Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 846 Visiting the door

Chapter 846 Visiting the door
Since we were having dinner at Liang Mengsong's house today, we agreed to arrive at eleven o'clock in the morning.

At 55:[-], Jiang Hui and his party showed up at Liang Mengsong's door on time.

Liang Mengsong's residence was a Chinese-style villa with a large lawn in front of the villa and a hill behind it. The entire villa covers an area of ​​about six to seven hundred square meters.

Even in Treasure Island, this is a very good place to live.

Liao Yun got out of the car and rang the doorbell first, followed by Jiang Hui. The door opened just after two rings.

"Dr. Liang, hello, I am Liao Yun who contacted you this morning, and this is Mr. Jiang." Liao Yun introduced Jiang Hui with a sweet smile.

"Mr. Jiang, Secretary Liao, hello, please come to the room." Liang Mengsong showed a refined smile, motioning for Jiang Hui and his party to enter the room.

"I'm taking the liberty to visit you. I'm sorry to bother you." Considering that Liang Mengsong had stayed in the United States for a relatively long time, he probably didn't like too polite words very much. Jiang Hui was not polite and went directly into the house.

"Hello!" Jiang Hui and the others had just entered the room when an elegant middle-aged woman came out of the kitchen to say hello.

"This is my wife. I'm preparing lunch. I'll let everyone have a taste of her handicrafts." Speaking of his wife, Liang Mengsong looked happy.

According to the previous information, Jiang Hui knew that Liang Mengsong's daughter-in-law was a Korean, a semiconductor engineer, and his colleague when he worked in the United States. What was even more amazing was that she was a beautiful woman who had worked as a flight attendant.

"Mrs. Liang, hello, I'm sorry to trouble you. I brought two bottles of 1965 Jinro shochu, and I invite you to evaluate it at noon," Jiang Hui said.

Korean soju is an alcoholic beverage.The main raw material is rice, often accompanied by wheat, barley or sweet potatoes.Korean soju is transparent in color, and its alcohol content generally ranges from 18° to 22°.

The earliest known brewing time is around 1300 AD.

With its excellent reputation and quality assurance, Jinro Shochu has made unremitting efforts for the drinking culture of mankind, and has been widely favored by people all over the world. It has been rated as the world's distilled liquor by the liquor magazine "International Alcoholic Beverages" for three consecutive years. The world's best-selling wine.

If we trace back to the source, Jinro’s authentic identity should be the shochu that originated in the Yuan Dynasty of the Celestial Dynasty, and it is generally believed that it was introduced to the Korean Peninsula in the late Goryeo period in 1300 AD.

Shochu is shochu, and the original meaning of "酎" refers to the wine obtained from grain after three times of distillation, just like dew, so it is also called "Lujiu".

Shochu has long been listed as a luxurious high-grade alcohol in Korean history, and its production is prohibited among the people, and it was even cited as a prescription by the Korean royal family.

It was not until the Japanese occupation period that shochu began to become popular. In 1916, there were 28404 shochu breweries in Korea.

Although Korean soju is associated with burning characters, it does not mean that this kind of alcohol will really burn your throat when you drink it.In fact, most shochu sold in South Korea has a degree of about 20 degrees, which is a little higher than that of rice wine in southern my country.

Although shochu and baijiu are both distilled liquors, shochu is not of the same order of magnitude as the baijiu on the market in our country.

Therefore, many people who drank Korean soju said that it was like Chinese baijiu mixed with a lot of water.

"Jinro in 1965? That's hard to see," Liang Mengsong said with a surprised expression.

As a Korean son-in-law, Liang Mengsong still loves Korean soju very much. Judging from the gift Jiang Hui brought today, it shows that Jiang Hui has also worked hard, which indirectly reflects his sincerity.

"Korean soju and Chinese baijiu have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the future, I will invite you to taste Moutai from 50 years ago. Then you will have a very different feeling when you compare it." Jiang Hui smiled and exchanged greetings with Liang Mengsong.

"Then I thank Mr. Jiang in advance, 50-year-old Maotai is very rare." As the national liquor of the Chinese dynasty, Maotai was already famous overseas during the Republic of China.

In 1915, in order to celebrate the opening of the Panama Canal, the Panama Pacific International Exposition was held in San Francisco, U.S.A., and exhibited products from all over the world. Moutai was presented as one of the products of the Chinese government.

It is said that when the wine evaluation meeting of the exposition was coming to an end, none of the wines presented by Tianchao were judged, and the representative of the Tianchao delegation was quick to pick up a bottle of Moutai, pretending to miss it, and threw it on the ground.

This was a shocking move, and the rich aroma of the wine immediately dissipated, which surprised the judges present.

After repeated tastings, they all agree that Moutai is the top liquor in the world, but since the No.1 gold medal has already been set, we have to make a compromise and rank Moutai at No.2 for the gold medal. The national prestige, the dignity of the brewers of the Celestial Dynasty, presented the world with unrivaled treasures, and lifted the charming veil of Moutai's national beauty and fragrance.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Moutai has won many awards and is sold all over the world. It is known as "the world famous wine and the light of the motherland".

The water used to brew Moutai is mainly water from the Chishui River. The water quality of the Chishui River is good. The wine distilled from this kind of water with a slightly sweet taste and no dissolved impurities is particularly sweet.

Therefore, poets in the Qing Dynasty once praised the Chishui River with a chant of "gathering spiritual springs in one body and gathering beautiful water to the east".

Maotai Town also has a very special natural environment and climatic conditions.It is located in the basin at the lowest point of the plateau in Guizhou Province, with an altitude of only 440 meters, far away from the plateau airflow, and dense clouds and fog all day long.

In summer, the high temperature period of 35-39 ℃ lasts for 5 months, and most of the year is shrouded in sultry, humid rain and fog.

This special climate, water quality, and soil conditions are very beneficial to the fermentation and maturation of wine materials, and also partly play a decisive role in the microbial production, refinement, increase and decrease of aroma components in Moutai.

It can be said that without the special climatic conditions here, some aroma components in the wine cannot be produced at all, and the taste of the wine will be lacking.

This is why, for a long time, manufacturers of Maotai-flavored liquor in the area around Maotai Town or in some parts of the country tried their best to imitate Maotai liquor, but failed.

"The Chinese food and wine culture is extensive and profound, Dr. Liang, you can taste it in the future."

"This food culture is really not comparable to other countries. I have watched "A Bite of Tongue" filmed by Guanghui Film and Television before. I have never tasted many of the food in it, and I have never even heard of some of them. I just realized that, I ate too many hamburgers, leaving behind the most delicious local flavor."

Although both parties knew what the purpose of meeting today was, neither of them was the first to pierce this layer of paper.

This can be regarded as a characteristic of the Celestial Dynasty. Many things like to be discussed at the dinner table.

However, Jiang Hui felt that judging from Liang Mengsong's reaction today, as long as the Brilliant Chip project is more reliable and not fooling people there, the possibility of Liang Mengsong's willingness to jump over is still very high.

(End of this chapter)

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