Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 561 What a Lively Picture

Chapter 561 What a Lively Picture

"Today is the first day of our store's opening. You have seen the scene outside. After half an hour, these people will pour into our store one after another. Some time ago, we have already focused on how to deal with all kinds of problems that may arise. The scene has been trained, everyone must not be nervous for a while, and be subtle..." Xiao Hu, the store manager, is giving the final explanation.

Xiao Hu is a capable woman who has been working for seven years. Before that, she worked as a sales manager in a Porsche 4S store and as a store manager in a Rolex store.

In June of this year, I entered the Glorious Mobile through multiple selections.Because the salaries provided by Guanghui Mobile for various positions are relatively competitive.Since each flagship store began to recruit shop assistants and store managers, countless people have submitted their resumes.

Generally speaking, the sales staff of various shopping malls and brand stores are generally those who have graduated from high school and junior high school, and a few have junior college students, and undergraduate students are rare.

However, when Guanghui Mobile's directly-operated stores are serious about recruiting sales, even the front-line salespersons require a junior college education, and management positions require a bachelor's degree or above.

Since the starting salary of the front-line sales staff of Guanghui Mobile is relatively high, and the minimum wage is also 4000 yuan, plus bonuses and the like, it is estimated that most employees can reach [-] to [-] yuan or even higher.

In the recruitment market in 2006, this is definitely a very competitive salary, so it naturally attracted many competitors.

Relying on his excellent performance, Xiao Hu passed three trials and was temporarily five generals, and finally got the position of the store manager of the flagship store in Shanghai. The basic salary has reached 25, plus bonuses, at least [-] a year.

Given the current popularity of Gphone, the employee bonuses of Brilliant Mobile will definitely not be less in the future.

In this context, Xiao Hu, as the store manager of the directly-operated store in Shanghai, attaches great importance to the performance on the first day of opening, and absolutely does not want any unexpected situations.

The salesperson below listened to the store manager's speech, while looking at the hot scene outside, his heart was full of excitement and tension.


In front of the flagship store of Guanghui mobile phone in Wuyang City.

As the opening time approached, the discussion among the crowd became louder, and consumers began to get excited.

"Dandan, I'm going to get a Gphone soon, so happy."

"Yeah, I don't have any worries about the appearance of the Gphone, I just hope that it feels good to use, so as not to waste us queuing here all night."

"We just lined up overnight. It's not too exaggerated. I heard that the people in the front row have been queuing here since yesterday morning. That's an exaggeration."

"I can't wait to use the Gphone."


A police station in the capital.

"Boss Li, China World Trade Center is asking for police support. They are very short of manpower."

"There are no important events in the past few days? I haven't heard of any country's leaders visiting the imperial capital."

"There is no security task assigned by the superior department, and the request for support from China World Trade Center this time is not for official reasons."

"Then I'm a little confused, and I'm applying for police support. The police force in any district is very tense now, and there is no way to support them at any time."

"Boss Li, maybe this time we really need to arrange manpower support. Today is the opening day of the Guanghui mobile phone store, and there is one in China World Trade Center. This is also the only store in the northern part of China. People started queuing up with tents from the day before yesterday. Now that the sale is about to start, it is estimated that there will be more people queuing.”

"The opening of the Brilliant mobile phone direct store? A store selling mobile phones has opened such a big formation?".

"Yes, it is said that the scene is already the same as the Spring Festival travel train station. The security guards arranged by Guanghui Mobile and the police force near Guomao are doing their best to maintain order at the scene, but as the flow of people increases, they are worried that there will be chaos."

"Weird things happen every year, especially today. Let's go, I'll lead a team to see for myself whether it's that exaggerated."


YY Live.

"Hi everyone, I'm Xiao Nuan. I'm doing a live broadcast for you at the Starbucks next to the Brilliant flagship store in Shanghai. You can see that there is already a long queue outside."

On the YY live broadcast, a well-known Internet celebrity is doing a live broadcast.

Since smartphones are not popular yet, WiFI and mobile networks are not yet available, live broadcasting mainly depends on broadband connections.

"I don't know if the audience in front of the computer has made an appointment for a Gphone. Anyway, I made an appointment immediately, and I specially invited a person to help me line up outside since yesterday. Thinking that I can have such a beautiful mobile phone soon, I also It's a little bit exciting."

"Look everyone, there seems to be a clerk at the entrance of the Brilliance Mobile flagship store ready to open the door."


Bright Group.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the picture sent from the direct store," Liao Yun said.

"So many people? Nothing happened, right?"

"Not yet. The local police are already deploying more police force. We have temporarily hired a large number of security guards ahead of time, and the on-site barriers have also played a part. In addition, most of the first batch of consumers who bought Gphones were young people. The level of education is relatively high, and they are still quite disciplined.”

"We must be more vigilant and maintain the order of the scene. Don't mess up something worth celebrating. In addition, we can promote and hype it on Guanghui Weibo, Xiaonei, Tudou, and YY live broadcast."


"Wow, the door is open, the door is open, and it starts to move forward".

At exactly nine o'clock, the directly-operated stores of Guanghui Mobile officially opened, and the clerks began to release people from the online stores in an orderly manner.

Due to the large number of people in the queue, I dare not let too many people in at one time, so I have to enter through one door and exit through the other door, and then let people in in batches according to the number of people going out.

"Please follow the guidance of the shopping guide, don't push and don't squeeze", there are two shop assistants and security guards outside to guide the crowd.

The flagship stores of Brilliance Mobile in several cities such as Imperial Capital have relatively large storefronts, but in order to ensure user experience, only more than 100 people can enter at a time.In addition, if too much is released at one time, the second batch will have to wait for a long time to be released, which is not conducive to the stability of the on-site order.

"It's so beautiful, can you turn it on with a long press here?" A customer who entered the store asked.

"Yes, we have a total of five buttons, this one is the power on and off button, the two next to it are the volume increase and decrease buttons, the one on the upper left corner is the mute button, and the one in the middle is the home button," a salesperson introduced with a smile. road.

Although Jiang Hui had already introduced the functions of the mobile phone during the Gphone conference, many consumers still asked some basic questions, and the salesperson was fully prepared for this.

With the entry of the first batch of customers, various inquiries quickly filled the entire direct-sale store.

What a lively picture!

(End of this chapter)

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