Douluo's Way

Chapter 279 Landing on the Island

Chapter 279 Landing on the Island
Hearing Qian Xuan's words, a stern look obviously flashed in the eyes of the Demon Soul Great White Shark.In mid-air, the speed of the light blade rose instead of falling, turning into a stream of light and stabbing towards the four of them.

The distance between the four of them and the Demon Soul Great White Shark was not far away, and the Demon Soul Great White Shark's attack was even faster. In the blink of an eye, the sharp blade in mid-air was already less than one meter away from the four of them. .

The four of them looked at the light blade less than one meter away from them. Qian Xuan did not move, neither did Gu Yuena, nor did Bi Ji. The furious golden-eyed Black Dragon King——Di Tian.

If the Great White Shark attacked Qianxuan, Ditian would not care about it, and Bi Ji would be fine, but attacking Gu Yuena would be an absolute offense to their Dragon Clan.

Such behavior is absolutely not allowed for Ditian!

Di Tian took a step forward, his golden eyes were full of cold light.

At the same time as the voice sounded, a purple-golden flame burned in Ditian's hand, and when he raised his hand, the light blade shot towards the four of them was completely burned by the purple-golden flame in Ditian's hand in an instant.

The next moment, Di Tian's hand moved towards the demon spirit great white shark in the sea.

The stern look in the eyes of the Demon Soul Great White Shark instantly turned into a look of fear. The originally huge and flexible Demon Soul Great White Shark had no power to resist under Di Tian's sharp claws.

Ditian's other hand also raised up, and the hand began to change during the lifting process. The human palm turned into a dragon's claw, a dragon's claw as black as ink, but that dragon's claw was in the eyes of the demon soul great white shark. , but it was nothingness, and a trembling from the heart appeared.He could clearly feel that this was a terrifying existence that could kill her!
Dragon King Claw, see also Dragon King Claw.

This is the second time Qianxuan has seen Ditian use the Dragon King Claw.A shot is the strongest attack method, and it can be seen how terrifying Ditian's anger is at this moment.

The demon spirit great white shark in the sea was frightened dumbfounded by Ditian in front of her. Leaving aside Ditian's terrifying killing intent, the death crisis brought by Guangdi Tianlong Wangclaw had already made her The trembling of body and mind, and the oppression from the blood made her unable to lift her head at all, and she didn't even have the strength to resist.

"My lord, please forgive me, I was wrong, I am the mount of the Sea God, please forgive me for the sake of the Sea God, I did not mean it, please forgive me."

Demon Soul Great White Shark is not a fool after all, she has lived for so long, she naturally understands that nothing is more important than being alive, facing Di Tian's murderous intentions, her first reaction is to move out of Sea God to survive.

But what Ditian hates the most, as long as anyone who knows his identity should know, that is those gods who are high above the ground. This demon soul Great White Shark moved out of Sea God, not only did not persuade Ditian to return, but it aroused Ditian's anger even more .

Ditian's icy voice sounded, "You have offended someone you cannot offend!"

Di Tian was not stupid enough to go against Sea God on Sea God's territory.

While speaking, Ditian's Dragon King Claw raised and lowered, and went straight to the Demon Soul Great White Shark's claw on the sea surface.

"never mind!"

Gu Yuena's cold voice sounded.

Di Tian's figure paused, and the Dragon King's Claw that had originally landed on the head of the Demon Soul Great White Shark swung backwards and landed under the Demon Soul Great White Shark's head.

For a moment, the terrifying prestige of the Dragon King's Claw was fully displayed. The 10-year-old tough shark skin of the Demon Soul Great White Shark was like tofu under the Dragon King's Claw.

The Dragon King's Claw directly sank into the neck of the Demon Soul Great White Shark.

"Woo—" the Demon Soul Great White Shark let out a miserable cry, and her huge body trembled even more violently.

"The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime can't be escaped!"

While Ditian was talking, the Dragon King's claws swung down, along his back, all the way down, directly leaving several 20-meter-long terrifying wounds on his back, each of which had bone-deep wounds.

Not only that, but under Ditian's swing, the huge body of the Demon Soul Great White Shark exploded like a cannonball, turning into a day of gray-blue streamer and smashing hard on the beach of Sea God Island. .

The screams of the Demon Soul Great White Shark kept coming. On the beach, a group of soul masters in white and yellow costumes soon gathered around, looking at the Demon Soul Great White Shark on the beach in shock.

The color of the clothes of the soul masters on Sea God Island represents the status of these sea soul masters, as well as their talents. The color level is the same as the color of the soul ring.

This group of sea soul masters looked at the seriously injured demon soul great white shark, obviously a little panicked, but they also reacted quickly, and some of them went to inform the adults on the island that the soul masters with the ability to heal souls had already begun to give the demon soul a white shark. Shark healed up.

Gu Yuena's eyes were as calm as water, and she was looking towards a palace on Sea God Island.

This palace is located in the forbidden area of ​​Seagod Island, or rather on the real Seagod Island, it is Seagod Palace.

But there was a slight movement in the Seagod Temple, which had been quiet for more than ten years.

In the hall, a figure wearing a bright red robe was also looking in the direction of Gu Yuena and the others.

A pair of blue eyes as clear as the sea stared at Qian Xuan and the others as if they could see through everything.

Qian Xuan also looked towards this figure with a feeling in his heart.

The figure looked at Qianxuan with a trace of surprise, obviously the figure did not expect that his gaze would be noticed by Qianxuan.


A smile appeared on the corner of Qianxuan's mouth, and he looked in the direction Gu Yuena was looking at.

After a pause, Qian Xuan said with a light smile, "Let's go, let's go to the island."

While speaking, the figures of the four turned into afterimages and disappeared above the sea level.

In the blink of an eye, the figures of the four had already appeared on Sea God Island.

On the side, the sea soul master's reaction was also very quick. In just a moment, there were already three sea soul masters wearing black clothes on the beach.

There are only seven people who can wear black clothes on Sea God Island, and they are the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars, the seven title Douluo of Sea God Island.

And when Wan Wan and others landed, one of the guardians of the holy pillar in black clothes had resisted the demon spirit great white shark on the ground and flew towards the island.

The strength of the Demon Soul Great White Shark is extremely strong. Although it is not fatal, if the terrifying strength does not have a few years of recuperation, there is no possibility of recovery at all.

And the other two guardians of the sacred pillar in black came to Qianxuan and the other four in a flash, looking at the four with serious expressions.

The blond man on the left asked in a deep voice: "Land soul masters, what is your purpose for coming to Sea God Island?"

Qianxuan looked curiously at the two men in black robes in front of him. Qianxuan only knew that there were seven holy pillars and seven guardians on Sea God Island, but he had almost forgotten all about these seven people.

After all, in the original book, the description of the seven people is only a rough idea. Now I only remember the strongest sea dragon and the ugliest sea ghost. As for the appearance and martial spirit of several people, I don't know.

After looking around briefly, Qian Xuan replied indifferently: "I'm here to find Bo Saixi, you take us there."

The two of them obviously paused after hearing this, and seeing that Qianxuan's face didn't change at all, they asked back: "Then why did they attack my Seagod Island guardian beast so viciously?"

"Divine beast?" Di Tian who was on the side heard a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Ditian's smile, the two clenched their fists tightly.

Qian Xuan, who was on the side, also asked calmly: "If there is a weak person who attacks the sea god you believe in, what will you do?"

The two replied coldly: "Kill!"

Qianxuan replied in a flat tone: "Then you should be glad that your island guardian 'divine beast' still alive!"

But to the two of them, this remark was a sarcasm to their island guardian beasts, and even more an insult to Seagod.

"Land soul master, you dare to insult the great sea god! Court death!"

At the same time as the two roared, the spirit rings of Wuhun appeared in an instant. The configuration of the two spirit rings was exactly the same, two yellow, two purple, and five black.

One person held a golden spear. The spear was as smooth as a mirror, and looked very simple and direct.But with the nine soul rings under his body, it declares his strength.

The other person's martial soul is also very strange, it looks like a snake-like beast martial soul, but it is not possessed, but suspended on the surface of this middle-aged face.It is somewhat similar to the master's Luo Sanpao.

But the nine soul rings floating under him also announced his terrifying strength to everyone.

"Sea Lance Douluo? This is? Sea Snake Douluo? If I remember correctly, there doesn't seem to be any Sea Snake Douluo among the Guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars, right?"

Looking at the martial souls of the two, Qianxuan whispered to himself, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

And just as Qianxuan was contemplating, Sealance Douluo had already attacked Qianxuan.

When Sea Lance Douluo stabbed out with a spear, the third spirit ring under his body also lit up, and the shadow of the spear was three-pointed, one spear pierced Qianxuan's head, one spear pierced Qianxuan's throat, and the other spear pierced Qianxuan's throat. In Qianxuan's heart, the spear is deadly.

The speed of these three spears was extremely fast, three deadly attacks came at the same time, the attacks were extremely concentrated, and the spears seemed to shoot out like dragons, piercing the sky with one spear.

Compared to this Sealance Douluo, the other person emitted a burst of illusory blue light and shadow all over his body, and this light and shadow instantly enveloped Qian Xuan.

The spiritual attack rushed towards Qianxuan in an instant.

"Domain? Spirit? Let me just say, what kind of sea snake, you should be called Sea Illusion Douluo!"

While speaking, Qianxuan turned his wrist, bent his middle finger, stood under his thumb, tensed his middle finger, and popped it out instantly.

Before Qianxuan's fingers popped out, one could see that there was flowing water flowing between Qianxuan's fingers.

As Qianxuan's finger popped out, a fingernail-sized drop of water in midair flew towards Sealance Douluo's spear. Continue to fly towards the three spears.

At the same time, the scarlet killing karma also burned in Qianxuan's eyes, and the scarlet light burst out from Qianxuan's eyes in an instant, rushing directly towards Sea Illusion Douluo.

Wherever the karmic fire went, the blue lights and shadows turned into nothingness, but in an instant, all the blue lights and shadows around them melted like ice and snow under the karmic fire.

The beach is still the beach, the sea is still the sea, the sky is the sky, everything is back to the way it was before.

Sea Illusion Douluo's face turned pale, then turned red, a mouthful of blood spewed out directly from his mouth, and his figure uncontrollably backed up a few steps before stopping.

Sea Illusion Douluo looked at Qianxuan in horror, full of disbelief, the domain he was proud of was not only directly destroyed by the horrifying scarlet light released from Qianxuan's eyes.

The scarlet ray produced a strong mental impact, and it turned into substance, not only causing a lot of damage to his soul, but also causing his blood to churn as if he had been hammered.

It was as if, his titled Douluo level powerhouse was fake.

On the other side, Sealance Douluo's three spears pierced three drops of water at the same time. Strangely, Sealance Douluo's three spears stabbed on the ice, and the three crisp sounds were almost the same. The time rings.

Countless sparks and ice chips were sprayed out in the midair.

Sea Lance Douluo looked at the scene in front of him, and his pupils couldn't help shrinking violently, and the chill and counter-shock from the spear in the next moment made him retreat back involuntarily.

Holding the spear with both hands, the handle of the spear supported the ground. Under such circumstances, Sealance Douluo retreated more than ten meters before stopping.

Sealance Douluo looked at the four to five centimeters of ice that had spread on the tip of the spear, his hands trembled, and the ice on the tip of the spear instantly cracked, turning into white powder and dissipating.

Like Sea Illusion Douluo, Sealance Douluo looked at Qianxuan in disbelief, and there was even a little more panic in his expression than Sea Illusion Douluo.

Because only he himself can most clearly and accurately feel how terrifying the power in those three drops of water is.

When the spear first came into contact with the water droplet, Sea Lance Douluo felt as if his spear had pierced into the flowing water, not only was it unable to use its force, but even the force of the spear was taken away by several points in an instant.

If that was the case, Sealance Douluo would naturally be able to break through this water droplet easily.

But just as the spear pierced into the water droplet, Sea Lance Douluo discovered that the power in the water droplet changed suddenly. At this moment, the originally gurgling water turned into a huge wave, and the turbulent and vast power crazily moved towards the spear. Coming from the impact.

This sudden change almost made him lose his grip on the spear.

What is even more frightening is that when the spear is about to pierce the water droplet, the water droplet condenses into ice in an instant, exuding a terrifying and desolate chill, and it is like a bone-eroding soul, rushing towards his body through the spear in an instant .

Sealance Douluo obviously didn't expect that the water droplets randomly popped up by Qianxuan would have such a change.

Facing the continuously changing water droplets, he was obviously caught off guard.

But Titled Douluo is still Titled Douluo, Sealance Douluo also dissipated all the power in the water droplets after retreating more than ten meters, not as miserable as Sea Illusion Douluo.

It was just a simple test, and Sea Spear and Sea Illusion Douluo retreated and injured, and the expressions of the two suddenly became serious, and they also understood that they were not Qianxuan's opponent with their strength, let alone Qianxuan. There are still three people standing peacefully behind
(End of this chapter)

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