Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 223 Can go up to the hall, go down to the kitchen

Chapter 223 Can go up to the hall, go down to the kitchen

"Han Shu Li Shiqi Biography" said: "Food is the most important thing for the people."There is also a saying: If you want to grab a man's heart, you must first grab his stomach.

When I ate at He Ling's house last time, according to He Ling's mother and Dean He, He Ling should be a good cook.

The two came to the vegetable market near Jinbi Garden and bought some chicken, tenderloin, eggplant, tomato and green vegetables.It seems that He Ling is going to cook some home-cooked dishes.

"You rest in the living room for a while, I can fix it soon," He Ling said.

"Don't you need my help?" Jiang Hui said.

"No, I can handle it by myself," He Ling said.

Since He Ling wanted to show off, Jiang Hui didn't want to hinder her performance, and went to the study to turn on the computer and deal with some company emails.

About an hour later, He Ling came to ask Jiang Hui to eat.

When Jiang Hui came to the living room, there were Kung Pao Chicken, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, fish-flavored eggplant, fried vegetables, and tomato egg drop soup on the table. He Ling even brought out a bottle of Wuliangye stored by Jiang Hui for two people to drink. .

"Wow, these dishes look very good. Just by looking at the appearance, you can get a good review," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"I'll serve you a bowl of soup first, and you can try my cooking," He Ling said with a smile while helping Jiang Hui fill the soup.

As for cooking, the simpler the dish, the more difficult it is to make it delicious.

The ingredients of tomato and egg drop soup are very simple, and the dishes are also very ordinary.But it is still very particular about making it delicious.First of all, the egg liquid must be beaten well, beat well, and beat until the yellow and white are indistinguishable, because the egg liquid is easy to stick to the pot and agglomerate if it is not well beaten.Secondly, pay attention when putting the egg liquid into the pot, remember to adjust the stove fire, turn down the heat to a low level to make the soup slightly boiling, and then add the egg liquid, so that the formed egg flower will be complete and float on the soup surface.If the egg liquid is poured in when the soup is boiling, not only will the egg flower not be formed, but the egg liquid will easily form lumps, sink into the soup, and the soup will be cloudy.

"Well, this soup tastes very good, with sweetness and aroma in the sourness," Jiang Hui said after taking a sip.

"Really? My father also thinks that the tomato and egg drop soup I made is delicious. You can try this Kung Pao Chicken, which is the most common home-cooked dish in the imperial capital," He Ling said.

Kung Pao Chicken was created by Ding Baozhen, Governor of Lu Province and Governor of Sichuan Province in the Qing Dynasty. He has a lot of research on cooking, likes to eat chicken and peanuts, and especially likes spicy food.When he was an official in Lu Province, he ordered his chef to improve the Shandong cuisine "Sauce Fried Chicken" into a spicy stir-fry. Later, when he was the governor of Sichuan Province, he popularized this dish and created a dish consisting of diced chicken, red pepper, A delicious dish made of fried peanuts.

This delicacy was originally a private dish of the Ding family, but later it became known to everyone and became the well-known Kung Pao Chicken.The so-called "Gongbao" is actually Ding Baozhen's honorary title. Ding Baozhen ruled Shu for ten years.

"Prince Taibao" is one of the "Kung Pao", so, in memory of Ding Baozhen, the dish he invented was named "Kung Pao Chicken".So far, this dish has also been classified as the palace dish of the imperial capital, and gradually became a home-cooked dish of the imperial capital, and then Kung Pao Chicken was also spread abroad.

Jiang Hui took a bite and put it in his mouth to taste. After entering the mouth, the tip of the tongue felt slightly numb and slightly spicy, and then a burst of sweetness hit the taste buds. When chewing, there will be a crunchy feeling, numb, spicy, sour, sweet The diced chicken, scallions, and peanuts in the package are irresistible.

"Well, this dish of Kung Pao Chicken is the best I have eaten since I came to the Imperial Capital. It is spicy and sweet, and sweet and spicy. The chicken is tender and the peanuts are crispy. It is spicy and crispy in the mouth, red and sweet. It's not spicy, it's not spicy, the meat is smooth and crispy, Lingling, you're amazing," Jiang Hui said.

"Hee hee, as long as you like it, you can try this sweet and sour pork tenderloin. This is also a dish that I am good at, and my mother likes it better," He Ling said.

Sweet and sour pork tenderloin is one of the classic dishes, and it is also a home-cooked dish.With pork tenderloin as the main material, it is served with flour, starch, vinegar and other auxiliary materials. It is sweet and sour and delicious, which will whet the appetite.Especially in summer, eating some sweet and sour food can be appetizing.However, strictly speaking, this dish is not a local dish of the imperial capital, but more like Shandong cuisine or Huaiyang cuisine. However, most of the population of the imperial capital comes from all over the world, so it also brings food from all over the country. coming.

It is said that the ten favorite Chinese dishes for foreigners are sweet and sour pork tenderloin, Kung Pao chicken, spring rolls, fried rice, mapo tofu, dumplings, wontons, imperial roast duck, fried noodles, and shrimp with cashew nuts.Sweet and sour pork is ranked first, it must be unique to this dish.

"Sweet and sour, with an aroma, this is also delicious, Lingling, have you cooked rice, I want to eat it with rice, it feels better," Jiang Hui said, taking a bite of sweet and sour pork tenderloin.

"Of course, you drink the soup in the bowl, and I'll serve you some rice," He Ling said.

Jiang Hui is not short of money for food now, so he wants to improve the quality of food. The rice he buys in the supermarket is the most expensive Wuchang rice. It is said that Wuchang rice became famous only in the Qing Dynasty. Royal tribute rice, which became famous all over the world.After liberation, Wuchang rice has always been the imperial rice for state banquets.

He Ling served Jiang Hui a bowl of rice and put it in front of Jiang Hui. There was a fragrance in the rice, and the surface of the rice was shiny and shiny.Take a bite into your mouth. Without side dishes, the rice is light and slightly sweet, soft and sticky, and the taste is very good.

"You can eat it too, it's been so hard, you must taste it," Jiang Hui said.

"Well, let me watch you eat for a while," He Ling said with her chin in her hands, her arms on the table, and her glasses staring straight at Jiang Hui.

"Don't eat, I'll just drink with you later, it's easy to get drunk if you drink on an empty stomach." After Jiang Hui finished speaking, he began to add food to He Ling's bowl. One bite, I'll help you take a bite of your meal.

"Come on, let's have a toast, our family Lingling has worked hard tonight," Jiang Hui said to He Ling with a smile while raising his glass.

"If you like to eat, I don't think it's hard at all. I think it's a very happy thing to cook for the man I love," He Ling said with a sweet smile.

The two of them ate and drank, but they almost ate all the food on the table, and Wuliangye also drank half of the bottle, Jiang Hui felt a little dizzy.

After He Ling cleaned up the dishes, she moved a chair to sit with Jiang Hui on the balcony, where she could watch the distant scenery and enjoy the shade.

In the evening, the two of them naturally had another cloud and rain, and their relationship was as mellow and strong as fine wine.

It's wonderful to be accompanied by a girl who can go up to the hall, go down to the kitchen, and go into the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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