Chapter 853

As the chairman of TSMC, the resignation information of ordinary employees cannot reach Zhang Dong, but Liang Mengsong is obviously not an ordinary employee. Just look at the TSMC projects Liang Mengsong has participated in in the past few years and his contributions.

However, as Liang Mengsong said, a large-scale enterprise such as TSMC no longer relies on a certain person's technical level, but uses the power of the system to promote the company's progress.

Therefore, in fact, to a certain extent, Liang Mengsong's resignation from TSMC will not have much impact on TSMC.

Of course, the premise must be that Liang Mengsong does not go to TSMC's competitors.

If, like in his previous life, Liang Mengsong went to work at Samsung Electronics and disclosed TSMC's leading technology to Samsung, allowing Samsung to catch up with TSMC in just a few years, this loss would be too great for TSMC.

This situation is also what Zhang Dong needs to try his best to avoid.

But now, Liang Mengsong took the initiative to propose that after resigning from TSMC, he would never work for TSMC's current competitors for the rest of his life. Zhang Dong felt relieved.

In this way, no matter whether I can persuade Liang Mengsong to stay or not, it will not have much impact on the development of TSMC.

"Xiao Liang, there have been rumors that you are going to Samsung Electronics, is it convenient to chat with me?" When Zhang Dong heard that the first list in the non-compete agreement proposed by Liang Mengsong was Samsung, although he felt relieved He breathed a sigh of relief, but new doubts came up again.

Liang Mengsong's wife is Korean, which is no secret among the senior management of TSMC.

The chairman of Samsung Electronics once came to Baodao to dig Liang Mengsong himself, and Zhang Dong also knew it in his heart.

But now, Liang Mengsong actually said that he would never work for Samsung in his life, which is strange.

"To tell you the truth, Samsung invited me to their company, but I didn't agree. In the field of chips, I think Samsung will be TSMC's biggest enemy, or even the only enemy. As I have worked in TSMC for 15 years , the company is like my home, I will not go to Samsung to work", Liang Mengsong will definitely not say that he really wanted to work in Samsung, and even the conditions have been discussed.

It's just that a brilliant chip came out halfway, and Liang Mengsong found that he suddenly had a better choice.

As a smart person, Zhang Dong could see Liang Mengsong's true thoughts at a glance.

Liang Mengsong himself is engaged in technology, so he doesn't have so many twists and turns in his stomach.

However, none of this matters.

"People who go out of TSMC can bear it wherever they go, but if they go to Samsung, it will definitely be an endless situation, Xiao Liang, I don't care whether what you just told me is true or not, I hope you can understand my advice. I can hear it."

Since its inception, Samsung Electronics has experienced four stages of product development strategy evolution: "copy strategy", "imitation strategy", "following technology leader strategy" and "technology leadership strategy"

As far as the chip field is concerned in 2008, Samsung is still in the stage of "keeping up with the technology leader's strategy". To put it more bluntly, Samsung now takes TSMC as its goal in the chip field, hoping to surpass TSMC.

For such an opponent, Zhang Dong must have many dikes.

However, speaking of Samsung being able to get to the present step by step and finally realizing its own "technology leadership strategy", there are still many merits, and it is even possible to apply this strategy to the brilliant chip.

The copy strategy means that the product technology, design and components produced by an enterprise are completely dependent on external supply. The enterprise is like a production workshop of another enterprise, which only assembles it in the same way.

The copy strategy can enter the market at a lower cost in a shorter period of time.

Samsung Electronics entered the home appliance and electronics industry in 1969 because the home appliance and electronic product market had revealed huge development prospects and potential at that time. Household appliances and electronic products represented by televisions were in the stage of rapid popularization; new products emerged in an endless stream, especially It is the color TV set that has entered the market and become a hot-selling product with huge profits.However, the first product selected by Samsung Electronics was a specific product, a 12-inch black and white TV set that had entered the declining stage of its product life cycle and had low profit margins.

The product development strategy formulated by Samsung Electronics at that time was: import black and white TV sets and basic assembly technology from Sony, assemble under the guidance of foreign technicians, produce low-end products in the decline stage and sell them to overseas low-end markets.This strategy embodies the appropriate fit of market, product and technology under the prevailing conditions.

In the early 20s, when Samsung Electronics entered the DRAM market, because it did not master the key technologies, its product development strategy was also a copy strategy, that is, importing 80KD RAM chips from foreign companies for packaging, relying on foreign companies for packaging technology, and producing low-end products Supply the low-end market.

The imitation strategy means that although the key technology of a product developed by an enterprise is not invented by the enterprise itself, the enterprise has already mastered the key technology of this product through various channels, and can make a good design and improvement of the product on the basis of imitating the industry-leading design of the product. Part design improvements or a certain degree of innovation make their own products different from similar products of other companies and more suitable for the needs of certain specific markets.

The imitation strategy can digest and absorb foreign technologies, and strive to improve the matching level of its own products, markets and technologies.

When Brilliant Chip first started, it basically followed this imitation strategy.

Samsung Electronics' low-end 12-inch monochrome TVs and low-end DRAM have done well in its chosen market.However, according to the technical support agreement signed with foreign companies at that time, it was difficult for Samsung Electronics to obtain key technologies other than basic assembly technology.

Of course, Samsung Electronics is not reconciled to staying in the low-level static matching of markets, products and technologies in which the key technologies of target products are controlled by foreign companies.

For this reason, on the one hand, Samsung Electronics is still actively acquiring foreign technology through various channels; on the other hand, it is vigorously carrying out the assimilation and mastery of key technologies within the company.

In black and white TV products, Samsung Electronics has avoided the eyes and ears of foreign companies and secretly learned key technologies.They did extensive research, discussion and exploration, and finally overcame the seemingly insurmountable difficulties and mastered the necessary technology for black and white TV.On this basis, Samsung Electronics developed a modified economical 1975-inch black-and-white TV in 2 to meet the special needs of Korean nationals in [-], based on the characteristics of low national income and high demand for TV sets in South Korea at that time. After being put on the market, it was very popular.

At this stage, in addition to extensive use of anti-engineering methods, Samsung Electronics also adopted other methods to obtain key technologies, such as: looking for technology sources in small foreign companies; hiring overseas trained and mastering the most advanced scientific and technological knowledge Korean scientists and engineers; establish research and development centers in Silicon Valley of the United States and Tokyo, an island country; let research and development centers in South Korea and foreign countries develop the same new product in parallel, and carry out internal healthy competition, etc. .

The synergy produced by these practices will help Samsung Electronics break the technology blockade of foreign companies, promote the transfer of advanced technology from foreign companies to Samsung Electronics, accelerate Samsung Electronics' cracking and absorption of advanced technology, improve the initial level of Samsung Electronics technology and overall technical capabilities, and upgrade Samsung Electronics. The level of electronic market, product and technology matching has played a big role.

Up to now, Samsung Electronics has fully entered the development of new products in the introduction stage of the life cycle with advanced technology, occupying the "strategic stage of keeping up with technology leaders" in the mid-to-high-end market.

(End of this chapter)

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