Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 626 1 Blockbuster

Chapter 626 A Blockbuster

A saying suddenly became popular on Guanghui Weibo: the measure of success is the number of daily meetings attended.

Netizens also shared and published various cases and opinions.

A netizen named "Chugui" said: My classmate Willian works as the director of the sales department in a Fortune 500 IT company. Every day when he opens his schedule, it is full of meetings. The exhausted Willian makes his colleagues envious, saying that this Is a sign of successful people.

Colleagues said that the more meetings you have, the more important you are in the company. You need to be informed about everything big and small, which reflects your status in the company, and meetings can also enlighten wisdom.

Netizen “Angel Wings”: What kind of meeting and how to hold the meeting, such as a brainstorming meeting, a small team can get together to chat at any time, which can’t explain any problems; if it’s a shareholders’ meeting, of course not everyone can participate.

Netizen "a set of ragged clothes": Waiting for the meeting, it is said that the more people attending the meeting, the less important it will be.Thousands of people came today...

Netizen "Death in the Next Second": Our boss never holds meetings!Instead, we often hold meetings until the wee hours of the morning!In fact, there is nothing to talk about!
Netizen "Ren Xiaosheng": Meetings are a manifestation of power.You can't run away from the meeting that should be called to you, but you don't even want to get involved if it's not your turn to attend the meeting.

Netizen "Butterfly Queen": When you are brought closer to a certain meeting, it means that you have set foot in an additional field of the company, and it also means that you have an extra opportunity.

Netizen “Bingshan/Xueyuan”: Our company’s executives, no matter whether they are trained by the company or dug out from the outside, their improvement of the company’s technology is equal to 0, but they hold meetings every day. Is this a success?

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not.

Anyway, as a representative of successful academics, Academician Ge has countless meetings.

What achievement appraisal meeting, new project launch meeting, fund review meeting, advanced technology seminar, industry annual meeting...

There are countless meetings!

In a certain hotel in the imperial capital, the annual radar technology exchange conference organized by the National Defense Science and Technology Commission and China Aviation Industry and other departments was held here.

"Senior engineer, we will discuss in groups later, are we in one group?"

"Old Wang, I'll talk to you about the new project later."

"Department Lin, when and when will the application for the research and development project of our new early warning radar be completed?".


The meeting has not yet started, and everyone is communicating enthusiastically.

Although the current transportation and communication are very developed, everyone cherishes the opportunity to have face-to-face exchanges with various research institutes and management departments at the same time.

Accompanied by Xiao Li, Academician Ge stepped to the meeting site.

"Old Liu, don't leave after the meeting, I'll treat you to dinner," Academician Ge said after seeing Professor Liu.

"Why? Xiao Ge, you have always been Grandet's character, why are you willing to bleed today?".

Professor Liu and Academician Ge have known each other for more than thirty years, so talking to each other is naturally very casual.

"Just pretend, pretend, let's see how long you can pretend."

"Just you? Is there such a treat?".

"Don't talk nonsense, just say whether to go or not?".

"Go, of course, it's rare to pluck the roots of an iron cock, of course I can't miss it."

"I'll come to you after that."


Imperial Capital Old Moxi Restaurant.

After academician Ge and Professor Liu finished their meeting in the morning, they chose the old Moxi restaurant full of memories and nostalgia instead of attending the luncheon held by the organizer.

When Academician Ge and Professor Liu were in college, Old Moxi Restaurant was a proper high-end place in the imperial capital.

The Old Moxi Restaurant was built and opened in 1954 with the help of the Soviet Union. The restaurant invited master chefs from the Soviet Union, and the hall is resplendent and magnificent.

The way, the tableware and utensils inside are all silver, and the dishes are all Russian court dishes. You can only enter and eat with a special meal ticket. The guards at the door are security personnel transferred from the military region.

Most of the two people with average family conditions have heard of Lao Mo from their classmates.

The few times I went occasionally, it was also the birthday of the rich in the class, or I got some bonuses to invite a few close classmates to have a good time.

But precisely because of the precious opportunity to go, it left a deep impression on the two of them.

"Although it's still the same place, it still feels very different to eat here now," Academician Ge said with emotion.

"Nonsense, in order to adapt to more customers, Lao Mo's dishes and tastes have been changing. The original strong taste is not acceptable to ordinary customers. Now the amount of oil in the dishes is reduced, and the taste is as light as possible."

"Old Liu, why do I feel that you are determined to eat me?"

"Don't dare to be, who dares to say in front of you, Academician Ge, that you will be determined."

"Okay, okay, old Liu, just tell me, under what circumstances are you willing to tell me about that paper in detail?".

"What's the matter? The paper is still in the eyes of your academician of Ge University, right?"

"You just pretend, it's not good, why should I ask you? Old Liu, isn't that your work?".

"If I had this level, I would have been an academician long ago."

"That's not to say, the research subdivisions are different, and your level is recognized by everyone~ As for that paper, I think it is very instructive for the construction of early warning radars and defense systems, so I really want to know more about it. and publish it in an internal journal".

"Is it really that good?".

"This is the best paper I have read in recent years, bar none."

"Better than anything you've written?".

"Old Liu, you have to slap me in the face, don't you? Is it better? Sometimes it's not a simple paper to judge."

"If I told you that this paper was written by a layman, would you believe it?".

"I believe everything you say~ Wait a minute? What did you say? Written by a layman? Impossible! No layman can write this kind of paper."

"How is it impossible? Didn't Newton, a physicist, span multiple fields of mathematics and art? Da Vinci, a painter, didn't he also play medicine and astronomy?"

"It can't really be written by a layman?"

"Hey~ Although I really don't want to admit it, but if there is no accident, it is indeed written by a layman."

"Why do I feel that my face is a little red?"

"You red fart, I'm the one who got slapped the most, okay~ As the radar authority of Imperial University of Technology, this paper comes from the School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering."

"Ah? It was written by a professor of mechanical and vehicle engineering in your school? This major is a bit big. If you say it was written by a professor of computer science or physics, I can still understand."

"Professor, if it's written by a professor in their college, then I'll barely admit it. The point is not."

"Didn't the professor write it? Is the current level of doctoral students so high? I also have doctoral students? I don't feel that there is much change."

"Dr. bird, it was written by a senior student in their college"!

(End of this chapter)

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