Douluo's Way

Chapter 10 Bibi Dong

Chapter 10 Bibi Dong

Bibi Dong's terrifying aura directly oppressed Qian Xuan.

Bibi Dong's noble and elegant temperament gradually dissipated, and a terrifying spider emerged from behind.

The spider was covered in purple-gray, with fluffy green hair growing on its eight thick thighs, and the two sharp teeth at the corners of its mouth gleamed coldly, exuding the breath of death.

An ordinary six-year-old child would have been scared out of his wits.

However, Qian Xuan still calmly looked at Bibi Dong in front of him.

Although his heart was already shocked, Qianxuan believed that Bibi Dong would not harm him.

And even though Bibi Dong was oppressing him on the surface, he must have stopped, otherwise the current self would definitely not be able to stand still.

I saw the spider behind Bibi Dong gradually blending into Dao Bibi Dong's body, Bibi Dong's whole body was gradually covered by a layer of purple-black armor, and even his face was gradually blocked by the carapace, only a pair of cold eyes were exposed, and his back slowly grew. Out of eight thick long legs.

If the previous Bibi Dong was a gorgeous and noble angel, then the current Bibi Dong is a fallen, evil devil.

The whole body exudes a strong breath of death, giving people the illusion that if you are not careful, she will harvest your life and take it away.

Suddenly, two spider legs behind Bibi attacked Qian Xuan's eyes. Although the speed of the spider legs could not be said to be fast, it was definitely not slow.

Just when the spider legs were about to enter Qian Xuan's eyeballs, the spider legs suddenly stopped in front of Qian Xuan's eyes.

The spider legs may be only a millimeter away from Qianxuan's eyes, as long as there is such a slight distance, Qianxuan's eyes will disappear.

In front of Qianxuan's eyes, he could clearly see any lines and hairs on the spider's legs.

"Why don't you hide?"

Bibi Dong made a low voice from inside the carapace.While speaking, Bibi Dong's momentum strengthened again.

"Why hide?"

Qian Xuan didn't seem to feel the increase in momentum, but asked Bibi Dong instead.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Bibi Dong's deep voice uttered again, looking at Qian Xuan who was still unresponsive under the oppression of her own aura, Bibi Dong's aura strengthened again.

Sensing the increased momentum again, Qianxuan finally felt a little pressure.But he still said firmly, "I'm afraid."

"Then why don't you hide?"

Bibi's momentum has increased again!

"Because you are my mother, I believe you will not hurt me."

Feeling Bibi Dong's powerful aura, Qian Xuan gradually sweated, his whole body seemed to sink into a depth of [-] meters, Qian Xuan couldn't breathe under the terrible pressure from all directions.

After closing her words, Bibi Dong didn't continue to speak, but the cold gaze in her eyes softened a little, but the terrifying aura didn't dissipate, still oppressing Qianxuan.

Qianxuan struggled to hold on, and suddenly Bibi Dong's aura strengthened a bit, but this bit was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The Book of Changes in Qianxuan's right hand finally appeared automatically amidst this terrifying momentum.This made Qian Xuan feel a little relaxed.

The moment the Book of Changes appeared, Bibi Dong's terrifying aura also dissipated.

As the momentum dissipated, Qian Xuan was also weak and about to sit on the ground.

However, when Bibi Dong waved his right hand, Qian Xuan only felt that with the breeze blowing, he was floating on the soft throne.

"Some things are broken, so you don't need to keep them, and it's useless to keep them."

Bibi Dong shook her right hand towards the desk, and the white jade ring fragments on the desk were directly turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

"Remember, I made you leave the Hall of Spirits, not you who planned to leave the Hall of Spirits yourself."

Bibi Dong turned around and walked towards the outside of the hall, talking while walking.

The eight spirit rings surrounding Bibi Dong also gradually dissipated, and the purple-black armor on her body also gradually faded away.

That noble, elegant, and peaceful Bibi Dong came back to Qianxuan again, but the difference was that now only a back view was left for him.

"Tomorrow someone will take you out of the Spirit Hall, just prepare yourself."

After finishing speaking, Bibi Dong also drifted away.


With the closing of the palace door, Bibi Dong officially left.

Outside the gate of the palace, Bibi Dong looked at the three big characters of Xuanxin Palace on the gate, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

Of course, this was something Qian Xuan didn't know.

inside the hall.Qian Xuan lay powerlessly on the soft throne.Carefully recall the meaning of what Bibi Dong said before.

Qian Xuan turned to look at the blank desk.

"If it's broken, don't keep it."

Are you trying to say that Wuhundian is broken for me now, so there is no need to stay here?

Or is it alluding to Qian Xun Ji, since Qian Xun Ji gave up on me, so there is no need to think about the relationship between father and son?

"You made me leave."

So all the responsibility belongs to you?After all, what Chihiro Ji said in the Hall of Wuhun was equivalent to putting himself under house arrest in the Hall of Xuanxin.

But Bibi Dong directly violated Chihiro Ji's order and directly arranged for her to leave.

First of all, regardless of whether he is a waste or not, he will always be restricted in his freedom in the Wuhun Palace. Only when he leaves the Wuhun Palace, no one will restrict Qianxuan.

Thinking of this moment, Qian Xuan felt warm in his heart.

And just now when he was about to fall to the ground, he didn't expect that Bibi Dong would transfer himself onto the soft throne.

It seemed that what he said still had an influence on Bibi Dong.

"This is what the saying goes, the mouth of the knife, the heart of tofu."

Qian Xuan smiled all over his face.Happiness is full of smiles.

Qianxuan rarely showed such a smile, because Qianxuan was an orphan in his previous life, and his only support from childhood to adulthood has always been only himself, although this gave Qianxuan a strong ability to be independent.But there are times when Qianxuan feels unusually lonely alone.

But now Qian Xuan is different.Now there is one more person that Qianxuan can rely on in his heart.It is Qian Xuan's current mother, Bibi Dong.And there is also a cute and extremely dependent sister, Qian Renxue.

This makes Qianxuan's current life extraordinarily satisfied.It also made Qian Xuan cherish it exceptionally.

After resting for a while, Qian Xuan slowly sat up from the throne.

"Mother's aura is really terrifying, and I don't know how many levels of aura my mother used to oppress me just now."

Qian Xuan muttered to himself.

"Forget it, this question is not important now. The important thing is, what is the purpose of my mother's pressure on me just now? Is it just to see my ability to resist pressure, or to test whether I am really a waste?"

"It seems that the latter is more likely. Since my mother already suspects that I am not a waste, why did she still arrange for me to leave the Spirit Hall?"

After thinking for a while, Qian Xuan still couldn't understand what Bibi Dong was thinking, so Qian Xuan rubbed his head.

"Woman's heart, sea needle, forget about it, let's prepare well, after all, tomorrow I will leave this place where I have lived for six years."

Qian Xuan sighed.At the same time, he looked around the hall.

"Let's prepare the parting gifts for Xiaoxue first."

"Otherwise she will have trouble again when we meet next time."

Qianxuan found paper and a pen in the hall, and after careful memory, he began to write quickly.

Unknowingly, the night passed.

A new day is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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