Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 628 Created a Wave of Presence in the Academic Circle

Chapter 628 Gaining a Presence in the Academic Circle
In the radar industry of China, the tradition of self-reliance has been formed very early.

Since the early 20s, China began to independently develop radars. At that time, many people had never seen radars, let alone how to do them.

After decades of hard work, it has developed into a radar power, but there is still some distance from a radar power.

"The active phased array radar mentioned in the paper, as far as I know, has not made a breakthrough in this area in China, and American manufacturers are still under development. How did you learn about the relevant information?".

"The non-equidistant radar element distribution mentioned in the paper is different from the traditional triangular grid arrangement of equidistant array elements. You said that the cost is actually 1/5 of the cost of traditional phased array radar. How do you judge of?"

"The system mentioned in your paper uses a narrow-band superheterodyne receiver and wide-band instantaneous frequency measurement technology. It is said that it can provide high-precision, high-probability interception of airborne/ground transmitter signals. Is there any experimental proof?"

"Why do you think the radar's work in the X-band is the most useful?"


The twelve experts in the audience took turns bombing one after another, as if I must ask you down.

If Jiang Hui was really an ordinary senior, no matter whether he wrote the thesis himself or not, he would have been overwhelmed.

But is Jiang Hui an ordinary college student?

Obviously not!
From nine o'clock in the morning to twelve o'clock in the morning, Jiang Hui didn't drink a sip of water, didn't go to the toilet even once, and resisted the turbulence of the twelve fierce generals.

If it is said that at the beginning, the members of the review committee went to verify the authenticity of the paper, then in the second half, no one has been entangled with this issue anymore.

From Jiang Hui's confident performance, from Jiang Hui's logical and rigorous answers, and from Jiang Hui's new ideas thrown out from time to time, the judges have completely believed that this paper was written by Jiang Hui.

Even if such a powerful paper was really written by Jiang Hui, then by taking this opportunity, everyone must ask more questions about what they have doubts about in the paper.

If Professor Chen hadn't reminded that it was already twelve o'clock, the judges would probably have to continue this wheel battle.

After the defense, the first thing Jiang Hui did was to go to the bathroom.

Almost didn't get suffocated!


a research institute.

"Lu Gong, the cost of our type of radar is too high. The plan was rejected by the military representative and asked to review it again."

"Still dislike the price? Our plan has dropped by 30.00% compared to last year? How can we lower it again?".

"I've explained it to them, but they don't listen, just say one word, it's too expensive, the equipment can't afford it, it doesn't make sense."

"Well, Lu Suo, Li Gong, I saw a paper this morning, which said that there is a way to greatly reduce the cost of radar."

"What paper? How come I have no impression?".

"The one that just arrived today should have been placed in your office, but you have been busy in the lab today, so you probably didn't see it."

"Do you think the plan mentioned in the paper is credible? Don't be another trick of turning water into oil."

"There are comments from more than a dozen experts including Academician Ge on the paper, and I think it should be highly credible."

"Hurry up and go to my office and bring me the paper, let's study it on the spot."


A radio research laboratory of a university.

"Who is this Jiang Hui? Why are there so many academicians and professors commenting on his thesis?"

"Have you seen that paper too? It hasn't been published."

"I saw it in the tutor's office. Do you think that Jiang Hui and Jiang Hui of Guanghui Group are the same person?".

"Ah? The same name, I didn't even realize it. But it shouldn't be, there are too many people with the same name these days."

"But the author is also from Imperial University of Technology, in the same school, and Jiang is a surname that is not very popular. The probability of the same name should be relatively low, right?"

"It's not really the same person, is it? Then this is big news."

"No matter how big the news is, do you dare to tell the outside world?".

"Er~ also oh".


Tianchao Academy of Engineering.

"Xiao Zhang, can you help me get in touch with that Jiang Hui? Is he willing to come to my graduate school?".

"Academician Ma, I contacted him, but he refused."

Xiaozhang remembered that he had worked so hard to become Academician Ma's graduate student after passing three hurdles, while Jiang Hui didn't need an exam, so Academician Ma invited him directly, and the depression in his heart was hard to describe.

"Rejected? Could it be that Lao Ge has already acted preemptively? Or was he cut off by other professors?".

"No, none at all, they have no idea of ​​going to graduate school at all."

"How could it be? His professional level is so high. He must have worked hard to study it. Why doesn't he want to go to graduate school? Is it a pure problem in the family economy? Have you told him that we will directly contact him at the beginning of the year? Tuition fees, and scholarships?".

"Academician Ma, you may have only seen one identity of student Jiang Hui, but did not notice that he has another identity."

"What identity? Isn't it a student of Imperial University of Technology?"

"Do you usually surf the Internet?".

"What are you doing online? Playing games? Watching movies? If I have that time, I might as well do a few more tests in the laboratory."

"Well~ I think you can still look online, and you will know why Jiang Hui doesn't want to come to graduate school."

"Xiao Zhang, did you eat the gall of a leopard today or what? Are you cheating on me?"

"No, academician, I really don't know how to say it, I guess you won't believe me if I tell you."

"I've always been a pragmatic person, as long as you tell the truth, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Then I really said it? Don't be disappointed?"

"Tell me, chirping, are you a man?".

"That Jiang Hui is no ordinary student."

"Of course I know this. Do ordinary students need me to invite him to be my graduate student?".

"Half of the popular websites on the Internet are created by him."

"Are there few websites now? It shouldn't be, it has been developed for more than ten years."

"It's not that there are few websites, but that they are too strong. Let's say Jiang Hui's listed companies and Meituan Internet Cafe. The combined market value of the two companies has exceeded 1000 billion."

"You mean Vietnamese Dong?"

"Sorry, it's RMB. The most important thing is that these are just two companies under his umbrella, not the two strongest."

"So he's famous and rich?"

"As long as people who often surf the Internet, Du must have heard of him and used his company's products."

"How did I hear that he was engaged in drones?".

"You mean the Brilliant drone, right? It's just a relatively small and unknown company among his companies."

"Obviously it is a scientific research seed, but it has gone into business, which is a waste of talent."

"I also want to have the opportunity to become such a wasted talent, okay?" Xiao Zhang thought depressingly.


(End of this chapter)

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