Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 908 The Imperial Capital Satellite TV who made a decisive move

Chapter 908 The Imperial Capital Satellite TV who made a decisive move

Murphy's theorem tells us that things tend to develop in the bad direction you think, as long as there is this possibility.For example, you have two keys in your pocket, one for your room and one for your car; if you want to take out the car keys now, what will happen?
Yes, you tend to take out the room key.Murphy's theorem has a wide range of applications, and it reveals a unique social and natural phenomenon.Its extreme expression is: If something bad is possible, no matter how small the possibility is, it will happen and cause the greatest possible damage.

Under the continuous bombardment of Guanghui Film and Television, the Chinese film and television industry is most afraid that in the second half of 2008, Guanghui Film and Television will still dominate the screen.

However, the dream is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

On the second day after "Snail House" achieved the highest ratings since 5.1 with 2008%, the first variety show "Song of Heaven" launched by Guanghui Film and Television was launched on Imperial Satellite TV; the Hollywood blockbuster "2012" invested by Guanghui Film and Television Also coming soon.

Speaking of which, Guanghui Film and Television has invested a lot of resources in "Song of Heaven", even the most resources ever invested.

The efforts of Guanghui Film and Television are naturally seen by the major TV stations. Naturally, various TV stations have come to the stage to introduce "The Voice of China" a long time ago.

As the world's first variety show, Jiang Hui has very high expectations for "The Voice of Heaven".

For a long time, domestic variety shows have followed the path of imitation and introduction, with little innovation.

Variety shows can’t escape the suspicion of “colliding faces”, and copyright issues are emerging one after another. The imitation and mutual copying of domestic variety shows has become a huge problem. A set of similar program titles and game settings reflect the lack of creativity of the variety show producers. Realizing "Creation of Heaven" to a certain extent still requires the continuous exploration of domestic creative teams.

The variety show market is a big cake, and everyone wants to take the opportunity to make some profits.The fastest way to gain profits is "cottage".Nowadays, with the abuse of "bringing doctrine", the enthusiasm of program creators has been continuously weakened.All have heard the accusations of lack of originality for years.

Even if there are some original cases, the trial and error cost of satellite TV is too high, and everyone has no courage to try. The high risk threshold brought about by the sharp increase in product costs has also caused the lack of originality of domestic TV variety shows, and almost all the programs on the screen are from others. The situation of the program.

And this kind of unrestrained follow-up and similarity will cause a great waste of resources and aesthetic fatigue of the audience. When the original ability of the domestic team is not enough to create "Tianchaoxin", those once "phenomenal" will eventually be silenced.

As a big player in the film and television industry, Guanghui Film and Television, Jiang Hui naturally wanted them to change this atmosphere.

In fact, if you can really come up with good ideas, original things are definitely more influential than imitated ones.

Of course, this requires a very good performance in all aspects.

Although it was the first time for Guanghui Film and Television to produce a variety show, the numerous records on the merit list of Guanghui Film and Television gave the major TV stations great courage to spend a lot of money to win the premiere rights.

As for the copyright, no TV station has the interest to challenge the bottom line of Guanghui Film and Television.


A banquet for a communication industry conference.

"Old Chen, is it true that Didu Satellite TV spent 1 million to introduce "The Voice of Heaven" from Guanghui Film and Television?"

"Hey, I'm not from Imperial Satellite TV, I don't know."

"Yes, although you are not from Imperial Satellite TV, your wife is the director of the production center of Imperial Satellite TV. Who doesn't know that. It's impossible that your wife doesn't even know the price of "The Voice of Heaven"?"

"Hey, you don't think I'm telling the truth. It's said that Imperial Satellite TV paid too much for the introduction of "The Voice of China". In order to avoid the pressure of public opinion, Imperial Satellite TV and Guanghui Film and Television signed a non-disclosure contract without written approval from the other party. Agree, no one can announce to the public how much money Didu Films and Television has spent on introducing "The Voice of Heaven."

"Hearing what you said, it seems that the rumor of 1 million is probably true?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

"Emperor Capital Film and Television is really a big deal. Why don't you have to introduce a variety show with 1 million yuan? Guanghui Film and Television may not have spent [-] million yuan to produce this show, right?"

The variety show market in 2008 was not as hot as ten years later.

The RMB in 2008 has not undergone various water injections, and its purchasing power is still very guaranteed.

So 2008 million in [-] is definitely not an ordinary amount, especially when this [-] million is only used to introduce a program, the pressure on the person who made this decision is absolutely extraordinary.

If you don't pay attention, it may be regarded as a benefit transfer or something.

After all, it usually only costs tens of thousands of dollars to produce a brand new variety show these days.

One hundred million is enough for Didu Satellite TV to produce ten variety shows by itself.

However, things in the film and television industry are often not as simple as one plus one equals two.

If you don't have good ideas, even ten programs can't match one other program. "The Voice of China" will teach everyone to fully understand this truth.


A chat group.

"Go and check Zhang Mengze's Weibo, she really participated in "The Voice of Heaven"."

"Isn't there a rumor early on?"

"The rumors are rumors, but no one has ever officially admitted it. Guanghui Film and Television has always been secretive about the "Voice of Heaven". I didn't expect it to be officially broadcast tomorrow, and I only started to reveal the true face of Lushan today."

"Brilliant produced, it must be a high-quality product. Don't gossip this time. Brilliant Films and Television has never produced a variety show before."

"Don't worry about it. The official Weibo of Guanghui Film and Television has just updated its official Weibo. "The Voice of Heaven" was planned by Jiang Hui himself. Zhang Mengze, Wang Rock, Qi Tianwang, A blockbuster show that Professor Liu participated in. It is said that Guanghui Film and Television spent tens of millions on the audio equipment for this show."

"Wow! It's a big deal? Is it real or not?"

"If other companies say that, I think there must be some hype, and they will do anything to promote it. But Guanghui Film and Television said that, I think it is true."

"Oh, don't tell me, I can't wait to see this show right away."

"Tomorrow night at [-] o'clock, it will premiere exclusively on Imperial Satellite TV, and you will be able to watch it soon."

"Looking forward."


WIWO technology.

"Boss, "The Voice of Heaven" will be broadcast tonight. The general manager's office has organized everyone to watch it in the conference room. Would you like to stay and watch it together?"

"It's finally going to be broadcast. To be honest, the [-] million exclusive sponsorship fee has thrown in half of our advertising expenses this year. If the effect is not good, we may be surpassed by OPOO this year. "

"Since its establishment, Guanghui Film and Television has never failed, and this time will be no exception."

"Well, I hope so."


(End of this chapter)

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