Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 400 A Few Dark Horses in Silicon Valley

Chapter 400 A Few Dark Horses in Silicon Valley

For another domestic company that has been recognized by developed countries, especially in a field like the Internet that seems to have a relatively high style, the people of the Celestial Dynasty are still "happy and happy".

Not only did netizens discuss it hotly on various forums, but media from all over the world also joined in the discussion, and companies such as,, and Guanghui Weibo were all praised together.


Tianchao Youth Daily: On Zhongguancun Entrepreneurship Street, entrepreneurial ideals and "Bill Gates" are frequently mentioned.An advertisement for a startup cafe reads: From here, you are only one network cable away from Google.

Entrepreneurship by college students is recognized as a high-risk business, and the failure rate is much higher than that of entrepreneurs who have work experience or even failed entrepreneurs.It is generally believed that unless you have a genius or experience different from ordinary people, it is often difficult for college graduates to succeed in starting a business.

However, under the leadership of the entrepreneurial team headed by Jiang Hui, a student at Imperial University of Technology, Guanghui Group has changed everyone's views on college students' entrepreneurship.At present, companies such as Brilliant Weibo, Brilliant Games, and Brilliant Payment that everyone is familiar with are all managed by a group of college students or people who have just graduated for a few years...


Imperial Capital Evening News: With foreign-funded enterprises aggressively entering China and sharing the Chinese market, the Chinese economy must consider new development space.While foreign-funded enterprises are coming in, it will be an inevitable reality that powerful enterprises in China will "go out" and give full play to their respective advantages, "you fight yours, and I fight mine".

For the vast majority of entrepreneurs, facing the uncertain factors and variables brought about by expanding overseas while meeting domestic needs seems to be as difficult as juggling a ball.For many other entrepreneurs, this sounds like a fantasy, an impossible task.

Many entrepreneurs believe that the process of formulating an overseas expansion plan is so complicated that it can only be implemented by hiring an expensive consulting firm.In other words, they believe that such projects are difficult to afford; or, in other words, they believe that overseas expansion plans, if implemented, will definitely exceed their means.

In fact, everything is much easier than you think.The reason why the author dares to say this is because there are many successful examples around me, and Guanghui Group is one such example.

Maybe you don’t know how popular Twitter is overseas, with over 1000 million registered users in just one week; maybe you don’t know that Xiaonei has more international users than domestic users; maybe you don’t know that Meituan The net is already a well-known site in the United States and island nations; perhaps...  


Education Daily: Today's world is in the era of knowledge economy. In the fierce competition, various industries rely more and more on the innovative ability of talents. Innovation has become the source of power for the prosperity of the country and the nation.

In a series of major strategies such as rejuvenating the country through science and education, strengthening the country with talents, and building an innovative country, colleges and universities undertake the important task of cultivating a large number of innovative talents.At the same time, we should also see that with the increasing popularization of higher education, employment has a stronger guiding role in universities, and students have a stronger sense of individual talent and competition.These factors not only have a positive side, but also objectively nourish a negative impact that is not suitable for the cultivation of innovative talents. The utilitarian learning purpose impacts higher education to some extent. up the challenge.

In response to this problem, Imperial University of Technology is exploring new training methods.

At present, Imperial University of Technology has launched school-enterprise cooperation with Guanghui Games, Autohome, Xiaonei and other companies...


The Guanghui Group once again slapped the face in front of the people of the Celestial Dynasty. During this period, even the news about the college entrance examination could not compete with the Guanghui Group for headlines.

At the same time, there are some new voices coming from Silicon Valley.

A well-known American technology reporter has written several articles in a row, called "Several Dark Horses in Silicon Valley", "The Power of China's Internet Enterprises", and "China's Internet Captures the United States".

The article pointed out that in the past two years, the five most prominent dark horses on the Internet in the United States are: Google, Facebook, Tudou, Meituan, and Twitter.

The reporter learned from the analysis that apart from Google, other companies have a strong Chinese background behind them.

Facebook, which was created last year, is now the largest campus SNS website in the United States, with a valuation of more than one billion US dollars.However, Facebook, founded last year, although the president is Zach from Harvard University, but the company's major shareholders are several offshore companies.It is reported that these offshore companies are backed by the financial support of Tianchao Corporation.

And Tudou and Meituan are Chinese enterprises.These two companies first appeared in China last year. Although the registration information of the American branch shows that the shareholders of Tudou and Meituan's US branches are also offshore companies, there is reason to believe that these two companies are Chinese. company of.

As for Twitter, the last of the five dark horses, many Americans may think that it is an American company born in Silicon Valley.In fact, this kind of microblogging company was also the first to appear in China, called Guanghui Weibo.The company that operates Twitter is called Guanghui Weibo.

In other words, among the five brightest stars in Silicon Valley in the past two years, only one is truly American...


After writing a few articles, they spread quickly in the United States and attracted the attention of many people.

Although the United States has been stuck in the quagmire of the Iraq War in recent years and has not fully come out, it is relatively peaceful politically with China.However, several major emerging companies in Silicon Valley are all Chinese companies, which has aroused the vigilance of many people.

Of course, it's not all good.

Originally, Wall Street paid relatively little attention to Tianchao, and the concept stocks of Tianchao in Nasdaq were not very popular.However, after this report, China's concept stocks ushered in a wave of growth. Even Du Niang, who is preparing to go public, has seen a slight increase in valuation. Presumably, the road show will attract more buyers. Follow it.

At the same time, there are more capitals looking at China and willing to take greater risks to invest in some entrepreneurial companies.These investments, as long as one out of ten families succeed, they will make a lot of money.

Originally, 2005 was a very important year for China's Internet power, and many well-known companies were established in this year.

In this life, due to Jiang Hui's reasons, many companies have become enterprises of the Guanghui Group in advance, and some similar companies have been established in advance due to the influence of the Guanghui Group.

However, when this round of capital boom comes, more innovative Internet companies will surely be established.

The pace of China's Internet leading the world will inevitably come earlier.

This is also a positive factor.

(End of this chapter)

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