Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 374 The Expansion of Wangjiang Automobile

Chapter 374 The Expansion of Wangjiang Automobile

It has been a month since school started, and Jiang Hui made a rare trip back to the dormitory after listening to the reports from various companies.

Tang Minghua, Lu Yang, and Wang Zhenguo also rent houses now, and usually don't spend much time back to the dormitory.When Jiang Hui returned to the dormitory, only Wang Zhenguo was busy in front of the computer.

"Third brother, you are the only one here," Jiang Hui said.

"Both the boss and the second child have been fascinated by you, and I am the one who stays the longest in this dormitory," said Wang Zhenguo.

"Haha, that's right. It seems that our dormitory 301 has entered the state of senior year ahead of schedule," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

Speaking of which, Jiang Hui really took the lead. Since buying houses in Zijin Garden and Jinbi Garden, Jiang Hui returned to the dormitory less than once a week on average, and basically stayed outside with Bai Xue or He Ling.

"It's rare to see you come back, and I happened to talk to you about Wang Jiang's car. Are you not in a hurry to leave now?" Wang Zhenguo said.

"Don't worry, I just want to know about the situation of Wang Jiang Automobile," Jiang Hui said.

"That's the best, let me tell you. Money comes in really fast in the auto industry. As long as there are models with good sales, the money will flow in." Wang Zhenguo excitedly began to talk about the development of Wang Jiang Auto .

"Since the opening of the first Audi 4S store last year, according to your ideas, our company has continued to expand and now has five stores in operation in the Imperial City. Among them, there is one Audi, one North Volkswagen, one North Toyota, and one South Honda. , and one is Southern Nissan. In addition, we have four 4S stores under construction, and we have already begun to enter other cities,” Wang Zhenguo said.

In the field of automobile distribution in my country, there has always been a co-existence of the tangible market (automobile trading market) and special franchised stores (4S stores).However, with the official implementation of the "Automobile Brand Sales Management Measures" on April 4 this year, the original automobile marketing system has undergone fundamental country's auto marketing has gradually entered an inflection point.

The automotive physical market is being hit like never before.According to the relevant provisions of the "Administrative Measures for Automobile Brand Sales", the core of automobile brand sales is authorized sales, that is, to engage in automobile brand sales activities, one must first obtain authorization from the automobile manufacturer or its authorized general automobile dealer.That is to say, if a car sales company fails to obtain authorization, it will have to withdraw from the physical market.And once car dealers withdraw from the market on a large scale, the car tangible market will eventually become a nominal "empty shell".

Driven by the policies, auto specialty stores (4S stores) are being promoted by auto manufacturers as the only sales model.In the field of automobile distribution, the tendency of "manufacturer is king" is becoming more and more obvious.In March this year, a dealer of a certain brand in Hangzhou was ordered to withdraw from the auto trading market.In Imperial Capital, seven 3S stores of a certain car brand also jointly issued a statement at the end of March that cars of this brand are not allowed to enter the physical market for sale.

Wangjiang Automobile started to deploy 4S stores last year, which is just stepping on the cusp of the policy.Otherwise, even if Wang Zhenguo has a background in the automobile industry, it would be difficult to obtain authorizations from Audi, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda and other companies at the same time in just one year.

"Third brother, your speed is good. Although last year's auto market must have been not so prosperous in the past few years, I think this is only temporary. The Chinese auto market will soon usher in a new wave of growth. In developed countries In China, the automobile industry has been regarded as a sunset industry, but in China, the automobile industry is definitely a sunrise industry, at least in the next 15 years, this trend will not change," Jiang Hui said.

"Yeah, I think so too. In Europe and the United States, the per capita car ownership is much higher than that of China. Let alone reaching their level, we can only reach half of theirs, or even half of theirs. China's car sales At least several times more,” Wang Zhenguo said.


Since my country's accession to the World Trade Organization, China's automobile market has been opened up to the outside world, which has driven the rapid development of the domestic automobile industry.The country has issued a series of policies to encourage cars to enter the family.The car market, which has long been dominated by public car consumption, has changed to private consumption.Private car purchase has become the mainstream of consumption in today's car market.A research report by Tianchao Automotive Technology Research Center pointed out that in 2005, the proportion of privately purchased cars exceeded 77%.

With the advent of the era of private car consumption, private cars have become the main factor driving the sharp increase in private car ownership.According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, from 2003 to 2005, the number of private trucks increased by only 85, while the number of private passenger vehicles increased by 633 million. The future development space of automobile 4S stores is full of imagination.

Although the number of cars per [-] people in China is less than half of the world average, the traffic congestion and air pollution caused by the rapid increase in cars have reached a very serious level.Serious traffic jams exist in almost all big cities, and there are frequent traffic jams that have never been encountered in the imperial capital during holidays.The air pollution caused by vehicle exhaust emissions has become the main source of pollution in many large cities.If Guanghui Group wants to enter the automotive industry, it seems that it is not enough to rely solely on traditional fuel vehicles. The layout of new energy vehicles also needs to be developed simultaneously.

"Third brother, I think you can continue to increase the pace of expansion of Wangjiang Motors. Not only will you open stores in the imperial capital and surrounding cities, but you will also enter the two regions with the largest car sales in South China and East China as soon as possible. As for brands, all joint venture brands and Agents of mainstream self-owned brands can do it. In the early stage of development, we may have relatively weak voice over the OEM, and we can only listen to the opinions of the sales department of the OEM. But after the number of 4S stores in our company reaches a certain level, we will The influence of the industry has increased. Gradually, we can also enter the field of auto finance," Jiang Hui said.

Auto finance allows consumers to directly apply for preferential payment methods from auto finance companies when they need a loan to purchase a car, and can choose different models and payment methods according to their individual needs.Compared with banks, auto finance is a new option for car purchases.

In China, auto finance is still in its infancy, while in foreign countries, auto finance companies have matured and grown after years of market trials.In developed countries, the average proportion of car purchases with loans is around 70%.As of 2005, 41% of users in 38.2 countries around the world bought cars through loans, and auto finance companies have become one of the most important sources of profit for auto companies.

Therefore, for Wangjiang Automobile, it is a good choice to consider entering auto finance in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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