Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 65 Birthday Present

Chapter 65 Birthday Present
It was Bai Xue's birthday this Saturday, and Jiang Hui was having a headache thinking about what gift to buy.Buying gifts can be said to be one of the things Jiang Hui is least good at. After a year, there are various festivals, anniversaries, etc., and he doesn't know what to buy every time.

Buying gifts for girls is nothing more than wallets, handbags, cosmetics, jewelry, clothes, etc. Fortunately, this is only the first time buying gifts, and there are relatively many things to choose from.

After Jiang Hui handled the parcels and deliveries at the post office, he came to Xizhimen to find a shopping mall.

Apart from a watch, Bai Xue is currently not wearing any other jewelry. Jiang Hui thought it would be okay to buy a necklace.

Walking around the mall, the jewelry sellers all look similar, Chow Tai Fook, Chow Sang Sang, Luk Fook, Saturday Fook, etc. There are a bunch of brands that look similar, and most people really don't know which one is better among them.

In his previous life, in order to find out the relationship between them, Jiang Hui specially studied them in Du Niang.

Chow Tai Fook, Chow Sang Sang, and Luk Fook are from Hong Kong.
Zhou Dasheng and Liuzhou Fu belong to the Lingnan department, and they are not bad in the industry, and they are considered large-scale companies in terms of the number of stores.Jinliufu and Jindafu are also Lingnan brands, but they feel a bit like a cottage, and the level is relatively weak.

In fact, except for the three companies from the Hong Kong department, the other companies were considered a bit of a cottage in the early days.These companies and brands have their own unique development business models and franchise chain policies, attracting many small and big bosses to join in and open stores of these brands.However, they did not make it clear that they have any relationship with Chow Tai Fook, Chow Sang Sang, and Luk Fook, so they are not cheating. They are just playing tricks to confuse everyone and get a glimpse of the glory of those three brands.

Jiang Hui looked at the styles of necklaces from various companies, and found that they were all similar.Seeing that the current price of gold is only around 300 yuan, and it has increased by [-]% in ten years, for ordinary people, if they have money to invest in gold, it is much better than putting money in the bank.

Considering that young girls generally prefer platinum jewelry to gold jewelry, Jiang Hui picked out a platinum necklace from Chow Tai Fook, and asked the salesperson to find an exquisite packaging bag for it.

Jiang Hui wasn't quite sure who Bai Xue would invite to celebrate his birthday with them, but most likely the people from their dormitory would come together, so he ordered a bigger cake at a cake shop near the school.

On Friday night, Jiang Hui and Bai Xue had dinner together in the cafeteria.

"Shall we go to the movies later?" Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, tomorrow is the weekend, tonight is the best time to watch a movie," Bai Xue said.

"How many people did you invite to celebrate your birthday tomorrow night? I'll make arrangements in advance," Jiang Hui said.

"Just a few in our dormitory, and a good friend from high school who is studying in a women's college, should also come," Bai Xue said.

"Then I probably know it well. I'll call and book a Cantonese restaurant in a while, so that you can experience the taste of your hometown," Jiang Hui said.

"Thank you dear, what shall we arrange tomorrow?" Bai Xue said.

"Tomorrow, let's go to the hutongs together. During the National Day, we will take a tour of the big attractions, but those old hutongs are also quite interesting, and they are worth a visit," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, I really haven't visited it, just to experience the life of the people in the old imperial capital," Bai Xue said.

"We can taste some special delicacies of the imperial capital at noon, we can go to Wangfujing in the afternoon, and then come back in the evening to treat everyone to dinner," Jiang Hui said.

"It's all up to your arrangement, just don't sell me out," Bai Xue joked.

"How can I be willing to take you to the countryside to be Mrs. Yazhai?" Jiang Hui said.

The two of them went to the movies in the car after dinner.In fact, in Jiang Hui's eyes, there is nothing good about the current movies. They are either bad movies or they have been seen before.However, at this special time, it is still necessary to go to the movies with Bai Xue. For this reason, Jiang Hui specifically confirmed in advance which movie theater had the movies he wanted to see.

The capital is so big, and finally found a theater that will show "Titanic" on Friday night.The reason why I want to watch this movie is because I have never seen it in a movie theater, and I was still in middle school when it was released, so I guess Bai Xue has never seen it in a movie theater either.On the other hand, this movie is too classic after all, so it is very suitable to watch with girls.

When he arrived at the theater, Jiang Hui first went to line up to buy tickets. Basically, the people who came to see this movie were young couples or lovers.

"How do you know that there is a screening of "Titanic" here? I have always wanted to go to the cinema to watch it, but I didn't expect it to happen today. I watched the videotape at a classmate's house before, thank you dear," Bai Xue said.

"It's as I expected, and I haven't seen it in a movie theater," Jiang Hui said, kissing Bai Xue's little cheek.

The movie didn't start until eight o'clock, and after more than three hours, it was already past eleven o'clock. The scene of painting inside reminded Jiang Hui of a classic clip of a certain general bureau in later generations:
The audience and the media questioned that the scene in "Titanic" in which Rose was naked and asked Jack to paint was not deleted when it was released in mainland China in 1998, but it was deleted when it was released in 2012. A certain administration gave an explanation for this: "Considering the We are worried that the audience will reach out to touch this clip and hit the head of the audience in the front row, causing disputes. For the consideration of building a spiritually civilized society, we decided to delete this clip.

But this funny scene can only be enjoyed in Jiang Hui's own heart.

It was almost twelve o'clock when we returned to school after watching the movie, and the two of them didn't go back to the dormitory, and went directly to the rented room.

When Jiang Hui was waiting for Bai Xue to take a bath, he quickly took out the necklace he bought, and prepared to surprise Bai Xue later.

"Happy birthday, baby." Bai Xue walked out of the bathroom wearing a nightgown wiping her hair, and Jiang Hui took out a gift and said.

"Ah? Isn't it your birthday tomorrow?" Bai Xue said.

"It's past twelve o'clock," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Thank you dear, can I open it now?" Bai Xue put down the towel and took the gift box and said.

"Open it and see if you like it," Jiang Hui said.

"As long as it is a gift from you, I like it," Bai Xue said with a sweet smile, and then opened the gift box.

"It's so beautiful, I like it very much," Bai Xue said while giving Jiang Hui a kiss.

"Let me put it on for you." After Jiang Hui finished speaking, he picked up the necklace and put it on for Bai Xue?
Baixue's neck was very thin and white, and she was wearing a nightdress with a low neckline and a white necklace, which gave her a very charming feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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