Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 282 They Are All Going Out

Chapter 282 They Are All Going Out
The smooth development of YY Live's island branch has made Meituan and Tudou also want to go abroad.

The pioneer of group buying in the previous life was Groupon in the United States, which was established in November 2008.This website is based on the group buying of netizens as its selling point.Its unique features are: only one discounted product is promoted every day, each person is limited to one shot per day, discounted products must be of service type, service is regional, and the scale of offline sales team is far larger than that of online team.

Later, Meituan, Nuomi, Lashou, and, which were established in Tianchao, all imitated Groupon to a certain extent.

One feature of Groupon is that after users log in to the website, they don’t need to search for the information they want among dazzling products. The entire homepage of the website only provides one product, which is simple and clear, and prevents users from spending a lot of time browsing irrelevant pages.Since the merchants in advance have been screened through certain procedures, it also saves a lot of time for comparison for netizens, so that it is simple and clear to decide whether to consume or not.

Jiang Hui thinks this method is very suitable for the initial expansion of overseas, and can effectively reduce the initial manpower investment.If it is like in the Celestial Dynasty, the cost of attracting merchants who cast a wide net to settle in will be high.You must know that the current per capita salary in the island country is several times that of the Chinese Empire, and the current cannot afford such a large number of foreign ground promotion personnel.

In the previous life, YouTube, the leading video sharing website, was not established until February 2005.However, although it was established late, it was sold to Google at the end of 2 at a price of 2006 billion US dollars according to normal history. The increase in valuation is really amazing.

There is a characteristic of the Internet industry. If there are two identical companies, even if all the business conditions are the same, then if company A is valued at one billion in mainland China, and company B is in the United States, then company B’s valuation is at least that of company A. Twice, maybe even five or ten times worse.

Considering this factor, it is necessary for Meituan, Tudou, Xiaonei, YY Live, and other companies that Jiang Hui intends to list as soon as possible in the future, to increase their efforts to expand their international business.So after Zhou Benqiang and Fang Dawen expressed their intention to enter the international market, Jiang Hui immediately agreed.

"Your website is different from YY Live. I think the first stop for you to enter the international market should be in the United States. Once the American market is settled, we have the Chinese market, so we don't have to be afraid of other imitators," Jiang Hui told Zhou Benqiang. He said to Fang Dawen.

In order to determine the direction for Meituan and Tudou to enter the international market, Jiang Hui specially called Zhou Benqiang and Fang Dawen over for a small-scale meeting.

"Mr. Jiang, although the US market is very important, if we go directly to the US to develop the market, the cost will be very high. On the contrary, the island country is close, and the food culture is more prominent, which is quite suitable for the style of Meituan." Zhou Benqiang said.

"Island countries lack Internet entrepreneurial culture, and there will be no local competitors if they enter slowly. But the US market is different. The people in Silicon Valley see that and are developing so well, and they may build a similar website. We will be passive at that time," Jiang Hui said.

"It's true. There is no similar website in Silicon Valley. It may be because they look down on China's Internet and don't focus on us. After they react, we will be passive," Fang Dawen said.

"It's reasonable for you to say that, so Meituan should enter the US market first," Zhou Benqiang said.

"My thoughts are the same as Director Jiang's. The most important overseas market for is the US market. As long as it can gain a leading position in the US market this year, the valuation of will be at least 20 billion yuan when it raises funds at the end of the year. Even higher," Fang Dawen said.

"Old Fang is right. Whether it's Meituan or Tudou, as long as they perform well in the US market, they can raise more than 20 billion next time. It's not impossible to raise 30 billion or 40 billion," said Jiang Hui. .

"Since the company's next step is to focus on the U.S. market, Director Jiang, I plan to go to the U.S. for a period of time and strive to officially launch the website in the U.S. in mid-August," Zhou Benqiang said.

"Well, you can contact Facebook. Their website has many college students in the United States. Tudou and Meituan are popular with young people. Advertisements on their websites should have good results," Jiang said. Hui said.

"Okay, I'll pay a visit to Zach. I'll arrange a promotion plan when I go back, and I'll confirm it with you before going to the United States," Zhou Benqiang said.

"Well, you can discuss with Mr. Fang and jointly formulate a promotion plan. Fighting father and son soldiers, fighting brothers, we must take advantage of the group's charge, and several companies will complement each other and grow together," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, I have a classmate who is in Silicon Valley, the United States. When we were chatting a while ago, he seemed to be planning to change jobs. I want to recruit him to our company and let him manage the business of the American branch," Fang Dawen said.

"You can send me his resume to have a look, and then ask him to draw up a development plan for in the United States. I'll have a look at it. If there are no problems, he will be in charge of the work of's US branch," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, if necessary, I can ask him to have a video interview with you," Fang Dawen said.

"No, I trust your vision," Jiang Hui said.

It depends on the resume and development plan, but Jiang Hui just wants to know about the situation of Fang Dawen, a classmate.In the spirit of doubting people and using them, Fang Dawen took the initiative to recommend his classmates, which shows that this person's level should not be much worse.Besides, he graduated from Kyoto University, studied in the United States, and then worked in Silicon Valley, which can already explain his ability to some extent.

"Jiang Dong, IDG also has a certain influence in Silicon Valley. The first step in the internationalization of YY's live broadcast is to cooperate with the island country Tiger. Should we consider whether IDG is interested or has any recommended partners and partners? How about we develop the US market together? If we have a local partner, the promotion will be smoother," Zhou Benqiang said.

"Being on the pole is not a business. We don't take the initiative to seek shareholding cooperation. If other companies are interested in Meituan's US branch, they will naturally discuss it with conditions. Meituan will use a different approach when entering the United States. The way of operation, in the early stage, we only launch one or two products every day, but the discount rate of these products will be very huge. So what we need is to discover high-quality merchants and products, and the demand for funds in the early stage will not be special Big," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, I understand," Zhou Benqiang said., YY Live, and have taken steps towards internationalization one after another, ushering in a new development climax for Guanghui Group.

(End of this chapter)

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