Chapter 552

The market value of Xiaonei has exceeded [-] billion, which has a profound impact on Tianchao Internet.

In China, apart from the traditional monopoly state-owned enterprises such as banks, petrochemicals, telecommunications, tobacco, etc., there are only a handful of other private enterprises worth more than 1000 billion yuan, and only has reached 1000 billion yuan within three years of its establishment.

And is just an enterprise under the Guanghui Group. The Guanghui Group also has various companies such as Guanghui Weibo, Guanghui Payment,, and Guanghui Mobile. So how much is the Guanghui Group, which has been established for more than three years, worth?

This is a value that many people cannot believe and dare not imagine!
"Han Shu Deng Tong Biography": "Deng's money spreads all over the world, and his wealth is so rich. This should be the source of the idiom that the wealth can rival the country.

In Jiang Hui's eyes, the current Guanghui Group is worth at least 5000 billion.

Looking at the GDP of all countries in the world, the GDP of any country after the top [-] is no match for the Guanghui Group. In a few years, the Guanghui Group may be as good as an important country.

For such an influential company, every move must affect the hearts of countless people.

On the second day after the Xiaonei website went public, it took 22 seconds for the Tianchao court to officially report the relevant situation.

Some people on the Internet ridicule the news of the imperial court. The news always starts with the leaders being busy, busy meeting with dignitaries in China, or visiting various provinces for inspection and guidance; the middle is that the domestic development momentum is good, the economy is booming, the people live in peace and harmony, and all ethnic groups live in harmony; the last is The foreign political situation is very chaotic, the economy is very depressed, all kinds of election fraud, political party fighting, and people taking to the streets to demonstrate.

It is undeniable that this joke reflects some objective facts, but the news on the court station is far from being as simple as ordinary netizens see.The time and sequence of each piece of news in it are well thought out.

As for a private enterprise, without a leader to inspect, the Imperial TV station took 22 seconds to report. I dare not say that it is unprecedented, but it is still relatively rare.And 22 seconds seems to be quite short, but those who have studied the news of the imperial court know that if a company can have 22 seconds of news, it actually shows that the government is supporting it.

In this case, as long as Xiaonei does not kill itself, generally no department will take the initiative to find trouble with it, but many people will come to add icing on the cake.

No, Tang Wenwen is still in the United States, and many banks have approached him to provide loans.

"Mr. Tang, old Liu from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, we met at the meeting last month, so it's convenient to talk," President Liu of the Imperial City Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China called Tang Wenwen.

"President Liu, hello, hello, what instructions does the leader have?" After a few seconds of reaction, Tang Wenwen remembered who President Liu was.

It stands to reason that Xiaonei raised 21.6 billion US dollars this time, which is not short of money at all, and the banks should know about it.However, the bank has always only done icing on the cake, not doing things that give charcoal in a timely manner.The less money you have, the more people want to lend you money.On the contrary, when you are looking for money everywhere, the bank will not easily lend you money.

In fact, it is easy to understand.In terms of loan security, the icing on the cake loan security is better than the loan that comes in handy.Banks are enterprises, and giving charcoal in a timely manner should be what the government should do, and banks should not be misplaced to do what the government should do.Banks do not have all their own funds for lending, but most of them come from depositors' deposits. That is to say, the loans issued must be paid back on schedule before they can pay depositors' deposits. After all, we want to get back even if we borrow money ourselves.

"Mr. Tang, congratulations, you have won a sigh of relief for us Chinese people. As the world's first SNS website, has become a world-class enterprise in just three years, and successfully registered on Nasdaq. The achievement of [-] billion is gratifying and congratulations."

"It is because of the strong support of leaders at all levels and the creation of a good market environment for us that we have achieved a little success...".

Tang Wenwen and President Liu played Tai Chi for a while, and in the end they only agreed to use as a guarantee to help Guanghui Data obtain a loan from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to speed up the construction of the data center. itself has more than 100 billion in cash, and there is really no such thing for the time being. Loan needs.

For President Liu, this is a satisfactory result.

Originally, I called Tang Wenwen because I wanted to get acquainted first and see if there were any opportunities for cooperation in the future. I didn't really think that I could lend to now.

Now Xiaonei is willing to come forward to guarantee Guanghui Data and loan 20 billion yuan, which is also a very good project.

The investment of Brilliant Data itself is basically land, plant construction and equipment purchase, which are basically fixed assets. It is not difficult for Brilliant Data to get loans by itself.Now that there is a guarantee from the sponsor of, the loan is even more secure.

According to the provisions of the Guarantee Law, the third party and the creditor agree that when the debtor fails to perform the debt, the guarantor shall perform the debt or bear the responsibility according to the agreement. The third party here is the guarantor, including legal persons, other organizations or citizens who have the ability to pay off the debt on behalf of them.

In other words, once Guanghui Data repays the loan, Xiaonei, as the guarantor, must help repay the loan.

Originally, this way of guarantee is beneficial to the country and the people. After all, the safety of bank funds has been guaranteed, and the corresponding company has obtained the funds it wants, which can be described as the best of both worlds.

However, after the development, it gradually changed a bit.In some areas along the southeast coast, private enterprises guarantee each other in order to obtain loans. This kind of guarantee is very fragile. Once the capital chain of a certain company is broken, it will cause a chain reaction and drag a large number of enterprises into the water.

But this is all for later, Guanghui Data and Xiaonei are definitely not part of this large number of companies.

In addition to President Liu, as expected, many bankers contacted Tang Wenwen. In addition to the routine congratulations, the rest of the words were asking whether Xiaonei needed a loan. Tang Wenwen politely refused.

After that, many provincial and municipal leaders related to investment promotion contacted Tang Wenwen in a roundabout way.

"Mr. Tang, is Xiaonei interested in building a branch in our city? We will provide preferential treatment in terms of land and taxation."

"Mr. Tang, have you considered moving the headquarters of Xiaonei to Wuyang? We will provide you with a piece of headquarters land for free."

"Mr. Tang, we are going to build an Internet technology park. Are you interested in investing? There are various preferential policies."

"Mr. Tang, the software technology park in our city is supported by the state. If your Xiaonei website comes to our software park, we..."


All kinds of phone calls kept harassing Tang Wenwen, just in response to the sentence: You and I were never meant to be together because I was rich!

(End of this chapter)

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