Chapter 376
Around 2015, Apple’s most glorious year, a market research company released a report stating that in 2015, Apple accounted for 92% of the operating profits of the world’s eight largest smartphone manufacturers, up from 2014% in the same period in 65.However, Apple only accounts for 20% of global mobile phone sales, and its 92% profit ratio is astonishing.This data shows that Apple is able to charge higher prices for its products than its competitors.

According to the report, apart from Apple’s profit accounting for 92% of the world, Samsung’s profit accounts for 15%, and the sum of the two has exceeded [-]%.This profit is absolutely a frightening figure, higher than the GDP of many countries in the world.

Although Apple has not yet entered the smartphone industry, judging from the launch time of later Apple mobile phones, it is estimated that Apple has already started or is preparing to start developing smartphones during this period.

Guanghui Group wants to enter the smartphone industry. In Jiang Hui's eyes, there are only one and a half opponents.That is an apple plus half a Samsung.

Needless to say, Apple, as the super overlord of future smartphones.Apple has made mobile phones popular among the people into a light luxury.What are you selling yourself to sell apples, buy apples with tuition fees, and buy apples with a few months of savings from living frugally.The most famous among them is the incident of a 17-year-old boy selling his kidneys to buy apples. Later, Apple gained another name in the world as kidney fruit.Every time a new product is released, many people ridicule that they will sell their kidneys again.Although this incident was widely reported by the media, the incident of selling kidneys to buy apples still occurs from time to time.

Jiang Hui felt that there was a reason why Apple could be so crazy.

The first is that the design concept is relatively unique + talented people do this.Most companies that claim to be scientifically managed cannot do this. They always do a lot of research and go according to user needs.Apple has proved one thing from Jobs, that is, geniuses can do a good job in design, although it may be that "the voice of the masses is sometimes ignored."

The second is that the system is exclusive and the experience is good.Android has to consider thousands of devices, and Apple only needs to consider itself, so the experience is good.

The third is focus.Other manufacturers make a bunch of mobile phones, but he only makes one.Others produce ten models a year, but he only updates them once a year.

Another is to spare no expense for the product.Microsoft was once shocked by Apple because Apple imported high-quality aluminum materials in large quantities from Australia and stored them.In order to stabilize the supply of raw materials, Apple can go so deep into the upstream, except that no company can do it.Every time Apple releases a new product, Foxconn's product line has to be substantially refurbished or even reinvested. Apple pays Foxconn to introduce a new production line. No other company is willing to do such a thing.Of course, this is also complementary to Apple's high profits.

As for Samsung, Jiang Hui is actually not worried about their mobile phones. Jiang Hui is only worried about Samsung's influence on the smartphone supply chain.

From the perspective of the cost of a smartphone, the most important are the main chip, display screen, camera and storage, which account for 50%-70% of the cost of raw materials.

In the field of main chips, from the perspective of the entire industry, it is divided into three links: IC design, manufacturing, packaging and testing.Some companies specialize in IC design, such as Qualcomm, MediaTek, Spreadtrum, Huawei Hisilicon, and Apple; some companies specialize in OEM manufacturing, such as TSMC, UMC, and GlobalFoundries; some companies do all aspects, such as Intel and Samsung. .You read that right, Samsung does all the links! ! !
In the field of storage, just one year before Jiang Hui’s rebirth, Samsung Electronics’ share in the global mobile DRAM memory market reached a record 64.5%; SK Hynix’s share was 22.8%, ranking second, about 1/3 of Samsung’s size , the two together accounted for 87.3%; Micron ranked third, with a share of 10.6%; Baodao South Asia accounted for 1.3%.It can be said that the storage field is basically monopolized by South Korea's Samsung and SK Hynix, and Samsung is the giant among the giants.

It's slightly better in the display area.South Korea, the island country, Baodao, and the mainland of China all have certain giants, which is why Jiang Hui is planning to cooperate with domestic and international manufacturers on the display screen of the Guanghui mobile phone.However, what still cannot be ignored is that Samsung is the leader in the display field, and its influence is the greatest.

Similar to chips, mobile phone cameras are also a small industry, including CMOS sensors, modules, optical lenses, voice coil motors and optical filters, among which CMOS sensors account for 52% of the market share.Therefore, research in the field of cameras mainly depends on CMOS sensor manufacturers. In this regard, Samsung is also second only to Sony.

Samsung is an industry giant in the fields of main chips, storage, screens, cameras and other core components, and is a real supply chain powerhouse.In the process of the rise of Brilliant mobile phones in the future, it is inevitable that some Samsung accessories will be used, so when competing, it is equivalent to handing over part of your own vitals to Samsung. This cannot be made up in a short time, so Jiang Hui put Samsung is listed as half of the opponent.

Of course, the glory mobile phone is not without any advantages.The grasp of the appearance and development direction of future smart phones is the biggest advantage of Guanghui mobile phones.

It is still the time when traditional mobile phones dominate the world, and no one would have thought that five or six years later, it will completely become the world of smartphones.No one can imagine that in the future, the production volume of large mobile phone manufacturers can reach hundreds of millions of units per year.

Considering these, Jiang Hui felt that the most urgent task was to set up a project team for Brilliant Mobile, and find time to go to the United States to acquire Android, and then carry out further development so that it can be used on mobile phones. , the most critical operating system problem is solved.

In addition, although the value is not very high, it can be regarded as a relatively critical part, and that is the battery.The strength of China is still relatively strong in this area. Guanghui Group can strengthen its layout in the battery business and acquire some battery companies.

After all, such as chips and storage-related parts, if Guanghui Mobile wants to acquire other companies or develop itself from the beginning, it will be too difficult, so it can only be done gradually.Cooperate with international mainstream manufacturers in the early stage, cooperate with some subsequent acquisitions and independent development, and strive to realize the independence of core components within ten years.This autonomy does not necessarily mean that all parts are made by ourselves, but that Guanghui mobile phones must have the ability to make independently.

These problems seem simple, but in fact they are quite difficult to do.Of course, if Brilliance Mobile just wants to gnaw a few pieces of meat in the smartphone industry, then relying on Jiang Hui's prophet, it is a very simple matter; but if Brilliance Mobile wants to become the leader in smartphones, it is not a little difficult up.

It can only be said that the future of money is bright, but the road is tortuous.

(End of this chapter)

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