Chapter 392

After more than a year of research and development of the Guanghui UAV, it is time to produce results.

Although Guanghui UAV Co., Ltd. has been established for a long time, it has not been announced to the public.This time Brilliance Films started filming movies and TV series, and Jiang Hui planned to let the Brilliance drone also show up to assist in shooting some shots.

Film equipment is often expensive and bulky.In the past, if you want to obtain aerial shots, you can almost only mount the camera on the helicopter, or install the camera directly on the front of the aircraft.Such an approach is not only expensive, but also very costly to produce.In the crew, time is life, and the time it takes to deploy a plane and the time it takes to readjust this NG is very considerable when converted into money.

Because of its unique advantages, aerial photography is often used in film and television works to explain the environment or the relationship between characters and the environment. In Hollywood blockbusters, whenever a film starts or transitions, aerial photography is also used to set the scene and determine the entire film. keynote.In "Struggle", there are many shots that can be considered for aerial photography.Of course, if there were no Brilliant drones, a TV series with a youthful urban theme would definitely not rent a helicopter for aerial photography, but it is different now.Using the Brilliant UAV can not only test the practical performance of the UAV, but also serve as an advertisement for the Brilliant UAV. If the shooting effect is good, presumably many crews will have the demand for UAV aerial photography in the future.

In addition, UAV aerial images have the advantages of high definition, large scale, small area, and high visibility.And the UAV provides a remote sensing platform that is easy to operate and easy to transition to for aerial photography.Take-off and landing are less restricted by the site, and can take off and land on playgrounds, roads or other open grounds. It has good stability and safety, and it is very easy to transition.This also provides convenient conditions for the popularization of drone aerial photography in the future.

"Mr. Jiang, this is our first drone." Dai Fuqian came to Jiang Hui's office with a large box in his arms, and took out a drone sample from it.

"The shape looks quite beautiful, let's go to the roof to test the flight," Jiang Hui said.

"How's the effect of aerial photography?" The two said as they walked into the elevator.

"We have compared the difference between the aerial photography of the glorious UAV and the aerial photography of the helicopter. Because our UAV uses a specially developed camera and control system, and at the same time, our UAV has functions such as focusing and following systems, The difference in picture quality can no longer be seen with the naked eye," Dai Fuqian said.

"What is the cost of such a drone?" Jiang Hui said.

Guanghui UAV Co., Ltd. is a profit-making enterprise, which is different from some government-led research institutes.After developing a product, it must be transformed into a commodity to make sense.It's not like some research institutes who use solutions that cannot be mass-produced to come up with some seemingly awesome things, and then apply for various awards.

"Because the hardware is all outsourced, only the software-related things are our own, so the price of the final product should be considered in conjunction with the sales volume. We have calculated that if the sales volume can reach [-] units, then the cost can be controlled at [-] yuan; if the sales volume can reach [-] units, then the cost will drop to about [-] yuan," Dai Fuqian said.

"In terms of assembly, the project team's suggestion is to build a factory by ourselves or find a foundry?" Jiang Hui asked.

Today's Tianchao enterprises process most of their products by themselves, and there are still relatively few OEMs. Foxconn's popularity is not as loud as that of later generations.But in the world, especially in Europe and the United States, OEM is already a very normal phenomenon.Many brands seem to be foreign brands, but they are all produced by OEM factories in China.

An OEM factory refers to a factory that does OEM processing for some brand products, that is, an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer (does not design but only produces)).The profit model of OEM factories mainly relies on economies of scale and low labor costs, but the disadvantages of not having independent brands and core technologies prevent them from becoming stronger, and they are always facing various development difficulties.These foundry factories generally solve the development model by looking for the next low-cost place.The continuous relocation of Foxconn in later generations is the best example.

The reason why the OEM model will become more and more popular is that in order to increase the allocation of resources in innovation capabilities and reduce the investment in fixed assets as much as possible, companies do not directly produce, but let other companies Substitute production to complete the production tasks of the product.Almost all mobile phones in the smartphone era are produced by foundries.

In this way, in the case of OEM, you only need to pay the cost of materials and processing fees, without having to bear the burden of equipment depreciation and self-built factories, and you can place orders flexibly according to market changes at any time.This can promote the formation of new operating advantages in the finished product business, cultivate and strengthen the internal expansion force of the enterprise, and improve the operating ability and management level, thereby creating conditions and accumulating experience for higher-level capital operations.

In the field of foundry, the technical threshold is very low. Many companies have entered this field. The competition is very fierce, but the OEM earns hard money.But once your production efficiency is high enough, quality control is good enough, and you can get all kinds of large orders, the scale effect is also very impressive. Don’t you see that Foxconn has hundreds of thousands of employees around the world?
"Our tendency is to build an experimental small-scale factory by ourselves to meet the early production needs of the company's development. After the sales of the company's products increase, we will consider whether to expand the factory or find an OEM," Dai Fuqian said.

"Tell me your reasons," Jiang Hui said.

"On the one hand, the drone business, especially the four-axis aerial photography drone we developed, is the first in the industry, and the foundry has no production experience in this field; The demand will be relatively high, and building a factory by ourselves in the early stage can effectively avoid leaks; besides, our products are small in size and high in technology, so building our own factory does not require a large land area, and the difficulty of construction is relatively low,” said Dai Fuqian.

For a normal factory, it takes at least one year from land acquisition to mass production, but if you buy an existing factory for renovation, half a year is enough. In this way, around the National Day this year, Guanghui drones can Large-scale listed.At that time, Guanghui Group's steps towards industrialization will officially begin.

"Okay, since the project team has fully considered all aspects of the situation, then follow your proposal and purchase a factory as soon as possible for renovation," Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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