibling relationship," Wu Tingting said.


While everyone was talking, the dishes were quickly served, and as we ate and chatted, everyone was full soon.

After a few days of contact, the chats with several people are quite good. Today's meal is a bit like a meal with a breakup, but it was a little sad in the end.Fortunately, everyone is still in the imperial capital, so we can find a chance to get together again.

After dinner, when everyone was preparing to say goodbye at the intersection, Xu Yixin took the initiative to hug Jiang Hui and the others one by one.Then he took a taxi and left.


A few days later, the driving school notified that the driver's license was ready and Jiang Hui was asked to get it.

So far, Jiang Hui's research trip has come to an end.

These days, Tang Minghua has also finalized the company's house purchase loan and official car equipment.

Although the company will also provide Jiang Hui with uniform vehicles, sometimes a car may not be enough or so convenient to use, so Jiang Hui plans to buy another car for his usual use.

(End of this chapter)

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