Chapter 805
Just when "A Bite of the Tongue" continued to grab the headlines, Jiang Hui and his party came to Wuyang.

The factory of Brilliant Automobile has basically completed the basic construction work years ago, and now it is time for the equipment to officially enter the site.

For the construction of an automobile factory, the entry of equipment basically means that it is close to completion. After all, the construction of the preliminary civil works and plant infrastructure is the most time-consuming.

"Mr. Jiang, the stamped driving beam is the first large-scale equipment installed today." After a simple ceremony, Kato and Pi Wei took Jiang Hui to visit Guanghui Automobile's factory again.

Just looking at the word "stamping traveling beam" makes people feel very unfamiliar. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is a crane used to transport large objects in the stamping workshop-mainly molds.

There are big and small molds, the big ones are tens of hundreds of tons, and the small ones are only a few kilograms.

However, the molds in the stamping workshop of an automobile factory are generally big guys, generally ranging from ten to thirty tons of iron bumps.

For such a heavy thing, when it needs to be moved, it is necessary to use the crane, that is, the stamping beam. It can be said that it is the most basic equipment for the operation of the stamping workshop.

"Which manufacturers do we use for our stamping equipment?" Jiang Hui first visited the stamping workshop where the first large equipment came into play.

"Our workshop has four stamping production lines, which are used to produce large parts such as four doors and two covers, side panels, front and rear floors, and fenders. Among them, the 2500-ton stamping machine uses Schuler presses, and the others use Jinan. Two’s press,” Pi Wei said.

When it comes to stamping machinery, it's hard to avoid Schuler.

As a technology pioneer and global market leader in the field of forming equipment, Schuler provides the most advanced presses, automation equipment, molds, process technology and related services for the entire metal forming process and lightweight body construction.

Moreover, Schuler's products span many fields, and its customers include not only automobile manufacturers and their parts suppliers, but also companies from many industries such as forging, household equipment, packaging, energy and power.

Schuler is also the market leader in coinage technology and supplies system solutions for the aerospace, railway and large-gauge steel pipe industries.

It can be said that in terms of stamping machinery, Schuler is a real leader.

Of course, the price is not cheap either.

This is also why Brilliant Automobile only uses Schuler's presses for key equipment, and other slightly less difficult ones use Jier's presses.

In fact, Jier's presses are the best among domestic brands.

Founded in 1937, Jier Machine Tool is one of the "Eighteen Arhat Factory" in the history of China's machine tool industry. The first large-scale planer and the first large-scale closed mechanical press were born here.

It is currently the largest R&D and manufacturing base of heavy-duty CNC forging equipment and large-scale CNC metal cutting machine tools in China. It is one of the top [-] machinery companies in China and a leading enterprise in the forging industry. It is known as "one of the world's three major stamping equipment manufacturers".

The domestic market share of heavy machinery presses is more than 70%. It has provided hundreds of large-scale stamping production lines and thousands of heavy machinery presses for the domestic automobile industry and other industries. There are more than 400 products that fill the gap in the country. It is known as the "Equipment Department of China Automobile Industry".

Since 1997, it has provided more than ten stamping production lines for world-renowned automobile companies. In 2001, it began to export heavy machinery presses represented by multi-station presses with complete intellectual property rights to the US high-end market. The products are exported to more than 50 countries. countries and regions.

It can be said that not only many independent brands are using it, but even joint ventures are also using a large number of Jier products.

After all, everyone likes cheap and good things.

"What is the degree of automation of these stamping production lines? What is the level of the industry?" Jiang Hui is more concerned about the capacity expansion of these production lines in the future, so first ask what level of automation has reached.

"Mr. Jiang, before answering this question, let me briefly introduce to you the development of the automobile stamping production line." Pi Wei did not directly answer Jiang Hui's question.

"Stamping is the main process of automobile production. Although the stamping production line has not been constantly innovating like automobile products, it has never stopped moving forward.

For efficient, safe and high-quality stamping production of auto parts, automated stamping production lines are already an inevitable choice after the scale of automobile production reaches a certain level.

From the 20s to today, the development of the stamping production line can be said to have gone through the following four stages." Seeing Jiang Hui listening to his speech, Pi Wei felt that it was time to show his professionalism.

Jiang Hui has always been an image of omnipotence in front of his subordinates, and it is difficult for everyone to find a sense of accomplishment from him. Now that he has finally encountered a project that the boss is not very clear about, Pi Wei can't wait to tell all the things he knows .

"The first stage is a stamping line composed of a single machine. In the early stamping line, presses of different tonnages or the same tonnage were arranged together according to different procedures and processes. The loading and unloading of the presses were all done manually. The workpieces between the presses are transferred by conveyor belts, driving cars or even forklifts.

At this stage, the number of strokes of the press is not high, the electrical control system is relatively simple, and the monitoring function of the hydraulic lubrication system is relatively small.

At this stage, the development situation of each country is different, spanning from the 20s to the 60s until the 80s.In my country, most of the existing stamping lines belong to this stage of products, and there are still many automobile and stamping parts manufacturers still continue to buy such products," Pi Wei said.

"It's because it's cheap," Jiang Hui interjected.

"Indeed, the cost of the stamping production line in the first stage is less than one-third of the most advanced stamping production line," Kato said on the side.

"The second stage is a mechanical multi-station stamping line with simple loading and unloading devices. At this stage, for automobile factories and stamping parts factories with small production volumes, simple loading and unloading devices are used instead of manual pressure. The machine implements loading and unloading," Pi Wei continued.

"In this period, there were generally loading and unloading devices that combined mechanical and pneumatic. Generally speaking, these devices were very poorly flexible and did not help much in improving the quality of workpieces.

In the late 90s, the press lines imported from some second- and third-rate press manufacturers in Europe, some of which were equipped with products from this period, have basically been eliminated.”

"At the same time, the development of the automobile industry created a very urgent need for mass production.

As a result, large-scale mechanical feeding multi-station presses were produced.

The feeding device of this large-scale mechanical feeding multi-station press adopts a mechanical cam transmission mechanism with a very complicated structure, and the power of feeding comes from the main drive of the press."

(End of this chapter)

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