Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 330 Walking the way of others makes people have nowhere to go

Chapter 330 Walking the way of others makes people have nowhere to go
Although the popularity of "Old Boy" began to decline a week after its launch, the impact of this micro-movie on Guanghui Film and Television, Tudou, and Guanghui Group is far from gone.

With this film, Guanghui Film and Television has changed from an unknown new company to being known by most people in the industry. Although there is still a long way to go before it is known nationwide, it is considered good if people in the industry know it at this stage.

Not to mention Tudou, the number of registered users has almost increased by more than 200%, laying a solid foundation for the future charging model.A lot of people just wanted to watch "Old Boy", but after arriving on Tudou, they found that there were open lectures, movie channels, TV drama channels and other good-looking content, and gradually became loyal users of Tudou.

With the increase of users of, the number of clicks increases, and the website traffic also increases rapidly.The traffic of has now entered the top ten of all the websites of Tianchao, and the momentum is still very strong, and it looks like it will hit the top few.

In 2004, portal websites still dominated the traffic rankings, and they basically divided up the top positions.But within a few years, Du Niang, Tudou, Xiaonei and other search, video and photo sharing sites will quickly catch up.

For Brilliance, the three companies, Brilliant Games, Xiaonei, and Tudou, are the most important at this stage.Of course, after a few years, maybe Brilliance Payment and Brilliance Weibo will replace Brilliance Games and in the group, but that doesn't mean they are not important anymore, it's just that the group has a more important development direction.

After and Brilliant Films got a taste of "Old Boy", they quickly started planning for the next micro-movie.

Brilliant Films also began to increase the pace of recruitment, trying to launch two micro-movies at the same time, and then Jiang Hui started filming "Struggle", so that Brilliant Films can completely gain a foothold.

Since Brilliant Films' "Old Boy" is the company's first work, except for Jiang Hui, no one else knew that it would achieve such a great achievement, so when the microfilm was launched on Tudou, Tudou was only a symbolic After giving 100 million, he bought out the online broadcasting rights of "Old Boy".For subsequent works, if wants to buy out the broadcasting rights on the Internet, the price will not be the same.After all, Guanghui Film and Television is a sole proprietorship of Jiang Hui, and has multiple shareholders. Naturally, the different structures cannot have the same amount of money.

In order to make the next works of Guanghui Film and Television continue to be popular, Jiang Hui plans to continue to select a few classic works by himself for Zhao Gang and the others to shoot, and then slowly let everyone play freely.

When it comes to classic domestic micro-movies, the most famous ones are the works of the 11 Degrees Youth series.In addition to "Old Boy", the works in this series are not bad.

The "11 Degrees of Youth Series Movies" movie action in the previous life brought together a series of new media short films directed by 11 young and cutting-edge directors. The theme of "youth and struggle" is presented from the angle of view.Its "11 Degrees of Youth" series, dubbed "new media film", has created a new whirlwind of youth short dramas in the film and television and Internet circles since it was broadcast on video websites in August 2010, and has been widely received. Reviews from fans.

Although these works are generally good, but Jiang Hui has no idea of ​​copying them completely. It is enough to pick a few classics and leave the rest to the original people.

After choosing and choosing, Jiang Hui plans to arrange to shoot "Father" and another classic micro-movie after "Old Boy" by Chopstick Brothers in his previous life - "Father".Among them, Jiang Hui is more optimistic about the microfilm "Father".

In terms of topic selection, this short film is already half successful. The problem of fathers and children exists widely in this society, so from the perspective of resonance, it has taken the lead.Similarly, the sensational theme song "Father" with the same name at the end moved people to tears, which is also similar to the success of "Old Boy".Jiang Hui felt that the tears of countless viewers were about to be stolen.

As for the chopstick brothers who have not yet become famous, I have to say sorry.The development direction of Guanghui Film and Television is destined to follow the path of others, leaving people with nowhere to go.

Immediately do what comes to mind, Jiang Hui immediately put down other things and started writing the script.Brilliant Films has already filmed a micro-movie with a similar style, and it should be easier to make "Father" again, and Jiang Hui doesn't have to write the script in such detail.

As for "Sunflowers in the Morning", Jiang Hui plans to use another newly recruited team to shoot. It can be regarded as an experimental work to adjust the personnel.After all, this micro-movie takes a different route, and it is destined not to resonate so much, but the depth of thought in the film is good, so it can barely be regarded as each has its own merits.

"Lingling, you have these two scripts. Douban has nothing special recently, so you can look at Guanghui Film and Television first. "Father" continues to let Zhao Gangqi take charge of the director, and you can see who is suitable for the other one. Let whoever is in charge. I hope to release "Father" on New Year's Day, and "Father" on Spring Festival," Jiang Hui said, calling He Ling to his office.

"You have written two scripts so quickly, you are taking aphrodisiacs," He Ling said with a smile.

"Aren't you the best at eating or not?" Jiang Hui said with a smirk.

He Ling made a face and said "rogue" and ignored Jiang Hui, and read the script on her own.

Jiang Hui stopped bothering He Ling and handled the documents by himself.During this period of time, Jiang Hui has focused his work on, but this does not mean that other companies are silent, only is developing.

After handing over the latest two works to He Ling, Jiang Hui plans to take some time to pay attention to Xiaonei, Meituan, YY Live, Brilliant Games, Brilliant Investment, Qunar, Autohome and other companies.In the past two months, a lot of things have happened in various companies.

"Why are you crying?" Jiang Hui asked when he heard He Ling sobbing next to him while he was processing the documents.

"I miss my dad a little bit, and before I know it, he's almost fifty," He Ling said.

"Go home early at night and spend some time with him," Jiang Hui said.

After He Ling cried like this, Jiang Hui also felt that he didn't care enough for his parents. Apart from making phone calls every two weeks, he didn't usually communicate with his parents much.It is necessary to pay more attention to this aspect in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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