Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 324 The Old Boy Is Online

Chapter 324 The Old Boy Is Online
The long-awaited micro-movie "Old Boy" was launched on time at 11:1 am on November 0st.Jiang Hui arranged for a few people in the light and shadow to follow in the Tudou office to confirm the response, and everyone else went to work normally.

A certain Internet cafe.

""Old Boy" is online, come to Tudou to watch it."

"Where is it? Why didn't I find it?".

"It's on the homepage, or you can see it on the movie channel."

"Hurry up and take a look, the publicity is so hot, what is the standard like?"

"Starring in the dream band, it's worth watching."


a dormitory.

"Amin, don't play "Plants vs. Zombies" and watch "Oldboy" quickly."

"Is "Old Boy" online? Why jump at this time."

"You don't care when it is, anyway, you can watch it on Tudou now."

"I like the song Old Boy the most. I don't know how about the movie with the same name."

"It shouldn't be too bad, I've seen the promotional video, it seems to be okay."

"Why is it only 45 minutes, so short."

"That's why it's called a micro movie."

"Hey, why can't I watch mine, it's only been 5 minutes."

"You need to register an account on, and after free registration, you can log in and continue watching."


Although "Old Boy" was launched in the early hours of the morning, the click-through rate has indeed increased very fast. It seems that there are many night owls in China.

Ten thousand hits.

Fifty thousand hits.

One hundred thousand hits.

20 hits.

50 hits.

100 hits.

When the personnel of Guanghui Film and Television returned to the office to work the next day, the hit rate of "Old Boy" had reached more than 100 million.This number is not too much compared with the tens of millions or hundreds of millions of hits in later generations, but considering that "Old Boy" was launched in the early morning, it has only been less than 12 hours since there are so many hits , is already the hottest video on the Internet.

On the same day, netizens who had watched "Old Boy" spontaneously recommended "Old Boy" on their Xiaonei, Penguin and other platforms.

"If you don't follow the rules, it will be a classic. I strongly recommend "Old Boy" produced by Guanghui Film and Television."

"Although it is a short film that is only 45 minutes long, it is no worse than a two-hour blockbuster. I strongly recommend it."

"Dream Band's first film and television work, if you don't watch it, you will regret it."

"Brilliant products must be high-quality products. Games are like this, and movies are no exception. I recommend a good-looking micro-movie-"Old Boy".

"It's been a long time since I've been so moved. Thank you Dream Band, thank you Guanghui Film and Television, and thank Director Zhao for bringing us such a good work. I hope everyone will watch "Old Boy" when they have time."

"There is no one with the highest priority in 2004. If you don't watch "Old Boy", 2004 will be in vain."


Under the spontaneous recommendation of netizens, the click-through rate of "Old Boy" ushered in a new growth peak.

200 hits.

300 hits.

500 hits.

800 hits.

1000 hits.

By twelve o'clock that night, the hit rate of "Old Boy" had exceeded 1000 million, causing an uproar.The rapid increase in click-through rate has also led to a simultaneous increase in the number of registered users of the number of users of on this day did not reach the exaggerated number of 1000 million, after all, some clicks occurred multiple times on the same account.However, the number of users of also increased by 600 million in a day that broke the record, almost doubling in one day.You know, the total number of registered users of was just over 600 million.

The popularity of "Old Boy" on Tudou also quickly aroused heated discussions in the media. "Old Boy" tells the story of a pair of friends Xiao Dabao (played by He Qingquan) and Wang Xiaoshuai (played by Chen Yu) who regained their dreams in middle age. In the 80s, they did everything that rebellious teenagers of that age experienced, fighting and making trouble, obsessed with Michael Jackson, and obsessed with the school girl (played by Zhang Mengze).But things are different, more than 20 years later, Xiao Dabao, the former hooligan leader, became a poor wedding host, and Wang Xiaoshuai, the imitation king of the year, became the small owner of a barber shop.By chance, the two ran into Bao Xiaobai (played by Li Minghua), a former attendant and now a TV producer, and encouraged them to participate in the "Happy Boys" talent show.The two decided to compete in order to regain their dreams of the year.A self-created song "Old Boy" brought them back to their youth, back to the past, and also touched all the audience outside the venue all the year round...


Du Niang News: In the past two days, another very popular video has become popular all over the Internet.It reached more than 1000 million clicks in less than two days, that is "Old Boy".Why is this short film so popular?First of all, in terms of theme, "Old Boy" is an inspirational movie that plays the nostalgic card and combines dreams and second youth.The film is not long, but there are many elements in it, whether it is the picture and soundtrack or the lines, including the development trend of the whole story, especially the sharp contrast between the present and the past, and the interspersed presentation of the fate of the characters through time segments, all of which fit the audience's psychological characteristics well. its emotional needs.Especially at the end of the film, the two old boys seem to have returned to their youth, paying tribute to Michael with the theme song, mourning the youth and dreams of their generation that have passed away.

The performance of the protagonist on stage and the performance of the audience scattered in various corners accompanied by the lyrics "Life is like a ruthless carving knife, changing our appearance..." It is easy for the audience to resonate strongly with the development of the plot-tear in tears point.I think the so-called success of this film should stem from this.The importance of the theme of the film has never been self-evident. "Old Boy" is very pleasing in establishing the theme. Coupled with its own quality, it is not difficult to understand why its popularity is so shocking. ...


Mango Entertainment Channel: Good evening, viewers and friends. What I want to bring to you today is a touching micro-movie. Let us watch a video (screen switching).

The film ends with the theme song, and for the plot at the time, the song by the old boy from the Dream Band is very appropriate and appropriate.When the audience watched the performance of Xiao Dabao and Wang Xiaoshuai, two souls longing for youth burning in their no longer young bodies, we were already moved.And when the camera turned to the group of high school students back then, some of them are now selling insurance, some have become chefs at food stalls, some have become disabled with family disharmony, and some have become canaries for the rich. Perhaps, without exception, everyone in the past, at least did not expect to live such a life in the future.

Whether the audience was thinking about that time when watching it, or not thinking about it at all, just watching the impermanence of the world and the tricks of nature in the movie is enough to make waves in the heart.

The whole film is full of laughter and tears, and some smiles and tears. The characteristics of that era are reflected in the typical high school life of the protagonist. Too false, the comparison between the present and the past, and the reminiscence of youth jointly push the film effect to a climax.


(End of this chapter)

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