Chapter 563
Shanghai Satellite TV noon news.

"This morning, the Brilliant Mobile flagship store located near the People's Square in our city officially opened, attracting more than 1 people in East China to line up to buy. This time, the main promotion of Brilliant Mobile is the epoch-making smartphone Gphone announced at the press conference two months ago. The exquisite appearance seems to be an elegant work of art; the rich and varied app applications make the Gphone a miniature computer..."


Lingnan TV.

"This morning, there was a large area of ​​traffic jams in the downtown area of ​​Wuyang without construction and no traffic accidents. Some road sections were still congested until twelve o'clock at noon. The reason for this unprecedented traffic jam is very impressive. It's unbelievable. The reason is that the flagship store of Guanghui Mobile, located near the Wuyang City Sports Center, officially opened today, and nearly ten thousand fans gathered in the flagship store, forming a long queue... ".


The island nation NHK.

"Dear viewers, here is NHK's noon news at 30 minutes. First of all, we will bring you a grand event in Akihabara. At ten o'clock today, the world-renowned Gphone is officially launched here, attracting countless consumers from all over the island country Came to Akihabara. The following is the news from our reporter from the scene... ".

NHK is a public media in the island country and the largest TV broadcasting organization. It earns financial income by collecting viewing fees from ordinary people.Its annual financial income is one and a half times that of the British BBC.His family's news and domestic and foreign sports broadcasts are the most professional in the island country.

NHK has directly operated branches in all prefectures and counties across the island country.The main station produces and broadcasts most of the programs for the whole country, and each branch station can insert its own programs in addition to rebroadcasting all national programs. The main station will regularly select high-quality self-run programs from local branches to broadcast nationwide.

So it can appear on the NHK news channel, and its influence spreads all over the island country.


Korean KBS TV station.

This is a national TV station with the longest history in Korea, a state-run institution funded and supported by the Korean Broadcasting Bureau, and is the most experienced and authoritative TV station, similar to the Imperial TV Station of the Celestial Dynasty.

"Today, the smart phone Gphone, which is provided by my country's Samsung Electronics with memory and some chips, is officially on sale at the flagship store in Gangnam District, Seoul. Although the Gphone is a foreign brand mobile phone, it uses various parts from Chinese companies...Gphone The opening of the mobile phone store has created a new record for the sales speed of a single mobile phone store. Our reporter specially interviewed Kim Sungbang, the deputy general manager of the Samsung Group in charge of the mobile phone business..."


When various TV stations are intensively reporting the news of Gphone, the major Internet media are naturally unwilling to lag behind.

Du Niang News: Today, it was developed and launched by Guanghui Mobile, a subsidiary of my country's well-known enterprise Guanghui Group.At the press conference held in October last year, Guanghui Mobile's Gphone attracted worldwide attention once it was launched, and was called "the mobile phone that redefines the mobile phone."

Gphone is a handheld device that combines a camera phone, a personal digital assistant, a media player, and a wireless communication device. set up a camera...


Penguin News: Let's look at a photo first?Surely you would not have guessed that this was taken by a mobile phone, right?This is the Gphone officially launched by Guanghui Mobile today. The editor was lucky to get one at the first time.

Gphone tells us that taking a beautiful photo depends not only on the number of pixels of the camera, but also on the light transmittance.The more light can be transmitted into the lens, the better the photo quality will be, therefore, in addition to using high pixels, Guanghui mobile phone also uses a back-illuminated sensor to improve the light sensitivity level...


Sina News: The thickness is only 9.2 mm, and the front and rear panels are made of special tempered glass, which is 30 times harder than plastic and very scratch-resistant.This mobile phone that seems to come from Mars is the Gphone of Guanghui Mobile.

In the anticipation of global G fans, Gphone finally came to the hands of consumers this morning.

The opening of Guanghui Mobile's directly-operated stores has created countless firsts.All kinds of queues, all kinds of traffic jams... There has never been a mobile phone that can create so many topics and attract so much attention like Gphone...


On the Xiaonei website, users who have already obtained Gphones also made various sharings in the first place.

Netizen Feng Wenyan: After queuing for nearly a day and a night, you finally came into my hands.It only took less than half an hour, and I felt that the hard work of the day and night was not in vain (at the same time, three photos of queuing are attached).

Netizen Lin Jiqing: Brilliant mobile phone, redefine mobile phone.Before today, I was still skeptical about this sentence, but after I bought the Gphone, I no longer have any doubts (at the same time, I attach a few photos of the user interface of the Gphone).

Netizen Yuan Zhenhua: Although spending more than 3000 oceans is a bit heartbreaking, the impeccable performance of the Gphone turned my heartache into excitement, and I love the Gphone the most.

Netizen Xu Shi: Produced by Guanghui, it must be a high-quality product.Boss Jiang didn't lie to me. Gphone is really an invincible smartphone. It is strongly recommended to make an appointment to buy one if you have the conditions, and create conditions to buy one if you don't have the conditions.

Netizen Niu Yake: The moment I got the phone, I couldn't wait to try it out in front of the Brilliant Mobile Store.Sci-fi looks, computer-like functions.From then on, let me have the feeling that the sea was too difficult to be water, except that Wushan is not a cloud.


Brilliant Weibo was also very lively.

Jiang Hui also updated his Weibo: Hi, everyone!Let me introduce to you, this is my Gphone, and she is my little wife (photos of playing games and watching videos on Gphone are attached).

As soon as Jiang Hui's "little wife" theory came out, the fans were completely excited.In less than 10 minutes, there were more than 20 comments on Jiang Hui's Weibo comment section, creating a new comment history on Guanghui Weibo.

Netizen "Lian Shi Wei Zhu": I'll go, I also want such a "little wife".

Netizen "One Life's Destiny": It's so difficult to buy a little wife. When I saw the team today, I didn't dare to queue.

The netizen "checked it out": Boss Jiang, you have too many little wives, don't you?How many tens of thousands can be produced in a day?Can the body take it?

Netizen "Han and Tang Style": This little wife is much more expensive than balloons, so I can't afford them.

Netizen "Death in the Next Second": How many concubines do you have, and why are they so hard to buy?

Netizen "Yi Yi Huan Huan": This little wife is really beautiful, I like it!
Netizen "Wo Xing Tianxia 136": This little wife has a lot of functions, and I really don't have time to accompany the big wife in the future.

Netizen "Kun Mingshun": My eldest wife also likes my younger wife very much, it's rare to be so harmonious.

Netizen "Camera Story": Come on, give me a dozen wives first.

A netizen "makes articles as a writer": I don't have a big wife yet, I'm wondering whether to buy a little wife first~


(End of this chapter)

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