Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 886 Indirect Influence

Chapter 886 Indirect Influence
Tianchao Youth Daily.

"Just now Guanghui Group invited us to attend a signing ceremony in Tokyo the day after tomorrow, but they didn't specify the content, but it involved information such as Guanghui Group and Sanyo Corporation. This incident is quite weird."

"The invitation letter for the day after tomorrow's event is only sent out now, isn't this too unreasonable?"

"I asked my acquaintances at the imperial court, and they also received the invitation letter today, so I don't think it's because of a work mistake that they missed it or sent it late."

"The relationship between Guanghui Group and our newspaper has always been very close. Since this invitation letter has been sent out, I must go and have a look. I just don't know what surprise they will give us."


Daily headlines.

"Xiao Gang, the group has just arranged an interview task. You take the most elite team of the editorial team to Tokyo. I think the group should make another big move this time. We must get relevant news as soon as possible."

"Didn't the Group's public relations department disclose what happened this time?"

"No, Minister Lin Zhen's tone is very strict this time. The more this is the case, the less attention should be paid to this event."

"That's true, even the subsidiaries of our group did not disclose the specific content, which means that this news must be very special."

"Well, there are two more people, we must publicize this event well."


Du Niang news.

"I will go to the island country the day after tomorrow, but I have already arranged an exclusive interview with Academician Chen the day after tomorrow."

"No way, among the relatively high-level employees in our news department, you are the only one who can speak Japanese. This time, Guanghui Group suddenly invited major media to Tokyo to participate in some signing ceremony. The schedule is too tight, but the more it is, the more likely it will be Big news."

"Are you going to participate in the activities of Guanghui Group? Or go to the island country?"

"Yeah, otherwise why would I have to find you."

"Okay, then I will coordinate with Academician Chen immediately, and change the time of the interview."


Imperial Government.

"Leader, just now Guanghui Group notified us through the general office that they will make some big moves in the near future, so we are prepared in our hearts."

"Big move? Guanghui Group is not an ordinary company, and their big move should not be a trivial matter."

"Well, but they didn't say anything specifically, saying that it involves commercial secrets, and it is not convenient to announce it for the time being, but they will pass on the relevant information to us as soon as possible, so that we can prepare in advance, there may be The media interviewed us, after all, Guanghui Group is a star enterprise established and developed in the imperial capital."

"No, when you say that, I feel itchy in my heart. I'll call Mr. Jiang personally to see if it's convenient for me to reveal it to me."


Teito University of Foreign Studies.

"Linlin, did you see the recruitment information forwarded by Mr. Wang today? Guanghui Group recruited Japanese major interns on a large scale, and the number exceeded one hundred. This is a good opportunity."

"It can't be a lie, why does Guanghui Group need so many Japanese translators?"

"I also thought it was a lie at first, but Teacher Wang said that he sent his resume to the other party's mailbox, and this mailbox is the suffix of Guanghui Group's mailbox, and the interview location is also arranged in Guanghui Building. I think the power of scammers outside is not so strong. Come on, cheated and went to the Guanghui Building."

"Would it be said that it is an interview in Guanghui Building now, and then call us and say that for this reason or that reason, we will change it to another place?"

"If this is the case, it is probably a liar. But if it is really in the Guanghui Building, it should be true. No matter what, I think I have to give it a try. The internship opportunity of the Guanghui Group is still the headquarters of the Guanghui Group. It's too difficult."

"That's right, I'll hurry up and submit a resume."


Imperial Industrial and Commercial Bank branch.

"President, the finance department of Guanghui Group finally agreed to apply for a loan from our bank today."

"Really, it's a good thing. The business department has been promoting the loan business to Guanghui Group for the past few years, but the other party doesn't even want to talk about it. Even we have lowered the interest rate to be very close to the deposit rate, and the other party doesn't want it either."

"A good thing is a good thing, but President, the amount applied by Guanghui Group this time is a bit large. When we were selling to them before, we said that as long as Guanghui Group is willing to loan, we can lend without collateral, but now..."

"Xiao Wu, you are also 40 years old. As for being scared like this by hundreds of millions and billions? If a state-owned enterprise in the city that is about to go bankrupt comes to ask for so much money, it is normal for you to be worried. But there is nothing to worry about the Guanghui Group, what we need to worry about is that they are not willing to lend more money."

"President, you are right. We used to think so, but this time Guanghui Group wants to borrow 400 billion from the moment it opens its mouth."

"What? How much?"

"400 billion!"

"I'll go, are you sure you don't have a zero?"

"Leader, it's really 400 billion, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you."

"If I remember correctly, Guanghui Mobile, a subsidiary of Guanghui Group alone, has at least 200 billion yuan in deposits in the banking system? Why do they need 400 billion all of a sudden?"

"I don't know either. I made an appointment with their ministers to meet this afternoon, but before the meeting, I have to listen to your opinion."

"400 billion, it's useless for me to have any opinions. This must be judged by the head office, and the president of the head office must make a decision in person."


Sanyo Corporation.

"President, are we really going to become a Chinese company?"

"It's just a change in the shareholding. We are still a native island company."

"But the contract will be signed tomorrow. Goldman Sachs, Daiwa Securities, and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation have all transferred their shares to the Guanghui Group of China, so what kind of island company are we?"

"No way, you have seen the company's situation in the past few years. Needless to say, the business has been shrinking. The most important thing is that the company's losses are increasing year by year. Now it has encountered a financial crisis. Not only do shareholders have no Instead, they want to sell assets to keep their main business.”

"The Guanghui Group's business has very little connection with our company. Why did they want to acquire us?"

"Who knows, the stone in your eyes may be gold in the eyes of others."


Guanghui Group Public Relations Department.

"The message this time is as I just said, think about the problems you may encounter, and make plans in advance."

"The Group acquired the well-known Sanyo in the island country. This is definitely big news like an atomic bomb explosion. It's really impossible not to make a plan, but we may not be able to consider the various impacts clearly with just a few of us."

"This information is now in a state of high confidentiality. The invited media are kept in the dark, and I convey it to you guys. I also specifically asked Minister Zeng of the Group's General Manager Office. You don't have to hate this or that anymore. .”


(End of this chapter)

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