Perfection of Rebirth

548. Chapter [-] I can't keep a low profile

548. Chapter [-] I can't keep a low profile
There was no ceremony for the establishment of Guanghui Automobile Co., Ltd., just Jiang Hui and the team members had a meal together.

However, to register a company, you need to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. If you are interested, you only need to look up the company name with the word "Guanghui" and you will know that there is an additional Guanghui Automobile.

In addition, Guanghui Automobile has been tossing around for a period of time because of the issue of production qualifications. This is enough to let many interested people know that Guanghui Group is going to enter the automobile industry.

Hyundai Tianchao said on its official Weibo: A person who does the Internet also makes cars?Do you really think that a car is just four wheels and a sofa?

Nissan Tianchao also updated its news on Guanghui Weibo: Automobiles are products related to life safety. I hope some companies will not take it for granted.

The circle of the auto industry is actually very small, and everyone gets to know each other after turning around a corner.

After Guanghui Group's entry into the automobile industry began to emerge from the Hyundai Dynasty, the entire industry soon knew that a new strange partner had arrived.

Dazhong Tianchao also joined in the fun and updated its official Weibo: It is a good thing for a company to have self-confidence, but it will be a tragedy if it is too self-confident.

Even Mercedes-Benz also posted a Weibo: On January 1886, 1, two Germans, Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler, obtained the patent right for the world's first car, marking the world's first car patent. A car is born. For more than 29 years, the Mercedes-Benz brand has been a pioneer in automotive technology innovation.The car is different from the Internet, it needs to accumulate!

Different from the suppression and belittling of foreign brands, domestic Geely, Sirui, and Biya Automobile are happy to see a new Chinese brand car to attract the firepower of those foreign brands:
Geely Automobile's official Weibo: Warmly welcome the addition of a new member to the Tianchao Automobile family.Cars are not that difficult, choose Geely Auto, choose your new life!
Official Weibo of Biya Automobile: Guanghui Group is always good at creating miracles, we will wait and see!


The lively scenes in the domestic auto circle naturally attracted the attention of a bunch of people who eat melons.A bunch of netizens ran to Jiang Hui's Weibo and the Weibo of major automobile companies to discuss heatedly.

Netizen "Angkor": Is Guanghui Group really going to build a car?Do you want to cross borders so much?

Netizen “Puppet”: I just want to know if KF Motors can bring disruptive things to everyone like KF mobile phones?

Netizen "Mo Huansheng": Boss Jiang's brain is too big, right?He actually went to build a car.

Netizen "Yelu 1 Xiaosu": From Autohome to Wangjiang Automobile, and then to Guanghui Automobile, why do I feel that Boss Jiang has premeditated it~

Netizen "Lianyao Xiaoyao": Boss Jiang's Internet + play is too slippery!
Netizen "Lonely Home 5585": It seems that no one in the auto circle is optimistic about the car made by Guanghui Group.

Netizen "Luosheng": When it comes to innovation, I only obey Guanghui Group.Brilliant car, come on!

Netizen "Lan Ji": Hyundai took the lead in stepping on the Brilliant Group, it seems that Hyundai had a fight with Brilliant Films and Television before~ This is enough to hold grudges~

Netizen "Speechless": When Guanghui Group started making movies, people in the film industry were not optimistic; when Guanghui Group started making mobile phones, people in the mobile phone industry were not optimistic; Not optimistic.As a result, hehe!

Netizen "Hengyu Wars Without Beginning": All self-owned brands are disappointing. I hope that the catfish of Guanghui Automobile can change this situation.

Netizen "Grandfather Yiku": Although I admire Jiang Hui's courage, taking a car is really not such a simple thing, and it's okay and cherished!
Netizen "Gone with the Wind": If you walk too much at night, you will always run into ghosts.Brilliant Group, don't fight back!
Netizen "Fellow Daoist, please stop?": If nothing else, I will definitely buy one when it comes out!
Netizen "Fantian": I have to support Boss Jiang just to sneer at those foreign car companies!


"Mr. Jiang, I see news that you are going to build a car is everywhere on the Internet. Is it true or not?" Du Niang's boss Li asked on the phone.

"It's more real than real gold, but I didn't expect our company to be full of troubles not long after it was established," Jiang Hui said helplessly.

Is it difficult to produce a car?Of course it is difficult!
Does Jiang Hui know it's difficult?sure!

It is precisely because we know that the automobile industry is not easy to enter, and it is difficult to do well in it.So Jiang Hui has been planning for Brilliant Automobile for a long time. Let alone companies such as Autohome and Wangjiang Automobile, companies such as ATL and Ogiwara are all related to the automobile project.

The comprehensive cooperation between Guanghui Group and the vehicle engineering major of Imperial University of Technology is not only for Autohome, but also considering the needs of Guanghui Automobile.

Although Jiang Hui has made a lot of preparations for the car project, it is still a long time before the real products of Guanghui Automobile are launched.

Not counting the models currently being produced by Jaguar Land Rover, Guanghui Automobile's own brand models will not be launched until at least the second half of 2008, or even 2009.This is still the case when the development is going well. If the development is not going well, it is not impossible to be later.

"So are you going to develop traditional vehicles or new energy vehicles?".

"Do it all, whoever comes out first will go first."

"The funds needed are too much."

To develop a car model, not to mention the funds for building a factory, just the development costs of various parts, testing costs, and special tooling costs, at least one billion.This is still in China. If European and American car companies come to do it, it is impossible for new models to be launched without billions of investment.

So what Boss Li said was that he needed more funds, he was really right.

"It's true that it costs money, but I'm already mentally prepared," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Boss Jiang, how about taking our Du Niang to play together?"

"Mr. Li, what do you mean? I don't understand."

"Our Du Niang is also interested in the automobile industry."

Hearing Boss Li's words, Jiang Hui remembered that in her previous life, Du Niang was really preparing to enter the automobile industry.The opportunity for Du Niang to enter the automotive industry is driverless cars.

The Du Niang unmanned vehicle project started in 2013 and is led by the Du Niang Research Institute. The core of its technology is the "Du Niang Automobile Brain", which includes four modules: high-precision maps, positioning, perception, intelligent decision-making and control.

Among them, the high-precision map independently collected and produced by Du Niang records complete three-dimensional road information, and can realize vehicle positioning with centimeter-level precision.At the same time, relying on the world's leading traffic scene object recognition technology and environmental perception technology, Du Niang's unmanned vehicle realizes high-precision vehicle detection and recognition, tracking, distance and speed estimation, road segmentation, and lane line detection, providing intelligent decision-making for autonomous driving. in accordance with.

(End of this chapter)

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