Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 538 Development of Imperial University of Technology

Chapter 538 Development of Imperial University of Technology

Guanghui Group has maintained close ties with Imperial University of Technology since its establishment.Not to mention that the former office buildings were all science and technology buildings, not to mention that Jiang Hui, Tang Minghua, Lu Yang, Dai Fuqian, He Ling, Bai Xue, Xiang Weiwei, Wang Lu and other executives are all students or alumni of Imperial University of Technology, that is Guanghui There are countless cooperations between the group and various colleges.

At first, Xiaonei cooperated with the School of Software to develop some modules and recruit students from the School of Software as interns.

The next step is to cooperate with the vehicle engineering major to engage in the Autohome evaluation business and other businesses.It can be said that one-third of the employees of Autohome are from Imperial University of Technology.

Later, with the development of Guanghui Group, the cooperation between Guanghui UAV and the aircraft design major of Teito University of Technology, Guanghui Game, Guanghui Research Institute, Guanghui Data, Guanghui Film and Television, etc. close ties.

Thanks to the development and growth of Guanghui Group, the reputation of each company in the industry is getting louder and louder. Naturally, the popularity of the related majors of Imperial University of Technology is also constantly improving.

Take the School of Software as an example. Originally, the Software School of Teito University of Technology was relatively low-profile in the whole country, and few students in the third year of high school knew of its existence.

However, since the cooperation with Guanghui Group, the employment rate and employment quality of the School of Software are far ahead of other majors in Imperial University of Technology and software majors in most other schools.

Except for a few two or three schools such as Huaqing, whose software majors are more well-known than Teito University of Technology, few universities dare to say that they are stronger.This point can be seen from the reference situation of graduate students. The graduate admission score of the School of Software of Teito University of Technology is already the highest major in the whole school, and it is relatively high in the country, even higher than the general majors of Huaqing University and Kyoto University. The score is even higher.

Affected by the improvement of various professional levels, Teito University of Technology has steadily risen in various university rankings.Now there is no list that ranks it outside the [-]th place, and it has even entered the top [-] in many cases.

As a national key university with science and engineering as the mainstay, and coordinated development of engineering, science, management, and arts, it is the first batch of key construction universities in the country's "Double First-Class", "211 Project", and "985 Project". Keep going forward.


A couple from Imperial University of Technology.

"Nana, after thinking about it for a long time, I still don't want to apply for the computer major of Kyoto University."

"Why? Didn't you even inquire about the instructor? Why did you change your mind at the last registration time?".

"My postgraduate entrance examination is actually for better employment in the future, not to stay in college as a teacher in the future. Judging from the situation of my senior brothers and sisters, they have basically joined the Guanghui Group after graduation. It is already a small project to mix well. Manager, the income is very considerable."

"But it's your dream to go to Kyoto University? Didn't you say that you came to Teito Technological University because of abnormal performance in the college entrance examination?".

"That's right, but now it seems that it is exactly what the saying goes: It's a blessing in disguise! Graduates from our school have an obvious advantage in going to Guanghui Group, especially those from the School of Software. Basically, as long as they don't spend four years in college If you are playing, you can go to Guanghui Group if you want to."

"Okay then, let's study at Imperial University of Technology."


Du Niang company interview site.

"These students from Imperial University of Technology are all very good, beyond my imagination."

"Yeah, the level of an undergraduate student is about to catch up with other graduate students."

"Those few people have the financial experience of Guanghui Group's internship. It is estimated that this experience has played a great role in their growth."

"Well, how about we want a few of them?"

"I feel totally fine."


School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Imperial University of Technology.

"Old He, your school is good, and the project application of the Natural Science Foundation of China has broken the record again."

"In the past few years, our projects have been more and more successful, and the expert committee has also seen it."

"That's right. This year alone, your college has published more than 100 papers in journals with relatively high SCI impact factors. It's amazing. He, you have a good leadership."

The American Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index, referred to as SCI, is a citation database founded and published by the American Institute for Scientific Information in 1961.

Based on the citation analysis theory, SCI conducts multi-faceted evaluation research on academic journals and scientific research results through the statistics of the cited frequency of papers, so as to judge the scientific research output performance of a country or region, scientific research unit, and individual. Reflect its academic level in the world.

By counting a large number of citations, and then obtaining quantitative indicators such as the impact factor, citation frequency, and real-time index of a certain paper in a certain journal in a certain discipline, the journals and papers are ranked.The high frequency of citations shows that the paper has had a huge impact in its research field, is valued by international peers, and has a high academic level.

Therefore, SCI is currently recognized internationally as the most authoritative retrieval tool for scientific and technological literature.

"Don't dare to be or not is mainly the result of the leadership of the school and the joint efforts of teachers and students at all levels."


Department of Computer Science, Teito University of Technology.

"Old Huang, congratulations on getting the admission letter from Stanford University."

"Congratulations, Caltech Berkeley is no worse than Stanford."

"This year we have a bumper crop of majors. Those who are planning to go abroad have all received notices from their favorite universities."

"I exchanged emails with the other party. What they are most interested in is my internship experience at I feel that it is very likely that the other party wants me because of this."

"Really? It's strange. When I contacted my supervisor, what he was most interested in was my internship experience at Xiaonei."

"It seems that I really have to thank Guanghui Group."

"I thought it was just an internship to earn some living expenses, but I didn't expect it to play such a big role."


Office of the Chancellor of Teito Institute of Technology.

"Principal, this is the basic budget for next year, please have a look."

"An increase of [-] percent? Too conservative, at least an increase of [-] percent."

"If I do too much, I worry that the ministries and commissions will not allocate it."

"Other schools have inexplicably increased their budgets and it is estimated that it will be difficult to pass, but our school is different. Now we are a high-level university jointly established by the Imperial City, the competent ministries and the Ministry of Education. How can we do without sufficient funds?".

"Then I'll go back and change it."

"Well, it needs to reflect more information about Guanghui Group, such as co-construction of disciplines, promotion of industry-university-research, etc., and it needs to be carefully considered."



(End of this chapter)

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