Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 876 Traffic

Chapter 876 Traffic

Tokyo is one of the few super-large cities in the world. Jiang Hui, who saw the congestion in the imperial capital, set off from the hotel at eight o'clock the next day.

Traffic congestion is a common problem faced by modern metropolises.Tokyo, an island country with an area of ​​only 2190 square kilometers and a population of more than 1300 million, has more than 800 million motor vehicles. Here, one-way, two-lane lanes can be called "broad roads" or "arterial roads", and the traffic lanes are only It is only a few centimeters wider than an ordinary car, and almost all the roads are covered with traffic lights. It can be said that it is a typical big city with many people, many vehicles, little land and narrow roads.

"Isn't today Friday? How do you feel that the roads in Tokyo are not congested at all?"

After the convoy drove for about half an hour, they saw the Goldman Sachs Building not far away, and it was a bit far from Jiang Hui's estimated time, Jiang Hui couldn't help but said a little unexpectedly.

"Mr. Jiang, in fact, there was an era of heavy traffic jams in Tokyo that I can't look back on. It was the late 80s and early 90s. The island country's bubble economy was in its heyday, with frequent corporate activities and intensive business transactions. The congestion was unbearable. During the daytime on weekdays, it was normal for the speed of vehicles on the streets of Tokyo to be within 10 kilometers per hour." Kimura, who was sitting next to Jiang Hui, analyzed it to Jiang Hui.

"Oh, what method was adopted to manage this situation?"

In order to control traffic congestion, Tianchao has tried various methods such as "limitation of single and double numbers", "limitation of tail numbers", "limitation of license plates", and "staggered peak hours". Not being able to enter or pass through urban areas is also common, but less effective.

For example, Jiang Hui's courtyard house in Shichahai, if he drives to Guanghui Building during the rush hour, it is basically impossible to get there in less than an hour.

In the imperial capital, the commuting time is only half an hour, which is definitely a super short distance; the commuting time to work is less than one hour, which is the average level; the commuting time to work is more than two hours, which is also normal.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be with so many imperial capital migratory birds, living in the suburbs, or even Beihe, leaving for work in the city center at five or six in the morning, and the hardships were unknown to outsiders.

"Tokyo's road traffic management is based on the word 'slow'. When dealing with traffic problems, the government pays more attention to 'slowing' instead of taking various restrictive measures. According to the idea of ​​'slowing', there are too many cars on the street. Tokyo traffic management The department's first thought was not to limit the number of cars and travel, but to expand roads and improve transportation facilities. In recent decades, Tokyo has been continuously expanding roads. Especially after 10 o'clock in the evening, the traffic flow gradually decreases and the lights are brightly lit road construction sites are everywhere."

"The area of ​​a city is limited, especially the land in the center of the city. It is impossible to expand roads indefinitely. It is impossible to solve the traffic congestion problem in Tokyo by relying on this plan alone."

"That's true. Another approach in Tokyo is to expand capillaries. The road traffic network of a city is just like the blood vessels that are densely distributed in the human body. Regardless of arteries, veins or capillaries, any blood vessel blockage will affect the health of the body. In Tokyo, very It is difficult to find a main road that runs from north to south and runs from east to west, and maze-like small roads abound.

And it’s just that these capillary-like small roads are smooth, as long as you can’t see the sign that the road is blocked at the intersection, even if only one car can pass through the two-way small road, you can boldly drive in, never You will be stuck in the small road due to oncoming vehicles and cannot get in or get out. "

"Not to mention, this is exactly what the domestic urban construction has not noticed. Many domestic cities have been building roads very quickly in recent years, but they often pay more attention to the construction of urban arterial roads. Generally, the road environment cannot keep up with the maintenance, and they are concentrated on the main roads. A large number of vehicles on the road cannot be diverted, causing serious traffic congestion on the main road. However, every road in Tokyo is well-equipped and the vehicles are easy to divert. Therefore, in Tokyo, it is usually difficult to see which roads are congested or blocked .” Zeng Qingying interjected.

"Another point is that the parking fee in Tokyo is very expensive. The parking fee standard in different areas of Tokyo is different, but the parking fee for on-street parking spaces or building parking lots is basically 600 to 1500 yen (about RMB) per hour. 35 to 90 yuan), and some roadside parking spaces in the central area are only allowed to park for one hour or half an hour. A fine of 1.5 yen (approximately RMB 900)."

"With such an expensive parking fee, it is easy to cause disorderly parking, right?" Jiang Hui said.

"It's true. Due to the high parking fee, the disorderly parking phenomenon in Tokyo has always been serious. Especially in Tokyo, where there are many cars and narrow roads, two-lane roads are often turned into single lanes due to disorderly parking, which aggravates the congestion. And random parking has become the most traffic violation in Tokyo every year.

In this regard, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government mercilessly adopted severe punishment measures.

Since 2006, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has specially hired civilian supervisors known as professional killers to control disorderly parking—a team of two, equipped with digital cameras and recording equipment, will take photos and paste stickers on vehicles that violate the regulations, and the punishment will also be determined by the police. The previous 30-minute suspension of temporary parking has been changed to immediate execution, and ordinary cars will be fined 1.5 yen for one violation and 2 points will be deducted.

In addition, in areas prone to violations or congestion, the Tokyo police will also hide in remote places to catch violating drivers, which greatly improves the deterrent effect on violations.

These measures have effectively curbed the phenomenon of chaotic parking. "

"It sounds reasonable, but why do I feel that these measures are actually being promoted in various cities in the Celestial Dynasty, but the effect is not very good."

"Mr. Jiang, I think it is far from enough to control congestion by simply raising parking fees and strengthening punishments for violating regulations. It is even more important to cultivate drivers' good traffic awareness and quality. And the islanders have a rule-abiding character. It has cultivated their good driving habits and greatly improved the efficiency of traffic. This may be the reason why the two countries have adopted similar measures but have different effects." Zeng Qingying expressed her views.

"What Director Zeng said is quite reasonable. The driving school in Tokyo focuses on civilized driving regulations. Drivers have received systematic training and will sign a letter of commitment to civilized driving after completing the driving learning.

Moreover, the islanders do not compete for driving, and do not need to compete at all, because the high overall quality of all citizens ensures that all traffic participants can enjoy efficiency and fairness while abiding by the rules.Under this premise, everyone drives mainly to give way, and never fights. If there is an occasional vehicle that cuts in line, most of the cars in the line will give way, and there is absolutely no situation of resisting and not giving way, because no one will be there unless it is an emergency stopper. "Shoshi Kimura said a little proudly.

Well, in the final analysis, they developed early, and the education for all has been carried out for hundreds of years, and it is not something that developing countries that are catching up quickly can surpass immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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