Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 76 Promotion Team

Chapter 76 Promotion Team
The test version of Xiaonei was finally completed under Jiang Hui's day and night rush.Jiang Hui asked He Ling to make some suggestions as the first tester, and then made some changes to the website.

Due to the shortage of manpower, Jiang Hui has not yet set up his own server, so Jiang Hui went to the telecom business hall a few times and rented some server resources to meet the needs of the testing phase.

When Jiang Hui was in the dormitory, he had a good talk with his brothers about his vision for Xiaonei, and hoped that they would follow him to operate the website.Jiang Hui gave two choices, one is a part-time job fee of 1 yuan per day, and the other is to have no income, but give Xiaonei [-]% of the shares.The eldest, Tang Minghua, and the second, Lu Yang, chose to join the promotion team of Xiaonei. The third, Wang Zhenguo, was not very interested in the Internet, and his family was not short of money, so they said they were worried about affecting their classes, so they didn't join.

At the same time, Jiang Hui gave Dai Fuqian and Li Shigui the same selection conditions. They had already tasted the sweetness from the cooperation with Jiang Hui, and they were not short of a few hundred dollars. They both chose not to pay for 1% of the shares.

According to Jiang Hui's understanding of everyone and actual needs, he asked Lu Yang, the second child, to communicate with Xiang Weiwei about the cooperation between the student unions of the surrounding people's congresses, universities for nationalities and other schools. The relationship with the Student Union of the Polytechnic University is the easiest and quickest way to contact other university student unions.

There are three bosses, Tang Minghua, Dai Fugan, and Li Shigui. Jiang Hui asked them to recruit four or five part-time students. First, they would sell down jackets to shops in the clothing market to get used to it, and let everyone feel the atmosphere of the team first.When the promotion activities of various colleges and universities officially start, each small team will be responsible for one college, and quickly roll out the school intranet to all colleges and universities.

After the website is officially launched, it will definitely require a special person to carry out the daily maintenance of the website. Jiang Hui himself does not have time to sit in front of the computer all day long to deal with various small problems.

In addition to Li Shigui, many of Jiang Hui's high school classmates also went to school in the imperial capital. The last time Jiang Hui, a fellow from No. [-] Middle School in Beijing, didn't go because he had something to do. He just heard Li Shigui talk about the situation that day.When the schools promote their websites, they can ask these students to help out. Even some of the brothers and sisters of the hometown associations also study computers. Li Shigui can be responsible for contacting them. Jiang Hui can meet with them to see if they are compatible Meet the needs of the site.

It seems very simple to watch other people do things, but when you do it yourself, you will find that there are many details that need attention.When promoting, various banners need to be customized, and leaflets, introduction materials and registration guidelines on the school net also need to be edited and printed.

Since down jackets take up more space, and the set condition is that the price will also change with the number of registered people, this determines that when promoting, only some samples can be placed instead of direct sales.This requires designing corresponding exchange coupons, and then going to the designated place to buy down jackets with the exchange coupons and registration information.

Although the original intention of is to require real-name registration, it is also difficult for everyone to confirm the number of registered people when they have exchange vouchers. How can they prove that other registration information other than their own is recommended by themselves?Will someone directly search for a few names on the school website and then say that these people are recommended by themselves?When exchanging, there must be a computer on site for cooperation and confirmation. Where do these computers come from?Do you want to hurry to buy it? ...a series of questions came to my face.

Jiang Hui plunged into a pile of messy chores and was extremely busy. Fortunately, he received a piece of good news on Sunday afternoon.Xiang Weiwei called Jiang Hui and said that the school's student union had agreed to Jiang Hui's proposal, but asked Xiaonei to provide at least 10 yuan in sponsorship fees for future cooperation activities with the school's student union.

As long as it can be done, 10 yuan may seem like a lot, but it will be a drizzle on the school net in the future. Jiang Hui quickly agreed with the student union's opinion.

Xiang Weiwei was in charge of coordinating and contacting the student union for this event. She organized He Ling and a dozen or so individuals to form an activity group, and each arranged the planning matters before the event.Jiang Hui would be happy to have someone help him with this. Besides, the student union should have rich experience in campus activities. The so-called specialization in science and technology, the planning of the student union has made up for some details that Jiang Hui did not consider. For example, the pre-event publicity, poster production, cultural shirt customization, etc., saved Jiang Hui a lot of trouble.

Taking advantage of the fact that the website was not yet online, Jiang Hui hurried to Zhongguancun to save a few desktops with higher configuration and put them in the rental house. He also purchased a few notebooks for promotion.Although I have already rented a server from China Telecom, if the amount of data in the early stage is not large, it will be much more convenient to put it on my own server first.

After a toss, the money was spent first 10,000+.So far, the clothing business has brought Jiang Hui more than 100 million yuan in income, and now there are more than 2 yuan in income every day, and there is also 20 yuan from the Dream Band to buy songs, a total of about 150 million.But it cost nearly 50 yuan to buy a down jacket, and now it costs 10,000+, leaving less than 100 million yuan.After the promotion is over, it is estimated that the sale of down jackets can bring in more than 200 million profits. This money needs to be used to maintain the operation of the website, and then finance and cash out after the valuation of goes up.

Li Shigui acted very quickly. There is a senior in his school who is an alumnus of the No. [-] Middle School. He met at the Fellowship Association. This senior has already been recommended to graduate students. His senior year has become a lot more free. If you are interested, come and help Jiang Hui does the daily maintenance of the school intranet and some software development.

In order to show his sincerity, Jiang Hui went to Jiaotong University in person that night and asked Li Shigui to have dinner with his seniors and had a detailed talk.

This senior is Zhu Zhengfeng. He joined the maintenance team of the Jiaotong University forum since his sophomore year. He also helped the professor start some scientific research projects in his junior year. He is considered a top student in the computer department of Jiaotong University.

Jiang Hui and Zhu Zhengfeng chatted about their views on network maintenance and production, as well as some future development trends of the Internet.Zhu Zhengfeng did have the real stuff, and Jiang Hui understood some of the content by relying on his experience ahead of the current people, but Zhu Zhengfeng made judgments based on the current resources and information, and the difficulty was not an order of magnitude at all.

In terms of remuneration, Jiang Hui's choice was the same as that given to Li Shigui, and Zhu Zhengfeng also chose to ask for a small share.

So far, the grassroots team of has been initially built.

(End of this chapter)

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