Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 535 Expanding Capacity

Chapter 535 Expanding Capacity
Just when Guanghui Group's interest-free housing loan policy was attracting all kinds of heated discussions, Guanghui Mobile, a subsidiary of Guanghui Group, was preparing to release satellites again.

"Mr. Jiang, we have pre-sold all this year's production, and even the pre-sales in January next year are almost sold out. Will we continue to open pre-sales?" Dai Fuqian said.

It has been exactly ten days since it was launched on October 10, and the pre-sale of GPHONE on the official website of Guanghui Mobile is very popular.

According to Jiang Hui's understanding, because of the need to pay one dollar in advance, many people dislike the trouble, even if they intend to buy it, they will not go to the pre-sale, but judging from the actual situation, it seems that this is not the case.

"Which countries are the current orders distributed in?" Jiang Hui asked.

There are only 12 direct-sale stores of Guanghui mobile phones. Jiang Hui wants to know how popular GPHONE is in various places.

"Currently, the three directly-operated stores in the United States have more than 120 million reservations for pick-up, accounting for one-third of the total. Tianchao's directly-operated stores are the most, and the four stores together account for one-third. The reservations of the five directly-operated stores including the remaining island countries accounted for the remaining one-third."

"According to our strategy, we hope to establish a reputation in the international market first, and then focus on the domestic market. Why is there more domestic bookings than our calculations?"

Since the domestic network is still 2G and does not support WIFI, selling GPHONE in China cannot fully reflect the advantages of Guanghui mobile phones.Considering that there is a tax rebate for exported mobile phones, and the price abroad is higher than that in China, the difference in profit margins will appear if the refund is higher, so Jiang Hui wants to sell more mobile phones abroad.

Although China is a big exporter, the added value of exported items has not been high, and Glory Mobile is expected to break this situation, which will be very helpful to enhance the corporate image of Glorious Mobile.

At the same time, I also took into account the special thinking in the hearts of some Chinese people, who always feel that the things popular in western developed countries are the best. If the brilliant mobile phone can achieve good results in the United States and other places, then it will not worry about selling poorly in China in the future.

"We analyzed it, and it should be because GPHONE is so beautiful, it seems to be a product from an alien planet, which is fatal to girls."

The reason Dai Fuqian explained seems unbelievable, but Jiang Hui believes in this judgment.

In the previous life, Apple 4 was the most popular among girls in China. Many girls with an income of only two to three thousand yuan threw half a year or even a year of savings into it in order to buy an Apple mobile phone, and even did some indescribable things for it.The appearance of GPHONE is borrowed from the Apple 3000, and it is inevitable to make the women of the Celestial Dynasty crazy.As for what network speed, can't use WIFI or something, what does that matter?
Good looking is enough.

"Focus on the US market, and this strategy cannot be shaken in the short term. Should our reservation numbers be sorted by each directly-operated store or globally?".

"There are numbers according to each store and the whole world, but what we distribute to consumers is the order of each store."

"That's good. Starting tomorrow, we will suspend reservations, and we will reopen later depending on the situation. As for the current distribution, we will still follow the previous plan, giving priority to distribution to the three directly-operated stores in the United States, leaving [-] to [-]% of the output for Domestic market".

In addition to the above-mentioned considerations, the reason for focusing on the US market is that American netizens have better payment habits, and Guanghui Mobile can obtain additional income by selling various apps.

For example, games such as "Angry Birds" and "Plants vs. Zombies" are free to download on the domestic version of the mobile phone, and can only make money by selling items; but on the American version of the mobile phone, Jiang Hui is ready to charge.In addition, other companies' apps are sold on the Gstore of Guanghui Mobile, and Guanghui Mobile also takes a [-]% commission.

Now that the number of apps is small, the sales of Guanghui mobile phones will not be very high in a short period of time, and the benefits may not be obvious yet.But in a few years, this piece will become an important source of income for Guanghui Mobile.

In later generations, Apple's royalties from app sales reached as high as 600 billion yuan a year, blowing out 99.9% of listed companies in China.

And, there is another benefit to app sales.In 2017, Apple's sales and market share were experiencing declines, but the sales of the App Store were still breaking new highs against the trend.This is of great significance to Apple, and it will also be the same for the glorious mobile phones in the future.This means that the user's payment model for software has gradually grown, and after hardware sales have entered a bottleneck period, it has found a new direction for the company's profit growth.

It is estimated that only Jiang Hui can see this at such an early stage.

"Okay, but we expect that the production capacity gap of Guanghui mobile phones will be relatively large. Although we are already promoting capacity expansion, in the first half of next year, our own monthly production capacity can only reach 200 million at most. If we continue to improve quality, personnel It may be difficult to keep up with other aspects.”

"Then what countermeasures do you have?" Jiang Hui wanted to hear Dai Fugan's opinion first.

"Recently Futukang has been negotiating with us on the OEM business. I think we can consider releasing some of our production capacity to them, and at the same time reduce the pressure on us to train skilled workers."

As an enterprise established in Baodao, Futukang Co., Ltd. has invested in Tianchao Mainland since 1988. It is a high-tech group specializing in the production of 3C products and semiconductor equipment. At the time of rebirth, there were already more than 100 million) more than [-] employees and the world's top IT customer base.

The reason why Futukang has become a leader in the field of global 3C OEM services from an unknown regional enterprise more than ten years ago, forced to innovate under pressure, reluctantly inherited during growth, and repeatedly leaped through luck, is that Not only relying on Futukang's unparalleled execution ability and the joint efforts of all employees, but also because they have their own uniqueness in speed, quality, engineering services, flexibility, cost, and customer added value.

Being able to strike a balance in speed, quality, cost and other aspects is the main reason why companies seek them for OEM.And this happens to be what Brilliant mobile phones care most about now.

"How soon can they start production corresponding to GPHONE?".

"From the signing of the contract, small batch production can start as soon as four months later, and mass production can start after five months."

"That is to say, if we make a decision in the near future, they will be able to mass-produce GPHONE in April next year?".

"Yes, but there is a premise, that is, our supply of accessories must increase production simultaneously, and we must not drag our feet."

"Then you can negotiate based on the expansion of production in April next year, and first talk about the amount of 4 million units per month," Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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