Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 338 Brilliant Game in the Island Country

Chapter 338 Brilliant Game in the Island Country

It was already mid-December when Jiang Hui devoted his energy to Guanghui Group again.

Brilliant Games' "Glory of the King", Brilliant Films' micro-movie "Father" and Brilliant Weibo Du have entered the final sprint stage.It can be foreseen that in 2005, Guanghui Group's start will be full of surprises.

And during this time, with the number of users of the island branch of breaking through 1000 million to 500 million, several products of Brilliant Games have become completely popular in the island country.

Very early on, Jiang Hui arranged for Brilliant Games to bring various international games such as "Happy Farm", "Angry Birds", "Parking Space", "Fishing Game", "Defend the Carrot" and "Plants vs. Zombies" The version is launched.Japanese versions of these games have also been released so far.The launch of these games on Xiaonei has effectively boosted the growth rate of users on Xiaonei.Or it can also be understood that the increase in the number of Xiaonei users has effectively promoted the popularity of these games in the island country.

The island country's market has always been relatively closed.This is related to the national character of the island people. Historically, the island country has always been relatively closed. In addition, the small size of the country and the lack of resources have resulted in the relatively closed character of the island people.Whether it is the financial industry, IT industry or industry, even some domestic product standards in the island country are not in line with international standards.

Americans are well aware of this.From the 80s to the 90s, there was a trade friction war between Japan and the United States. The United States repeatedly accused the island country of closing its market, and there were many obstacles for foreign-funded enterprises and foreign products to enter the island country market.The US embassy in Japan also wrote a book to systematically collect evidence and materials on the closedness of the island market, from the detailed rules stipulated by the island government to the explicit and unspoken rules of trade associations and chambers of commerce.

Therefore, in this environment, it is very satisfying that Xiaonei and Brilliant Games can achieve such results in the island country.

In particular, the Japanese version of "Plants vs. Zombies", which was only recently launched, is even more delighted by the majority of island country users.


Nintendo is a world-renowned entertainment manufacturer in the island country, one of the three giants in the video game industry, and the pioneer of the modern video game industry.Nintendo has developed the best-selling game series Super Mario and Pokémon in the history of games, as well as the Legend of Zelda series with the highest comprehensive evaluation by global media.

Just last year, GBA SP, an improved version of Nintendo’s GBA host, was released on Valentine’s Day. The first batch of 13 units was sold out within two hours. An island nation mired in deep recession.

However, in the second half of this year, Nintendo's sales growth slowed down significantly compared to previous years.

"President, this is the latest sales situation. We have compiled and reported to you every half a month according to your instructions last month."

"In the past, this season was the peak sales period. This year, it only increased by 5.00%. It is very strange. Has the sales department reviewed why?".

"We have done several rounds of research on this issue. In fact, not only our company's sales growth is slowing down, but Sega and other companies are also the same. This may be related to the development of the entire industry. After the rapid growth, the traditional The game industry has entered a saturated state."

"Then what suggestion does your sales department have?".

"The Internet is developing very fast at present, and various games on the Internet have attracted more and more users, which is one of the reasons for our company's slow growth. I think the company can consider increasing the attention of Internet games."

"You just said that various games on the Internet have caused our company's growth to slow down?".

"Yes, many white-collar workers and college students have recently devoted their energy to the web games on Xiaonei. These games have exquisite graphics, simple operation, and the most important thing is that they can interact with a large number of friends on the Internet. They are very popular now."

" Is that the dating site that was recently reported by Yahu in the island country?".

"Yes, this is a Chinese company, but the strange thing is that it is also very popular in our country. This phenomenon has shocked people in the industry. It is said that many companies in Silicon Valley saw this situation and thought that our investment environment and Internet users' preferences have something to do with it. Major changes have been made, and the pace of entering the Chinese market has begun to increase.”

"You go back and submit an analysis data of each game on Xiaonei to me, and I will study it carefully."


An office building in Tokyo.

"Kawashima-kun, did you not sleep well yesterday, why are you so sleepy?"

"Ozawa-kun, are you playing "Plants vs. Zombies"? It's very fun. I worked hard until three o'clock in the evening to pass level 36 last night. Later, I recharged and bought a few props. Finally, I passed the level." .

"Really? I've been playing "Defend the Carrot" recently, and I think those radishes and monsters are so cute, but after hearing what you said, I'll also watch "Plants vs. Zombies."

""Defend the Carrot" is really good, but I think "Plants vs Zombies" is more interesting, I strongly recommend you to play it too."


A game hall.

"Boss, why don't you have "Angry Birds" here? Such a big store doesn't have such a popular game."

"Excuse me, which company is the product of "Angry Birds", why haven't I heard of it?".

"You don't care too much about the dynamics of the industry. Now that everyone is playing online, I wonder if it would be better to play in the game hall, but I didn't expect that you didn't."

"Excuse me, is "Angry Birds" a new product from Nintendo?".

"I don't know, anyway, everyone is playing on Xiaonei and online, and it's very popular."

"Then I'm going to contact Nintendo's agent to see if an arcade version of "Angry Birds" can be released."


A classroom in a university in an island country.

"Kato-kun, you can't play games during class time, the professor will get angry after a while."

"It's okay, he thought I was watching the courseware. The "Fishing Game" on Xiaonei Online is so fun, I have earned 10,000+ yen in the past week."

"Ah? What are you talking about? Can you still make money by playing games?".

"Yes, after you recharge on Xiaonei through the recharge system, you can use the recharged Xiaonei beans to buy props in "Fishing Game". After you have these props, you can catch more fish when you catch fish. The system will reward some beans in the school, and when you are lucky, the reward will be more than the cost, which is equivalent to making money.”

"It's so interesting, I'll go play it when I go back."

"Call me when you want to play, and we can play together, which is more interesting than playing alone."

"Really, okay, why don't you go to my apartment after class and let's play together".


(End of this chapter)

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